Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Remember, Remember... Bonfire Night

 Burning the Burn Pile

On Sunday we finally had an evening with the perfect weather for burning the long-accumulated burn pile.  The past two years we were planning to burn it on Guy Fawkes Night, but on the fifth of November there was still corn on the field, by then dry corn, and we didn't dare light a fire so close to it for fear the whole field (to the left of the photo) would be ablaze. ablaze? Anyway...we decided that mid summer, when everything is green and full of moisture, would be a better time for the big bonfire.

We had promised the kids that IF it was not raining and IF there was no wind, we would light this pile.The burn pile consisted of branches trimmed from the trees, sticks that had fallen here and there in the yard, along with odds and ends of wood stuff.

 Watching from the alfalfa field

He didn't get any closer than that

You can see why the big blaze is more exciting than the little campfire circle in the left of the photo. This was taken before we dragged the picnic tables to the perimeter of the yard. 

It's quite a spectator sport - unless it's someone's house burning. I have seen that only once in my life, and it was a terrifying sight. And then of course there are the destructive wildfires out west, whose damage is nearly incalculable.

But a fire under control is a beautiful sight - to me anyway. What do you think?


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  1. I can get totally hypnotized by fire - any fire really - even a log in my fireplace captivates me!!!
    Is Guy Fawkes celebrated in North America Judy?
    ( or is that your Anglo obsession again lol )

  2. I didn't know that Guy Fawkes Night was celebrated in the U.S.
    Of course we would have fireworks, toffee apples and treacle toffee too :-)

  3. Yes, I enjoy a big bonfire too. I have only ever seen one building on fire, an old church in my hometown when I was a child. You could see the flames for miles around. As you say, very scary.

  4. I am so jealous so so so jealous. you know how much i love a good blaze and this one is spectacular....of course there is no way to roast hot dogs or marshmallows on this puppy... might end up with me roasted.

  5. There is something lovely and yet very frightening about fire, isn't there? It's very hypnotic... yet it can go from a wonderful thing to a horrifying thing in seconds. Thank goodness you all got to see the good side though!! Looks like everyone had a great time :)

  6. We always loved doing that in the evenings with family, too. Now my youngest son does it and invites friends over! It's great fun! Enjoy your day!

  7. The bonfire looked like when the neighbor farmer would burn all his "stuff" anything he could drag to that spot and he'd almost set the trees afire...he would scare me. His son has a more controled burn of tree trash.xoxo,Susie

  8. The kids will have such a good memory of this - what a fun thing to do on a cool summer night :-)

  9. Wow, we wouldn't dare do a fire like that here. We are already too dry and a fire hazard.

  10. I need to google Guy Fawkes. Love the family time around the bonfire!

  11. We usually burn ours at midnight on Saturday during the annual music festival we host on Memorial Day weekend. This year we had so many groups playing that they went well past midnight and we ended up not lighting the fire. The pile is still there. At this point we will probably wait until a cool autumn evening and invite some friends over. I love to watch as long as it's well-controlled.

  12. it is very addictive - staring that is ... i enjoy watching a fire. it goes in waves almost. so fun! ( :

  13. I can't believe how green it is at your place, but then again, you don't live here in the semi desert area like I do I guess.

    I loved Bonfire nights...they are great memories.


  14. Under control, fire are great especially if you are toasting marshmallows!!!

  15. I loved your post! A smile lit up across my face, bonfires means Autumn! Yes, it is now knocking on the door and I LOVE it!

  16. Yes, I remember a big bon fire when I visited Williamsburg one Christmas. Very nice.

  17. yes, under control and supervised with lots of helpers around is great. when my family visited last december, i had my sis, her husband and 2 grown kids help me burn our brush pile one night. it was great.

  18. Yes it looks like a lot of fun. We used to have bon fires, and we used to burn our leaves at the curb. I still love the smell of burning leaves!

  19. Yeah, I was wondering about the Guy Fawkes thing too! We had a new curriculum at my school this year, and I taught about Guy Fawkes. It was rather ironic that the British celebrate a thwarted bombing with fireworks. My students found it rather funny.

    I agree with everyone else- bonfires are beautiful and scary at the same time. I like the virtual Fireplace in Your Home on Netflix. No fire extinguisher necessary!

    Blessings and hugs!

  20. That is quite a fire pile! Wow! Looks like a great time for everyone, even though it is a little big for s'mores and hotdogs!

  21. I do love a good bonfire! Probably because my birthday is 8th November so we always had a fireworks party for my birthday growing up!

  22. How fun, Judy! Love the green! The scenery around your place is so, well, scenic!

  23. "A Penny for Guy Fawkes"...
    When I lived in Peterborough, England, children would walk around saying "A Penny for Guy Fawkes", which means you have to give them a penny, kind of like trick or treating... I have no idea why they ask for money on that day, to be honest, I've never looked it up, but now I shall :)
    That is one heck of a bonfire Judy, but I love me a bonfire...
    Where are the marshmallows???
    Much love to you,
    Tammy xx

  24. I've been to bonfires before and I loved them. Now I might have breathing problems. But I have to say that it is gorgeous!

  25. Oh I agree it's fun to watch a big fire like this! We watched a house burning once and it is really sad. My husband loves to make little fires in our firepit. Our yard is surrounded by trees so we have to be really careful. Looks like you all enjoyed it a lot!


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