Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wood Tick Season

The Littlest Convict

 The Lineup

Before they arrived to spend the Memorial Day weekend with us, our oldest son sent this photo he'd just taken of his boys. I asked him why he insists upon making our darling, beautiful grandsons look like convicts. He said, 'No, not convicts...recruits.'  Yeah, well...  At least they're happy convicts.

I guess it has to do with wood ticks. Since the boys will be spending time with us the next few weeks (in wood tick country), he wanted to make sure we could easily check for wood ticks when they come in from playing outdoors.

But deer ticks? That's another story. They're nearly impossible to see, being about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. And they're the ones that carry Lyme disease.

Fortunately, the upside of the weather that brings out the ticks, is the fact that it also brings us asparagus, lilacs, and apple blossoms.


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  1. i actually said out loud, OH WOW when I scrolled to the last photo. you have 3 adorable convicts... that is the way my brother wore his hair from the time he was born in 48 until he came home from Vietnam in 69..now it is back IN i see kids every where here with that hair cut..

  2. I hope you had a beautiful visit with your darling grandkids.

    I love lilacs, when I lived in Colorado, every summer I would pick some and my apartment smelled so fragrant and beautiful. I really miss the scent.

  3. AAAAhhhhh, yes, ticks... one of the worse things about growing up around lots of trees in the Midwest - fun was always halted so the parents could check for ticks!! lol
    Enjoy the family, Judy!!!

  4. I think that was very nice that your son did that and that they let him - they sure do want to stay with you!!!!!!!!!!!! Such fun! sandie

  5. Cutie pies! We have deer ticks around here. Tiny little creatures.

    Hope you had fun with those three little convicts!

  6. Cute little recruits!!! Love their hair cuts.

  7. Enjoy your visit with those handsome boys, no doubt, you will be doing the tick inspection often. They seem to be awful this year.

  8. But they are such cute little convicts :)

  9. So funny, my two boys had those same hair cuts at that age. How wonderful to have them visiting!!

  10. I'm sure you had a lovely weekend with your grandsons/ beautiful, happy recruits.

  11. I laughed really hard about the convicts comment. You have three adorable convicts/recruits. :)

  12. Enjoy your precious time with those adoreable convicts, lol

  13. Hope you had a good tickless visit! Our young grandson contracted Lyme Disease last summer during our stay in MN, nothing to fool around with. Deer ticks are the size of poppy seeds and tough to see.

  14. Hope your convicts manage to "tick" off everything on your list !


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