Thursday, March 13, 2014

Favorite Travel Destinations ?

Vintage Globe

If airfare were no object...

Well, what I actually mean is...

If airfare were no object,

If all expenses were paid,

If you had paid vacation time, 

If there were someone at home to take care of your pets and watch over your house,

If it weren't almost time to plant your garden,

Where would you go?

How would you get there?

Why that location?

What kind of accommodations would you like?

How long would you want to stay?

*(This is only IF, so you do have to return to reality after you comment.)


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is an outside chance that this post will be linked to one or more of the following:  Mosaic Monday and The Marketplace  and Market Yourself Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and You're Gonna Love it Tuesday and Treasure Box Tuesday  and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and  Coastal Charm Tuesday  and What we Accomplished Wednesday and  Adorned From Above  and Rurality Blog Hop and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday and Time Travel Thursday and Thrifty Things Friday  and  Friday Fences and Weekend Reflections and  Freedom Fridays and From the Farm and   Anything Blue Friday and Junkin' Joe and  Serenity Saturday and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Photo Friday and The Charm of Home and  Share Your Creativity and A Favorite Thing Saturday and Weekly Top Shot and Sunny Simple Sunday and Sunlit Sunday


  1. New Zealand and Australia without a doubt. And Prague. And I've always wanted to go to India but it's not at the top of my list.

  2. What a great topic for discussion. I would love to go to Australia and back to England and Scotland. I would have to fly of course, and would stay at wonderful old hotels or B&B in Britain and something newer in Oz (with no bugs or lizards). I would tour the English/Scottish countryside and small villages in a mini Cooper and stay for 2 months. The same for Oz except maybe a different car. That was lovely. Now, back to the blizzard outside. :) Have a great day!

  3. I lived in Germany for three years in the 80s. LOVED IT!! I would go back and then visit England since I never made it over there!! And Switzerland. . . and Austria . . . and the Greek Isles . . . and Italy . . . and Prague . . . You did say we could go where ever we wanted??

  4. I would go by ship to England. Visit London and stay at a boutique hotel. Then stay in the countryside in a wonderful hotel a friend posted. I would do genealogy trips to Kent and Hertfordshire among other places, and I would tour stately homes when their gardens were in bloom. I would arrange to have tea with my friend Ruth in London. And I would also visit my friend Lindsay in York. Then I would take the train to Scotland as we did before, only this time I would visit Paisley and Glasgow and also a small town where an ancestor was a minister and the rectory was made into a restaurant. I would also tour Ireland and Wales, again on genealogy jaunts. And into France on the same. I would top it all off by a cruise of the Greek Islands because the water and scenery looks so amazing! I don't have Greek ancestry that I know of, but I would still like to go. While there, I would want to be sure and meet. Poppy who is a blogging friend. Then we would sail home. Got to leave something for a future trip!



  5. with one more if. if i could fly without getting desperately air sick, i would purchase a first class plane ticket to Scotland... my mothers grand parents came from there, and there is a castle with the same name on Lock ness... and while i was in Europe i would like to ride a fast train and go to Italy

  6. Well of course I'd go to old Ecosse (Scotland)
    Since that's the homeland of 'the boss',
    But I'm also fond of a place somewhat closer...
    I'd love to go back to Santa Rosa!

    (Sorry, don't know why I felt I had to do this in rhyme.)

  7. Italy!!!! And all because I have never been but have always wanted to go :)

  8. Anywhere that I don't have to look at snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Poland would be my destination of choice.

  10. Well as long as we are playing the wishing game, it would include my ENTIRE family...all my children, in-law children and grandkids and we all fly to Hawaii and stay on the beach and be there for 2 weeks with never a penny to watch....sounds wonderful to me!

  11. In my heart of hearts, I want to see Paris. I would also love to see Ireland. I would travel by plane, bus, taxi, what ever I needed. I would love to see in just a room at someone house, but no bugs...I can't do that. I love fancy-smancy....but I like the comforts of a house too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  12. mine's pretty simple. i'd like to go to sedona area.

  13. Morning, I would love to travel the back roads by car in the U.S.A. Enjoy visiting the small towns along the way, Blessings Francine.

  14. I had a good friend who always said "if" about traveling. He retired....and dropped dead a couple of days later. I don't ever want to say if. I want to say "get in the car" I have been all across Canada, to 49 of the 50 states (I am missing Alaska), I have been to all of Mexico, Central America, Most of the Caribbean, England, Ireland, Wales, Paris, Germany and Italy. I still have many places I plan to go.

  15. I would travel to Italy...the Tuscany region. I would want to spend at least a month and really experience the area and just BE! Not in a hurry to see things but just driving and biking around to see what I could see and soak it up. I've obviously given this a lot of thought! heehee! Great question! When will my plane tickets arrive? lol Sweet hugs!

  16. Hm...Italy. And Austria! Oh, wait, that's where I'm going this summer! :D

  17. I'd go to the British Isles. Why? Because I have been seeing so many of the journeys that others have taken and it seems wonderful. Once there, I'd probably happily settle down and never wish to return, except for family and friends. Guess that they'll all have to come with me. To your long and lovely list, thank you for it as it's the only way I'm even tempted to answer, I would add this: And only if you could be transported without actually having to do the traveling. Oh, while we're considering the impossible, I don't want to have to shop or pack either. Ha!

  18. Great Britain of course! With a whole week to look at all the loveliness in the Victoria & Albert, then on to the Cotwalds, with a side trip to Windsor. Then off to the north, Yorkshire and New Castle to see the places of my ancestors and then even further north to Scotland. You said we could stay as long as we wanted? I won't come home until I was ready! As for accommodations, I would want to try them all, small hotel, country estate, B & B with a few National Trust rentals thrown in. Of course I would need my sisters, cousins and a dog to really enjoy the trip! :)

  19. I'd take a 2 week trip to Walt Disney World and I'd want to stay at the Grand Floridian. May seem silly to say in USA when I could travel anywhere. But this is our happy place. We've never stayed at the Grand Floridian, but if it's paid for, why not stay in the best. haha

  20. I have not been to Italy, and I would like to spend two to three weeks visiting the famous art museums and churches.

    I would also like to visit Salzburg. I don't know if we could do it on the same trip.

  21. I have always wanted to visit Hawaii.

  22. I really want to see the ruins of Greece and Italy (Rome). Then I would scoot off to New Zealand because it just looks so beautiful. I would also be torn to head over to Ireland. The more I read about it and hear about it, the more I want to see it for myself.

  23. Judy, I'm sure you already know how I'm going to answer this! England! I would fly nonstop, first class, with my husband *and* an unobtrusive companion who would see to my every need in-flight and throughout the trip. I would spend three nights in each city/town/village on my itinerary. I would stay at luxurious, traditional style hotels and BandBs. I would have afternoon tea every day. IF you can also magically remove my seasickness, I might like to return on the Queen Mary II, staying in a Queens Grill Royal Suite with balcony.

  24. Great question! I think my first desire would be traveling to Ireland and/or Scotland. Although I don't think I have any family ties to that area (mine are German), the lush, green countryside that I have seen in pics just makes me want to be there....especially the Scottish moors high above the sea where the fields of heather grow wonderful to dream....!

  25. Australia - or Hong Kong - or Ireland this would be such a tough call -
    Ok narrowing it down to Australia or Hong Kong - because Ireland is more do-able for me - but the other 2 are so distant -
    Ugghh - reality?
    These renos?
    No thanks - think I'll dream about this for a little while!

  26. I love Switzerland but it's hard to justify a trip because it's so expensive. So for me it would be Switzerland.

  27. Kiribati via Fiji (here is the link on how to get there since you asked:
    And we wouldn't be coming back!
    How is the healing coming along?

  28. Mine would be Iceland with its fantastic scenery. I'm not one for hot weather but a little cruise from Scotland across to Iceland would suit me just nicely. Have a great weekend... now back to reality! xx

  29. Oh my!! I would love to go to Italy again, and see places we didn't have time a month would work! I would also love to see Ireland, Scotland and Germany (my heritage). I really have no desire to see France or England (sorry, Judy). Not saying I wouldn't go there, just that there are lots of places ahead of them on my list!! Air travel is always the fastest, but some cruise time in Europe would also be nice. I just need to win the lottery!!

  30. Tough pick! I am trying to visit one place every year and this summer is Ireland and England. It's a few days in London and a few days in Dublin and a trip to Bath. If everything was paid for I'd be in Paris and Venice and fancy hotels I can only dream about and a different museum every day.

  31. I would travel to Wyoming and the Yellowstone National park. That is high up on my list of places to go to. Mainly because I love the wild nature, and would stay there for at least a month.
    Happy Friday!

  32. Ireland would be beautiful.

  33. If, if, and if, I would love to visit Prince Edward Island, New Mexico, Sweden, Scotland, go back to England and Ireland... And also go to OUessant,an island not far from where I live, but it turns out it's a little difficult to get there for me without many "ifs"!

  34. Hi...I am Genie, and am thrilled as always to meet another Anglophile. I adore England, Scotland, and Ireland and used to take my English students across the pond in the summers as well as going at other time alone or with my hubby. I no longer travel abroad, but I have my heavenly memories.Loved your photos...all that green and the heaving view from St. Paul’s. I have to add you to my blog list.

  35. What a great post and list of questions! We ask ourselves a similar litany of questions each year, and start planning out our journeys as much as a year or two in advance. Our bucket list is pretty long, LOL. After decades of careful planning, budgeting, and investments, we are blessed that can pretty much travel to our hearts content. The only thing that fails us now are our rapidly deteriorating bodies. So we consider ourselves in a race to the finish and believe that the savings will last longer than our ability to travel.

    This year we are going to Utah/Colorado, San Antonio (not yet arranged), Newfoundland, and Wyoming. Due to aches and pains, we don't know if we can endure the flights to Australia/New Zealand and Ireland/Scotland - areas that have long been on my bucket list. I'd love to see the Galapagos Islands too, but I don't think I can physically do that one either.

    So we are currently limiting ourselves to areas such as the grand USA and Canada that we can explore, particularly the national parks. We try to get into lovely accommodations too. We used to take many tours for the convenience, but we are pretty much toured-out at this point. We only consider small tour groups with itineraries that are better than we can create on our own.

  36. Maine or Alaska. I would love to live in a cottage on the sea in Maine. That's my dream.

  37. There are so many places I would like to see. I never wanted to go out of the country but when I had the chance to travel with my husband we went to Europe. I would like to go back, so much to see that I didn't get around too!

  38. I think somewhere very wild and rocky by the sea...I picture Maine or Cornwall or some such location

  39. I would go to Europe to photograph all the wonderful old castles!

  40. Your library looks beautiful, with the sunlight pouring over the books. I'd enjoy a good browse through the shelves.

    As for travel, I think a good long stay in a picturesque English village would suit me. Istanbul is also on the list of places to visit.

    Thank you for sharing your photos at Sunlit Sunday.


  41. I fly over and do a tour of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and stay as long as it took.
    It's nice to dream about winning a lottery and travelling where money would be no object.

  42. I love the sunny images in the library. I want to go to Kyoto. And when I was back in the states, I want to go to Portland, Oregon and the surrounding area to see the tulips in bloom and drink some tea! Fun post!

  43. Italy for sure- for months- in a little villa where you could and cook and travel around and have someplace to come back to. I've been a couple of times but never for long enough...

  44. I'd be somewhere without a phone in Italy, then England. Tasting the fine line of cream and scones to the freshest fullest coffee and strong, yup.

  45. There are so many wonderful places to visit ... top of my list would be Scotland where husbands ancestors are from.

  46. Turkey ranks pretty high on my destination list just now. I'd like to spend a couple of weeks in Istanbul seeing the historic sites, but I'm not sure my little one would enjoy that, so maybe an extended stay on a Mediterranean beach would work better.

  47. Love the sunshine on your bookcases.

    Oh, travel. There are so very many places I'd love to visit. In my dream world, we'd rent a home just outside of Paris, maybe in the village of Versailles for 6 months or so. We'd travel throughout France because I love France and the French language. Then perhaps a jaunt to Spain, the northern region to see some of the cave paintings and the wild coast, then to Sevilla because we visited the city briefly a few years ago and loved it. Then to England because I love English literature and history. Do I really have to return to reality?

  48. i always say if i won the lottery i would travel around the world, and really stay in one place for a while before moving on. we are heading to paris for the first time in less than 2 weeks. i'm excited and nervous and looking forward to getting lost and wandering around and wine and cheese having!

  49. I don't have great travel dreams really, I just go with the flow.
    Next on the list ... when I'll be able to leave the country will be Venice. I was disappointed with my processed film photos back in 2007 and my style has evolved as well.
    I was pleased I could fulfil my trips to Lisbon and South Africa back in 2012.
    This year I've opted for something similar to last year ... two trips to the west coast of Scotland for boat trips, a cycle hire day, castle visits and anything else interesting I can find.
    Would love another trip to Cornwall but the train fare is so expensive.


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