Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's About Time

Time to leave for Indiana

I've tried to tidy up around here and get clothes washed and packed, for we're leaving tomorrow morning. I had hoped to have two weeks with the grandkids. Evidently I wasn't being very realistic. My husband announced yesterday, 'No more than four days.' WHAT?!  Four measly days???  I guess it's the old story about fish and company, both stinking after 3 days? But I guess he's giving us an extra day because we're family.

I'll take what I can get.

Have a wonderful rest of the week, friends. We're off to see the Indiana grandkids!

 Baby Lucia
in the cute little crocheted hat made by her mama



will be closed until we return from Indiana.



  1. Have fun on your family visit! Having to travel to see all of my family I know it is. Your husband is probably right about how long to stay but it's always hard to say good bye. I guess the answer is more frequent visits!

  2. that hat is so cute and the baby is adorable.. and i am with your hubby, only i only stay 3 days away from home...

  3. Soo happy for you! Enjoy every single minute (of that measly 4 days! lol) and love on those babies. The new one is sooo sweet!

  4. Have fun! Get lots of g'kid hugs and kisses! And be safe! Hugs, Diane

  5. Enjoy making memories! beautiful Lucy is adorable.

  6. Have a wonderful bonding time. Can't wait to see all of the great photos that you will take.

  7. Have a wonderful time with your family and those sweet grandkids!

  8. I'm so jealous...wish I was going to Nashville to see mine! Seriously, have a blast spoiling them rotten and giving lots of cuddles to adorable Lucy! Yeah...two weeks might be a little too long...lol!

  9. enjoy your time! as much as you get!

  10. What do men know? Once that little Lucy has him wrapped around her wee finger, you may get a few more days after all. Have a wonderful time!

  11. Have fun. Sending prayers with you for the family and travel.
    xx oo

  12. Safe travels!! Lucy is beautiful!! I think we will all look forward to photos, when you return!! You will be in my thoughts!

  13. Hope your visit is filled with memory making moments. What a cute little doll baby! Travel safe!

  14. Aw, have a wonderful time visiting your little grandkids and especially meeting Lucy. Enjoy every minute! Safe travels to you.

  15. Have fun and be safe! Who knows, we might even run into one another (although one would hope it wouldn't be literally) whilst you're visiting my home state.

  16. oh- Have fun, Judy. I am lucky to have had this past month staying with my daughter and being able to help her out. One more partial week and she will be on her own...as we all were when we had new babies. God bless your sweet little Lucy and her Mama & Daddy and big bro- xo Diana

  17. Have a great time..baby Lucia is beautiful!

  18. What an adorable baby !! So sweet with her little hat. Three days...you"ll hit the door hugging and kissing. You will still smell that little baby on your face when you leave...I am not kidding. xoxo,Susie

  19. Oh just look at her! Tell him to go ahead and go home in four days and come back and pick you up in a few weeks!!! :) Adorable!

  20. Awe give her a big hug!
    And remember on your way there - to get out a walk for a few minutes every couple of hours - it will keep your blood circulating!

  21. Have a great time with the newest family member, Judy. She's a cutie! Safe travels, too!

  22. Enjoy your trip, hope you'll have some fab days there with your family and i'm sure he will give some extra days :) lucy looks adorable. I met my grandson Jack in the weekend. He's only one month old but so cute. Will see them in five months again when they're coming over for our wedding.

  23. Have a great time my friend! Praying the trip is kind to your hip. Can't wait to hear about little Lucy when you get back. We leave for 4 days tomorrow too to see the kids. Healing came on Monday for me and I have been so grateful and happy! Enjoy your time!! Safe travels!

  24. Have a lovely time!! (But I know that you will!) Soak up those baby snuggles and toddler moments...it'll be a quick four days! :)

  25. You have probably already gone by now, but wishing you a wonderful visit with your old and new little ones.

  26. Have a wonderful time and enjoy the little one!

  27. Have fun and enjoy those short but precious days!

  28. Have a wonderful time with lots of cuddles xx

  29. Men are all alike!
    This seems to be my husbands philosophy too.
    Have fun with your g'kids!


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