Monday, July 22, 2013

Contentment - Which Represents You?

'...for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.' - Philippians 4:11b

I looked at these two photos and thought how much they say about my life at various times. How about you?

P.S. After reading the comments thus far, I felt I had to add the following:

There's a big difference between healthy curiosity and utter discontent. ;-) (Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)  But seriously...



  1. thought provoking post my friend.

  2. I try to be content, most times....but don't open that gate.LOL , You'll see this cow running down the road. xoxo,Susie

  3. Beautiful photos as usual - can't say that I relate - don't know how to relax - and I'm with Susie I'd be running down the road too lmho

  4. Wonderful photos!!! Have a great week, hopefully full of contentment!

  5. There is an old wives tale that says if the cows are all laying down it means its going to rain.

  6. Great post, Judy... it's simple and makes you think! I'd like to say the first picture represents me, but alas, I think I would be trying to fool everyone. Although I am content most days, I don't know if I'm ever truly that relaxed!! lol

  7. In any given day....I can be either! I like the comments you've gotten so far! Interesting! Hugs! PS I always heard if all the cows are lying down, the fish aren't biting! heehee!

  8. while i was in the midst of the second photo I almost ended up dead. now i am content with my life and never even look at the grass that is greener.

  9. i LOVE holsteins - always say 'home' to me. :)

  10. Something I rarely experience, but when I do, it sure feels good. Cows are right up there with tractors on my photography list.

  11. Oh yes. I am always reaching over that gate for the fresh stuff--unless I am hanging with my ultra-cool Holstein crowd.

  12. No, I don't see how I relate to a cow or their lives.

  13. Hmm...interesting. I consider myself to be very content and yet open and curious about new experiences. I think I'd be running down the street with Susie just to see if there were any other cool cows to meet.

  14. I'm not to sure where I'm at right now, but I am living life to the fullest!!

  15. Love this post! Wish I could be like those cows! Just when I think I might, something complicates the idea. So really, its the underlying attitude I need to work on! Great photos to illustrate your thought!

  16. I believe the tale that the cows lying down in a field is a good sign that rain is on the way!

  17. I'm the cow prancing around pretending to be a new born lamb!

  18. Content....then someone thinks the grass might be sweeter over the fence! LOL Great photos!

  19. Gorgeous photos! Interesting contrast of ideas.

  20. I feel like God wants us to live contented with what we have. We fail sometimes and then we have to get back up and try again. I try.


  21. Hi Judy great post and as I read from the comments, thought provoking. I am so blessed with everything that I have and therefore content. Margaret

  22. Content when my eyes and heart are on Him :)

  23. Love the photos! I try to be content, but I'm like the cows sometimes. When I see an opening in the fence or a gate open, I tend to want to go through it!

  24. Fun post, I see me as both. Sometimes I do wonder if the grass is greener on the other side. :-)


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