Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sapping, Maple Syrup, Amish, and Good Fences

This post was ready to go last week when I realized that Thursday was Maundy Thursday and I wanted to do a post on that. I'll have to tell you that a lot has changed in a week's time! Our snow is GONE, for which I am so grateful! But the following text refers to last week when the sapping was going strong.

"This week we've been seeing a lot of sap bags hanging in maple woods in our neighborhood. With temps below freezing at night and warming up during the days, it's perfect for sapping."

Each big maple tree has two bags attached.

Neighborhood Amish barn and horses

Looks like this Amish family are also on their way to collect sap.

Pretty curious. Pretty and curious.

Really Good Fences

What a difference a week can make in NW Wisconsin! We now have no snow on the ground. Yea!!

 Packed and ready to go!
Appx. 400-500 books

We're heading up to Half Price Books in Minnesota. It's Kevin's birthday and we're hoping to at least get enough cash to pay for fuel and buy a birthday dinner at Good Earth. It seems to be one of the few restaurants on the planet that doesn't poison perfectly good food. They just leave it perfectly good, and let us pay them for not poisoning it. We're willing to do that - on special occasions.

Happy Birthday Man
Does Jazzie look relaxed or what!


Click on the button below and join us at Good Fences
Thanks, Theresa.

and also linked to:


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 Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!


Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties: Inspiration Monday and  Mosaic Monday and The Marketplace  and Market Yourself Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and You're Gonna Love it Tuesday and Treasure Box Tuesday  and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and  Coastal Charm Tuesday  and What we Accomplished Wednesday and Whatever Goes Wednesday and  Adorned From Above  and Rurality Blog Hop and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday and Good Fences and  Time Travel Thursday and Thrifty Things Friday  and  Weekend Reflections and  Freedom Fridays and From the Farm and   Anything Blue Friday and Junkin' Joe and  Serenity Saturday and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Photo Friday and The Charm of Home and  Share Your Creativity and A Favorite Thing Saturday and Weekly Top Shot and Shadow Shot Sunday and  Sunny Simple Sunday and Sunlit Sunday


  1. Happy Birthday to your man. Oh LOVE the photos especially the Amish going to get sap. Looks like Spring is indeed where you live now:) or is it?:) Hug B

  2. Happy Birthday to M. Cranberry! That last picture is priceless.

  3. Happy Birthday to the birthday boy! Love your photos, and the blue bags on the trees are interesting. I've only seen buckets hanging to collect the sap...where have I been?

    That is a whole bunch of books you are selling...can't wait to hear about the birthday lunch (maybe this was all last week, though?).

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

    I'm always in awe of the Amish way of life. Humbling and their strengths and ways of living just amazes me.

    Maple syrup....can't beat the taste of the REAL stuff!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Kevin, enjoy your dinner!
    I used to love making maple syrup with my Grands, and nothing beats the flavour of homemade maple syrup.

  6. Our sap was running the first part of March, with pancake breakfast celebration after the harvest. My daughter took her Girl Scout troop to participate in Maple Sugaring loved seeing them standing by a spigot with finger extended to catch the drip. Your photos are beautiful.

  7. happy birthday to kevin! that's a load of books, too!

    love the fence and horse views. and wow, a week and no snow! :) thanks for linking up!

  8. Yay for the snow being gone! :) Beautiful photos of the woods, horses, fences and Amish. I've never seen sap collected in these blue bags before. Happy Birthday to your dearest. I hope you have a great trip and a lovely meal. Blessings. Pam

  9. A lot can change in a week! Bet those horses will be shedding soon. Happy bday to the mister!

  10. Judy, great photos, as always! Beautiful barn. I want to go sapping in a horse-drawn wagon!

  11. Happy birthday to your man! The pictures are soo good. Amazing what can change in a week. Yum...maple syrup. I imagine the real stuff is hard to beat. Enjoy your day!

  12. Happy birthday to your husband. He looks content sitting there with his dog. The Amish photos are nice. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. Good bye to that snow.

  13. love the Amish pic and glad the snow is gone now.. good idea on clearing the books for cash... not sure what you mean by poisoning the food.

  14. Nice pictures! We are rationing out the last of our syrup, glad it is that time again!

  15. Hi Judy Yes, that dog is RELAXED! HAPPY birthday to your hubby and I love your fences and sap bags. Grea the snow has gone, at LAST!!

  16. That was a lot of books. Happy birthday to your man. He looks very relaxed too.

  17. Very relaxed indeed! That's one of my nightmares in life, thinking about having to ever move my books! Oh boy, not a fun task! Great photos, especially seeing all that lovely blue in the woods, doing their job!

  18. Oh I love touring the sugar bush! Terrific shots!

  19. Your lovely photos bring back memories of our neighbors maple syruping! I'll miss that sweet stuff.
    Happy B' Day to your hubby. I hope you make lots of dough from your books too!

  20. Happy Birthday to your guy!
    I love visiting the Amish country near here and seeing how they live. Hope that spring has finally arrived for you!

  21. A very happy birthday to your man! Thanks also for showing us the collection of the sap, this is fascinating and I will now have more respect for the contents of my maple syrup bottle! Take care xx

  22. Happy Birthday to your husband. Have a great meal. Love the pictures, very interesting.

  23. A lovely post and Happy Birthday Kevin! Enjoyed all those pictures but thought the last one was special :)

  24. Happy Birthday to your guy. I'm impressed at the boxes of books he is letting go. Maybe if I show that to the man in this house he might get inspired.

  25. Happy Birthday to your Kevin! I love the pretty horses and the Amish wagon. Jazzie does look relaxed, what a cute doggie. Wonderful fence shots.

  26. I have never been to your part of the world. I enjoyed seeing it through your lens.

  27. How I loved sugar time when I lived in PA as a kid. My Uncle and cousins were all part of that fun.

    That's a lot of books. Hope you got enough out of them to pay gas and a meal and a bit extra...and a big Happy Birthday to the man! xo Diana

  28. What a difference a week or two makes! I sure love the photo of the Amish with the fence. Hope you did good with selling the books, too. Happy Birthday to that sweet man! Hugs, Diane

  29. That's a great way to cull books, which can take over the home in short order...they are taking over mine. Yay for no snow! We are expecting some Saturday morning. This return to winter is proving to be a real bummer.

  30. Thanks so much for stopping by!
    I can't believe you still have snow!!

    Loved the Amish pictures...we have a large Amish population down in Lancaster, Pa.


  31. Happy Birthday to dear Kevin. I love maple syrup.

  32. Happy Birthday to Kevin. I hope to meet him someday. Bobby has told me he is a lot of fun. :-)
    Have fun...and do a post about Good Earth, I do not know anything about it.
    Thank You!

  33. Fascinating about the sap bags. I thought you were in Vermont or some such NE place. Good luck with the books. We are thinning out, too.

  34. It would not have mattered at what time I read your post ...I would have wanted maple syrup.

  35. Such lovely country scenes! Beautiful photos - I love the Amish wagon. Hope the birthday celebration is wonderful. (New follower :) xo Karen

  36. What fun to read about the Maple tapping. Great photo's of the Amish in the sleigh too.

  37. Happy Birthday Kevin!!! Have a wonderful trip, the two of you to 1/2 price books. Enjoy your lunch date out!

  38. What a great way to fund your birthday fun.
    Wish I had been there for maple syrup season. The process fascinates me.

  39. Happy birthday to your hubby - in shorts - the dog does looked relaxed and warm. It is beautiful there. Love the photos. sandie

  40. Whew! When I saw the pictures of snow and that this post was written 7 days ago, I panicked. So glad it's gone. I have a hankering for pancakes with maple syrup now though. Now if only I had pancakes. And syrup. Awww. Cereal it is. :(

    Blessings! Heather


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