Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our Etsy Shop is OPEN!

Little Frog in a Big Pond

So here I am, posting while Svengoolie is hosting 'Bride of Frankenstein'  on Me-TV, one of the six channels we get - which is still more than we need (obviously). Kevin, Bridger, and Misty are watching Svengoolie and eating popcorn. I left the room because I don't like to watch scary things before going to bed. Compared with What Lies Beneath, (a movie I will never watch a second time), maybe it's not scary at all, but I'm not taking chances.

So the point of this post was to announce that at long last our Etsy shop is up and running. Besides, we wanted to have an Etsy presence for those who do not know us and feel more secure shopping at Etsy.  Our Etsy store has international shipping for Canada and the UK.  

We're getting our soaps listed on Etsy, a few at a time.  Please pass the word along to your friends. :-)

Our daughter is taking care of our Facebook page, 
Be sure to 'Like' us on Facebook. It will make her happy. :-)

Of course you will continue to find all of our natural, handcrafted soaps listed at our main store, We appreciate all of our loyal Homemadesoapnsuch customers and invite everyone to check out our new autumn soaps.

Our new Etsy shop is at

So have I thoroughly confused everyone?  I'm sorry.

I've been sitting at this computer way too long!

P.S. No, we do not sell frogs. 
I took this photo at Sand Creek when the grandkids were staying with us, and I thought this little guy deserved to have his photo on a blog post.


'Clover Blossom'
...and more! Check out all our handcrafted soaps at


  1. I'll be sure to visit all your sites. Congrats on the opening of the Etsy shop!

  2. YAY! I am so excited that you are on ETSY now! My husband doesn't like it when I buy from random sites, so I usually can't, but now I can!

  3. Etsy is a huge and important place to be. I do not shop often there because I have not a lot of money for it but I am always impressed by Etsy sellers. Much better than Ebay sellers.

  4. that is one handsome frog. congrats on your new web site, hope you sell lots and lots.

  5. Aw man, and here I was about to click "Buy Now!" on the frog! :)

  6. Congrats on getting your Etsy shop open. I just marked you as a favorite. :)

  7. Congrats on opening a shop! Good luck. You have great soaps - I know!

  8. Congrats on the opening of your Etsy shop, that's great news.

    I have gone and visited your FB page, and "liked" it.

    Oh, just thought I would mention that Muddy Boot Dreams has a FB page also.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  9. Angela, no need to buy a frog. You already have your handsome prince - and I do mean handsome - my SIL. :-)

  10. Wait---you DON'T sell frogs???? LOL Can't wait to check out the shop! I already 'liked' the fb page! :)

  11. Good for you...I've always thought it would be quite an adventure and enjoyable to have an Etsy shop! I hope it is a grand success for you. =)

  12. Congratulations on your new shop! I wish you all the best!

  13. Yay!
    I am excited for this new adventure!
    Keep me posted on what works for you.
    Best of sales!!


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