Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Multiple Uses for Duct Tape

Does your vehicle have a cool cup holder like this?? 

So do you tend to, like us, look at almost anything and say, 'Hey, wouldn't this make a great...?'

I think this tendency comes from having parents who grew up during The Great Depression. It's really hard to throw stuff away, and we find multiple purposes for things.

So here's another example:  The plastic trays that Jennie-O ground turkey comes in. They're perfect for something! (and as a matter of fact, they do make great drawer dividers!) And the empty egg cartons. Well, we have two friends who raise chickens, so the plan is to pass them on to the chicken owners when the time comes.

Do you ever hear yourself saying, 'We can't throw that out, it's perfectly good!'  :-)

I'd love to hear your stories, so we can tell them to our children. We need to stick together in this!

 Happy Anniversary to Angie and Gus!
(I know she is cringing as she reads this post.)
Love you guys. ♥♥


Autumn Trio
Forest Floor 
(balsam, moss, wood violets)
Pumpkin Spice
Frosted Apple Cake

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  1. I love your ideas, and agree we throw way to much out. We keep bags from walmart, and use them as liners in our little garbage cans. Also, we use the big container of cranberry juice, with the handle, after it is empty. I make tea, and use it as a tea jug.

  2. I always look for ways to repurpose, too, but have to check myself now and then, so I don't start hoarding! LOL There is only so much room in the house and garage!

  3. I live with a man that won't let me thrown anything away until he's absolutely sure that he can't use it for something! Sometimes it's a good thing, other times it's just more junk that gets collected...but I so appreciate that he wants to utilize whatever we can :)

  4. Terri, I know just what you mean. When we were at our daughter's home, we watched 4 episodes of 'Hoarders.' Yikes!! Now and then, just because I'm afraid of the hoarder mentality setting in, I get rid of stuff - and then one of my kids decides they wanted it. There's no winning here. lol

  5. does it count that my kitchen chairs were recovered and i used duct tape to secure the fabric? to see my recycle post,
    we are just like you, everything we have that we can find a use for we do, or put it in the recyle can.

  6. That's a good idea! Whenever we are looking to change the car, one of the priorities is the new car has to have enough cup holders!
    Have to say though we keep the car on the driveway as the garage is full of junk :-)

  7. Funny thing...we have been in the market for a wall towel hook for the bathroom. We walked thru the thrift store and almost everything we looked at, we would say...this would make a great hook (everything from a plate rack to a candle stick holder!!!)

  8. LOVE this!!! I had duct tape on my snow boots until I could purchase another pair.
    I have pieces of cardboard and snippets of paper in my art drawer - things others would surely toss out without a care that I consider treasures. :)
    After we downsized (we gave most of it to charity and I felt really silly thinking I needed all that in the first place) I don't buy much anymore.

  9. Oh my what a great post! Love how the soda is being kept safe and in an upright position! My mind is blank right now, but I know I do save things to reuse all the time!

  10. If you ever get on Pinterest, you will never throw anything away. People find the most interesting ways to use what is practically "trash".


  11. I agree, it is so hard to toss things out. "Ya just know you will use it for something." :)

  12. I keep plastic bags! never can have enough of those!

  13. Lol!!! Greg has that same cup holder in his truck!

  14. My Grandmother had a shed, and in it was every scrap of everything that she came across, old jackets, clothes, string, jars...

    That shed was a treasure to us creative kids.

    She had nothing most of her life, so they tended not to through anything away, not hoarding, it was all organized, and used.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  15. Joe loves duct tape and uses it all the time. His parents grew up in the GD and he does not like to throw anything away and has been known to dig in my trash. I am never happy about that.

  16. I have my original pots and pans from my wedding gift from my MIL and I will never get rid of them!


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