Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cloud Watcher

I'm not the only one who likes to watch the clouds.

December 17, 2013

Have a great Thursday!

I will be away from the computer today to spend time with my daughter who is visiting from Texas. Have a wonderful day!

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  1. i like the cloud watcher even more than those stunning clouds. enjoy your visit

  2. And YOU have a wonderful visit!!

  3. I'm reading those clouds to say 'more snow on the way'!! Enjoy your visit!!!

  4. You two aren't the only ones who like to watch clouds - I do too. I think they are amazing!

  5. Enjoy your daughter being there!!

  6. Hi Judy. Hope you have a great time with your daughter. love the shot and the clouds

  7. What a sweetie, I love to see the 'Cloud Watcher'! Maybe she knows something we don't? Keep warm Dear and enjoy that visit, time is so precious!
    God bless,

  8. I love the clouds too. I love the dog too. Hope you enjoy your visit and have a wonderful weekend and holdiay.

  9. And if he could talk, he might share the weather report as well as the weather frogs on tv.

  10. Beautiful scenery. Enjoy your time with your daughter.


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