Sunday, August 26, 2012

Whatever Happened to Naptime?

Ya know how when you eat sugar it makes you crash afterwards, so that you're basically in a coma and could sleep for hours?

It doesn't work with kids.

It was a bad experiment.

P.S. The parents are in Tampa at the Republican National Convention and Hurricane. The three boys (2, 5, and 8) are with us for 10 days. 


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  1. Wow how awesome that they are at the convention. I hope the weather does not cause them to cancel anymore of it. Figures it would happen to the Repubs. I love watching it. Ok good luck grandma what a cutie.

  2. to tell the truth i rather be in the hurricane than keep 3 boys for 10 days. LOL... you have your own hurricane force right there. so cute licking that cone

  3. Still with my little hurricanes of 19 months, 6 and 8.

  4. Wow, you've got your hands full! I bet you could use a nap, Judy. Have fun!!

  5. I'm glad you have the kiddos for some special time. Once the weather passes, I hope the convention goes off without a hitch and everyone including your family finds themselves safe and sound. It is an important time to be involved. Good for them!

  6. Grandmas are the best! You have your hands full but I bet they remember this fun time later!

  7. What a cutie. And, Gwamma, it doesn't matter that they don't take naps at your house.

  8. My almost two year old grandson gave up naptime - his dad - took them until age 3!

    I hope they will be okay with the hurricane down there.

    Love,s andie

  9. You guys are the BEST grandparents ever! Just keep them busy, parks, activities with lots of movement and that should make them good at tired. I have noticed when they miss a nap they go down quicker at night. Hope this is the case with you. Vicky from

  10. Enjoy your time with your grandsons :-)

  11. Oh, he is just entirely too cute!!! Grandma and Grandpa will have to take turns taking naps, 'cause those boys aren't going to do it at all!

  12. No it doesn't work! I enjoy a little nap every now and then! Enjoy your Monday!

  13. 10 whole days with your grands?! Lucky you!!

  14. I know you are enjoying your time with the grandkids.


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