Saturday, August 10, 2013

Family Reunion - Warning: Photo Heavy

Family photo at Brit's in Minneapolis
August 4

 At the garden pond

These are the other photos I took during the Family Reunion (same weekend that the family photo was taken.) I decided to post them before that beautiful green background of our backyard turns to white. All the photos were taken by me, which explains why there's not one of my husband and me. Pretty good planning, huh. :-)


'Peaches & Almonds'

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  1. such a beautiful family and the photos are great. you captured happy moments for them, and per my BFFF you should always hand your camera to someone and get at least one of yourself so when you are gone and the family is looking at the reunion, you will be there to....

  2. You know I always write my first thought. Judy, Judy how does your garden grow? With all those wonderful children and grands. The important things in life.

  3. Wonderful family photos, thanks for sharing.

    You/we really need photos of you and your husband though :-)

  4. what a sweet bunch! but that 4th photo steals the show...

  5. Great photos, Judy. Looks like you had a fun time!

  6. Beautiful family, I bet you had so much fun......the pictures were precious of the little ones! Hugs to your sweet friend, me

  7. Beautiful family, I bet you had so much fun......the pictures were precious of the little ones! Hugs to your sweet friend, me

  8. These are lovely ! hard to pick a favorite but I HAVE ...that little one with his back to the camera wearing the grownups hat is just so darn cute...almost like a pic on a calender ! :) ( By the way, Deb from "Homespun" here even though my ID is from my other, newer blog...:) Visit either and stay awhile :)

  9. Lovely to see these pics of your family all enjoying themselves. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Those photos are fantastic! I could see so much personality shining through them all. I'm almost sure I could tell you some things about a few of them and that they would fit right in here with us! LOL Feel free to share more!

  11. that's what these blogs are for --- to share and show off family and friends!! Wonderful!! love the shot in the library where the little boy photo bombed the shot!!

  12. Really enjoyed these pictures.

  13. Such a beautiful family and wonderful photos! They look like a professional took them. Gorgeous!

  14. You have such a lovely family, Judy! Thanks so much for sharing all these photos with us!!

  15. Judy - What a great family you have. How nice that you got to spend quality time with them.


  16. Family is the best. Thanks for sharing all your family pics. Wonderful family.

  17. Lovely family photos. Family re-unions are always great. Lots of memories to share.

  18. What a beautiful blog. 'Now following via GFC and Bloglovin'. Found out about you thru Heather Wise's blog The Country Schoolmarm. Wonderful family photos :)

  19. That girl in the 7th photo Judy - is that your granddaughter?
    I find she looks just like you!
    What beautiful photos ( and a beautiful family ) thanks for sharing !!! Those little guys - wow -

  20. Isn't it wonderful to have family reunions. I miss ours but as the older generation of my mother's have almost all died, we no longer have them.

  21. Beautiful family photos. The little ones win your heart, don't they. xoxo,Susie

  22. You have a large and beautiful family. I try to stay out of photos as best I can. xo, olive

  23. So neat! Beautiful photos of your family. It is so neat you can do this.

    I love the way the teens or young women are dressed with their vintage, bohemian outfits.


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