Thursday, March 27, 2014

Good Fences

Decorative Fence

Keeping Horses In

Keeping Other Horses In
and their hay bales, lest they try a quick getaway

Keeping Rabbits OUT!!!
to save my poor cranberry bush

Some fences keep things in, some fences keep things out, and some fences are merely decorative. I like all three.

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  1. Great photos! Love your fences!

  2. thank you for linking in! loved the rural scenes and the snow-covered one!

  3. I miss seeing fences like that... as silly as that might sound. Out here, you don't get a lot of that... just lots of walls!!

  4. i like all your snowy and very beautiful fences.. and they do come under Good fences. gave me an idea, wonder if i could find bad fences... will have to look...

  5. Judy, I just realized I had never seen a cranberry bush. I have seen cranberries floating in the water to be processed. I need to look up more about the growing period etc. Have you done any posts about that in the past? Since I just met you I am not sure.

    Blocking no-reply comments stopped the spam I was getting. After several years of frustration it was a great blessing for them to go away.

    I lived in Alaska for five years and break up was in May. Couldn't plant until after Memorial Day so I UNDERSTAND how you are longing for spring. Having lived in Alabama all my life it was an adjustment for me.

    Have a great week.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Fences serve a variety of good purposes and you've captured many. Visiting from Good Fences. xo

  8. Judy, you always take photos of things I like: fences, doors, stone walls, stone buildings, barns ... I could just take you along wherever I go and have you do all the picture-taking and you'd take all the pictures that *I* would have!

  9. Hi Judy, beautiful photos, especially the last... the rabbit keeper-outer :D)

  10. Morning, love a good fence post :) Blessings Francine.

  11. These are great fences! Love the snow-covered one. We have a decorative fence--doesn't keep anything in or out! :-)

    Visiting from T's Good Fences.

  12. So lovely and scenic!

    Visiting from Good Fences,

    My fence

  13. Oh be still my heart...almond and cocoa. I might want to eat it!

    I like fences, too, and have my favorites in this town. I even have a fence, though my property is small.

  14. Lovely shots of three kinds of good fences!! I think I am still a country girl at heart. I love seeing the fields, livestock, barns and fences!! Thanks for always sharing such lovely photos!

  15. Pretty winter scenes. Love the snow covered "rabbit" fence.

  16. I like all 3, too! I'm especially fond of the ones keeping horses in. Nice combo. The snow...not so much. But makes for beautiful fence pics.

  17. I hate it when the hay bales escape. I remember one morning going out and only finding a needle where my bales had been.

  18. Cannot blame them for wanting out to find a warmer place. Lovely fence view.

  19. Love them all- hope you didn't have to wrangle those hay bales! LOL!

  20. I like them all too, Judy.
    I especially like those horses behind the fence!

  21. My goodness...are you still getting some snow storms? This winter has been a rough one to go into history books for sure.

    and, ps...NCIS is a crime drama on NBC

    Have a super day

  22. I LOVE your fence pictures, Judy. I have always LOVED fences of any kind. xo Diana

  23. Very pretty, and it looks a lot like home here in Minnesota!

  24. I thought of Robert Frost when I first saw this post roll up!



  25. What a pretty place and all of the fence look so nice. I love your fences.

  26. Love your photos so much. So happy TexWis is continuing this meme. Look forward to joining in soon.
    Have a good night.

  27. You have some great fence photos! The last one is very pretty with all that snow.

  28. BRRRR those are cold fences...I love looking at them...but wouldn't want to be in the happy you shared them with us...Thank you for coming by to visit....

  29. Beautiful snowy scenes - love the horses! - Karen

  30. Well I never thought of it before but now I love fences too ( they also make for good neighbors - you forgot about that lol )
    Beautiful photos Judy!

  31. I love good old fences that can tell a tale. xx

  32. The horses sure are beautiful and I love the rabbit fence with snow. I'm joining in this to me! Enjoy your day my friend! Hugs!

  33. Fences are all just wonderful, the snow on them, just awesome~

  34. Lovely photos Judy and I never thought of it that way. Now I love the fences too!!!


  35. Good fences have many purposes. Lovely shots.

  36. Nice winter shots! I really like the third one!


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