Monday, June 3, 2013

Giveaway Winner Announced - and NW Wisconsin Barns

Neighbor Bill's Barn
Across the Hwy from our house
June 1, 2013

Just because I always seem to need yet another photo of this barn.


Thanks to everyone who entered the HomemadeSoapnSuch Giveaway

Winner of the Father's Day Giveaway:

*****  Mrs. T. *****


'Rugged Denim' and 'Vintage Leather'
Natural, Vegan, Handcrafted

Buy Any 5, Get 1 FREE

 Check out all our handcrafted soaps at

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  1. falling down & all ... nice barn. have a good week. ( :

  2. What a view!
    What is it about old barns that stir such peaceful feelings inside me?
    I want to lay a blanket down in front of it and have a picnic.
    Don't mind me Bill - just having lunch LMHO

  3. You know I love those barns! Always reminds me of home :)
    Congrats to Mrs. T for the winnings!!

  4. Judy, thanks again for the awesome giveaway. I am so excited to have won, and think that my hubby will like trying out your soap.

    And the barn is so beautiful! Our daughter and son-in-law used to live across the road from a barn that looked much like your neighbor's. We always enjoyed the view (which included fields and mountains as well as the barn) when we visited them. It did finally fall down, over time. I love old barns and have always liked the idea of finding an old one to convert to living space. Thanks for sharing the photos ... and your soap!

  5. Congratulations Mrs T on being a winner.
    Lovely barn, right on your doorstep!

  6. that barn is amazing. if i lived across the street i would be in snapper frenzy and have to buy and external hard drive just for barn photos... i love old buildings and this one is beautiful... the weather wood is what i like the best.

  7. Love that old wood look!! The old barn is perfect!! Beautiful photos!!

  8. Congrats to Mrs. T! There is just something so sweet about that barn. You can tell it was really used as a barn - do you know what I mean? Sandie

  9. I love the old barns, even though I'm a confirmed city girl. They have such character, such charm. And oh, if they could only tell their stories verbally, not just through their wear and tear. We should all have such strength to literally weather the storms and still be standing ....

  10. It's a wonderful barn!

    Congrats to Mrs. T!

  11. Congrats to the lucky winner!

  12. Congrats to your lucky winner! Love these type of barns! Enjoy your week!

  13. congrats to your winner! i hope mr. t will enjoy your wonderful soaps/scents!

    love that weathered barn!

  14. LOVE this barn! I would take pictures of it all the time. Just sit there and wait for the light to change to get different affects. LOL

  15. Always love the vintage barns that are weathered and gray. Great shots!

  16. I am attracted to old barns too!! We have so many in Langlade County that have seen better days. I say someday, I'm going out to photograph them!!!

  17. This old barn stole my heart! How I love old barns with character and charm!!!

    You took wonderful and very beautiful pictures!!! And very enjoyable!!!

  18. Simply beautiful pictures!
    I also love the pictures of the sheep on the sidebar and the verse is one of my favorites!

  19. This one would definitely be fun to walk around and photograph from all angles. Your captures are great!

  20. I can definitely see needing more pics of this barn...I have one or two that I snap every time I pass them.

  21. My goodness, hope this one hangs on awhile yet.

  22. Wonderful old barn! Looks like it's been patched a time or two. I can see why you would take lots of photos of it. It looks like it has many moods, but when you're that old you're allowed to be moody.

  23. Beautiful barn! I love the first shot with the fence. Congrats to the winner!

  24. Congrats to the winner. Love the barns.

  25. now, that's a cool old barn =)

  26. Looks like it's been patched up a bit. I'm not quite sure if you would catch me going in there during a rainstorm !


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