Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Winter Attire in NW Wisconsin

Winter Gear

I know that Wisconsin isn't the only place that it's been cold. But you know it's really cold when you want to keep a scarf on, even indoors! The past couple days I've been wearing a lovely knit scarf that my friend Bonnie from Oregon made. It's the softest chenille yarn, and in one of my favorite colors - brown.

So for the people in Florida or Southern California, I thought I'd post this photo of my typical winter attire:

1.     My Wolverines. Great supportive shoe. My favorite shoe since about 2000.

2.     My dog coat, or what I call my dog coat: down-filled coat that's warm even in sub-zero temps - at least for a while.

3.     Hood

4.     My polar fleece hat. I had one and lost it, so I tried to make a duplicate. It's not perfect, but it's warm.

5.     Ear muffs. To wear over the hat, keeping the wind away from my ears. High fashion.

6.     Insulated gloves. Even if I'm wearing my robe over my p.j.s in the morning to take the dogs out, I wear my gloves. Having warm hands helps.

7.     My cell phone. Just in case. So I can call Kevin if I fall on the ice and break my neck. (and he wouldn't be able to hear the phone ring anyway, because he's working with machines. oh well.)

8.    Cudl Duds. My friends know this is my 'winter uniform.'  We heat with wood, so although the stove keeps the house toasty warm, the farther you are away from the stove...And yes, we have l.p. backup, but I hate turning up the thermostat. When it gets to -15 (outdoors, not indoors) as it has the past couple days, I've been known to wear my polar fleece robe over my clothes. I know. I need to get on that treadmill more often.

9.     Wigwam brand wool socks. They are SO comfortable and warm. I almost miss them in the summertime when it's hot and I'm wearing sandals.

10.   Jeans. Of course.

11.   The chenille scarf - which is around my neck even as I write.

Speaking of socks, I've found a way to make it easy to match them up after laundry:

 I have no idea why the lemons were on the counter, but they look pretty in the photo, don't they. Anyway, although the socks look nearly identical, they have different amounts of wear, and if they're mis-matched, it drives me crazy. Please don't tell my daughter this. I remember when she was about 5 years old, she would sit and adjust the lines on the toes of her socks because it would 'drive her crazy.'

Wigwam Wool Socks
Draft Dodger

And this is what I do with those wonderful wool socks when I've worn the heels out. Does anyone still darn socks?  That tube made of socks is full of rice, by the way, so it stays put. It could also double as a neck warmer, if you put it in the microwave for a couple minutes.

I can tell it's getting late. I should never write anything at night.

Time to mend the fire (as the Dowager Countess would say) and go to bed.


'Lemon Verbena'
Natural Homemade Vegan Soap
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  This post may be linked to some of the following: Mop it Up Monday  and  Cure for the Common Monday and Mealtime Monday and Clever Chicks Blog Hop and Mosaic Monday  and Barn Charm and  The Marketplace  and On the Menu Monday and  Mix it up Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and   What's in the Gunny Sack and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and Make the Scene Monday and  Something I Whipped Up Monday and  Motivate Me Monday and  Making Monday Marvelous and Get Your Craft On and   You're Gonna Love it Tuesday and Take a Look Tuesday and  Tasty Tuesday and Tasty Tuesday and Love Bakes Good Cakes and  Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays  and Overflowing With Creativity and Mom on TimeOut  and Adorned from Above and Cast Party Wednesday and  We Did it Wednesday  and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday  and The Self-sufficient Home Acre and  I'm Lovin' it Thursday and  Mandatory Mooch   and Foodie Friends Friday and  Serenity Saturday and Get Schooled Saturday  and Inspiration Friday(ThursNite) and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Photo Friday and  A Favorite Thing Saturday and Sunny Simple Sunday and  Saturday Nite Special


  1. The draught excluder is a brilliant idea, I'm going to pinch that one myself! The only thing I hate about our houses here is that they're draughty! xx

  2. Very cool..Or should I say warm post.
    Love seeing your full gear. Love those socks too.
    I need more.
    And boy those lemons do make the photo pretty.
    Off to fill up with wood. Brrr
    Warm Woolie Hugs

  3. Wowza! Must be super cold there! D the dogs have shoes or sweaters? ;)

  4. It was -15 F. the past couple mornings, but today has warmed up to 0 F. The dogs don't have shoes or sweaters, but they're indoors except for brisk potty breaks. I take Misty out each time because she's blind and nearly totally deaf. Bridger my long-hair GSD loves the cooler house and even loves to lie in the snow. At night, I cover Misty with her blankie so she stays warm. :-)

  5. I'm bitterly cold just looking at all that gear!! lol

  6. It's currently ONE here. A heat wave, by your standards, I know! But .... People say they'd rather be too cold than too hot, that you can always put on another sweater - ha! Try typing, or moving, in all this northern gear!

  7. to make the socks look fresh & clean? newly washed? ( :

  8. Having grown up in Ohio, I know all about bundling up. I even would put a plastic bag between two pairs of socks, so I could stay longer on the lake, ice skating, before my feet got really cold! We have been in Florida for almost 24 years, now. It was 46 this morning, and I thought gloves would feel good! LOL I have no desire to live, again, where it gets really, really cold. Brrrrr!!

  9. love the sock idea,that is a lot of bundling up, you will get your exercise putting on and taking off all these things.

  10. I wear my fleece robe over my clothes occasionally too! That lemon verbena soap looks heavenly!

  11. Now that's COLD!! We watched the news last night and it reported about your cold up there!! We'll be down into the 20s in Georgia - we call it a "hard freeze"! Up into the 50s during the day!!
    Stay warm!!

  12. I went to start my daughters car this morning and had to bundle up like I was going to be outside for hours :-)
    Love those warm socks too!

  13. And this is precisely why I dislike cold weather. I hate wearing a lot of clothes. My preference is a skirt, tank-top and my Birkenstocks. Come on, springtime!

  14. A woman after my own heart-we sure live by our layers here in Wisconsin. It makes me feel accomplished when I can survive this cold.

  15. You are really prepared for the cold weather. I love the sock draft protector idea!

  16. Ok, you've made me laugh, I'm like you with the socks, anything in them other then my toes...and it drives me.

    I've been wearing my bamboo long underwear [in the house] he likes it cooler then I do....


  17. My goodness that is a lot of clothes there girl. I bet it does keep you warm and cozy though. I think I would not go outside up there.

    We have temps in the 30 and 40's but it is a lite coat - no boots - no gloves - no hats - we just freeze until the car heat turns on.

    I keep the heat at 69.

    Now when I took Andy to school today - I saw a middle schooler get out of the car without a coat and in short sleeves. At least Andy has more sense now anyway. lol

    Stay warm and by the heat.


  18. Lol! It is such an expidition getting READY to go outdoors. I think I spent 15 minutes dressing myself and the dog yesterday. It feel much warmer today.... 15 above and no wind!
    Have you ever thought of knitting leg warmers? Just a straight tube in ribbing. I wear them to work under my pants, so cozy! (I have worn all my knee socks aready...)

  19. I loved your post! And I love layering! Our house is pretty drafty so in the winter I usually wear thermal underwear under my jeans,this year I finished knitting myself a pair of wool thermal underwear, and am I glad I have them this year! They are a bit scratchy though but I'm getting use to them. As I write this I have my wool underwear on plus a very thick knitted vest on and a hat and cowl, and of course my jeans and a few shirts on too! Hope you stay warm up there!

  20. I like your cold draft door stopper.

  21. Hi there, I can tell you are still freezing with all the extras you wear inside. WE have been enjoying mild, spring like weather here in Colorado and it was supposed to get up to the mid 60's today but it hasn't and I'm freezing. I do have a vest on; didn't put wool socks on though because I thought it would get warm. Thanks for sharing-I need to get a new pair of cudles to wear. Have a great afternoon.

  22. I like your winter gear, looks pretty much like the stuff I'd use back home in Sweden. Well I am actually using it here as well, even if we don't have any snow we have cold winds. And what a great thing to use as a draft stopper, I definitely need that here. It's very drafty under the doors. Have a great week and stay warm.


  23. wow, you definitely know how to keep warm! This southern girl is taking notes. I don't know when I've been so cold. Brrrr!

  24. Great post!! I had my hat on in the house the other day. It just felt so nice, I could not take it off. :)
    Another windy night. Brrrr

  25. Brrr.......that sounds so cold! Keep warm!


  26. This looks like a good idea.

  27. I wear lots of layers too, best way to keep warm. I knitted a couple of draught excluders for the hose, but that's a good idea to use old socks. I remember mother darning socks using a wooden mushroom, I was always fascinated by it. I think darning is a thing of the past!

  28. Bitterly cold here too-7 degrees right now. I've been mostly in since I've been sick, but had to venture out yesterday. I'm always a little surprised at the people without real coats or those who are in their gym shorts in this kind of weather.

    Enjoy your day-stay toasty!

  29. I can't imagine and in NJ we are complaing about 10 degree mornings, no more!!! LOL

  30. Your post makes me smile... 1. that you posted on layering up for winter and 2. that you made it so much fun. Totally love it! We've been living in a deep freeze since December with no end in sight. Exercising Faith that Spring will come.

  31. I have been complaining about the Utah winter. I guess I should stop. ;) Although my husband is a huge Packers fan and keeps trying to convince me to move to Wisconsin.

  32. I don't "darn" socks, but I have said, "SHOOT!" A couple of times when a favorite pair developed a hole ;-) Love your layers!

  33. It's cold here to in Utah. There once was a time where I wouldn't wear a hat because I didn't like how it looked. Ha! Not anymore, I wear those hats! I guess I would rather be warm than cute now.

  34. Cold here too ... 10 below zero this morning. I just had to share ... when my daughter (now 34 and a mother of four) was little, she had that same exact fetish with the lines on the socks. They had to be straight or it just drove her crazy. Thanks for bringing back a memory!

  35. Oh such a smart idea! Thanks for sharing this!
    Have a wonderfully warm night.

  36. You know how to dress for the climate you are in. We don't get any where near that cold, but we get rain and damp chill, so we too have to dress for winter. Stay warm and have a good evening. Blessings...Mary

  37. Now THAT'S COLD! I remember all of the layers when I lived in the mountains....but not that fondly. Take care this weekend and stay warm! I know there is ice in a lot of areas of the country! Hugs!

  38. Love the socks! I need some because it has been freezing here for the past few weeks. I am your newest follower. Stop by for a visit sometime.

    Susan and Bentley

  39. This post made me laugh In commiseration! I live my wigwams (and then slippers) to keep my feet warm inside. Thanks for linking up on photo Friday blog hop. Have a good weekend and keep toasty!

  40. Well I just enjoyed the heck out of this post! :)

    I did drag out my scarf and gloves the other day ( western pa ) but I don't think we have anything as bad as yours. a minus six degree windchill one morning was the worst it got...but i am glad that's over for the moment

  41. Judy, you are well prepared for winter! I am going to check out some of these items. I hate my heating bill this time of year. xo

  42. Wonderful idea with the nail polish on the socks.

    I'm cold just reading your post. :-)

    Stopped by from Sunny Simple.

  43. I wear much the same thing - there are no fashion awards if you live in a frigid climate - it's all about being practical and being warm!

    Great idea for old socks - Perfect.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  44. Okay, native Angeleno here, born in Santa Monica. We are complete weather wusses here and haven't a clue! It was 34 degrees for a couple mornings a week or so back and we just about thought we'd freeze to death.

    Hope you're keeping warm and toasty!

  45. Hope you stay warm! Thanks for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you back on Thursday :)


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