Monday, April 28, 2014

Springtime Giveaway Natural Homemade Vegan Soaps

Pictured above are just some of the many soaps available.

I hope you'll all enter my 
Springtime Giveaway!

There will be THREE winners.

Each winner gets 2 bars, their choice.

I don't know about you, but I don't like having to jump through 20 Rafflecopter hoops when entering a giveaway. SO, I'm keeping this simple.  No Rafflecopter.  Entry names will be printed out, cut apart, put into a hat, and Mr. Cranberry (don't you love that name? It was a blogger friend who gave Kevin that moniker. lol) will put his paw into the hat and select 3 names at random.


#1.  Must be a follower of CranberryMorning blog.
Please let me know how you follow.
#2.  Check out all my handcrafted soaps at

Then come back here (to this post) and leave a comment

letting me know which 2 soaps you'd like

if you're one of the winners.

All soaps are natural and handcrafted,

made with natural base oils, essential oils, quality fragrance oils,

botanicals, and only natural colorants.

Each bar is 4.5-5.0 ounces,

 comes wrapped in its own distinctive label

and is enclosed in a clear cello bag with gold seal.

Like this:

 Perfect Mother's Day Gifts!!

Giveaway ends this Friday night at 9 PM CDT

Winners will be announced Saturday, May 3, on Cranberry Morning.

Be sure to leave your contact info in your comment 

so I can reach you if you're one of the three winners.

Sorry, U.S. addresses only.

Have a wonderful Monday!



  1. Awesome giveaway. If I was one of the winners, I would love strawberry, and honeysuckle soaps.

  2. So many variety of soaps!

  3. 1) I follow you via GFC.

    2) Oh my. So many wonderful choices...I keep changing my mind! If I win, I would love to try...(okay, Cheryl, just make a decision already)...hmmmm...lemon verbena and raspberry. (Or strawberry.) (Or cucumber.) (Or oatmeal.) (Or almond.)

    Thanks for offering the giveway, Judy! (I, too, find Rafflecopter tedious.) ;)

  4. Your soap look like candy. Pretty colors and names. Blessings for a great week, xoxo,Susie

  5. Please enter my name! I love your soaps and would choose Ocean Mist and Almond Cocoa. Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  6. Good morning! Well, first of all I follow you through blogger...(I think) I stumbled upon your wonderful blog and have you listed on the side of mine and wisk over whenever you post a new one, lol. I have been intrigued by your soaps for a while now. How I love nice smelling soaps, so this is exciting. I would love to try the Lilac French one, or also the Lemon Verbena. However, it was REALLY hard to chose as several others sound wonderful too. Thanks for doing this..soo nice! Enjoy your week!

  7. I am a follower and I follow you through Bloglovin. I also follow you on Twitter and I've favorited your Etsy Shop.

    I would choose Honeysuckle and the Almond Cocoa Delight, I think.

    Thanks for this opportunity.

  8. Wow what a nice giveaway! I thought I had joined you sight before but hadn't so now I have and I went to the Etsy shop and picked out the lilac soap and lemon verbena! Actually they all look so good I would love to sample them all! Thank you for the opportunity to win some of your soap!

  9. Judy- I KNOW your soaps are wonderful but I have been so blessed to be gifted with wins and things this year that I want someone else to have the thrill of a win.

    Did you know that your soap looks good enough to eat? (another reason for me to not sign up!;>) xo Diana

  10. I'm so glad that someone besides me doesn't like rafflecopter!

    I would love to try Ocean Mist and of course, Apple Spice.

    Great giveaway!

  11. What a nice giveaway and having recently won, I will bow out; however, I can say that we love the soap here. My grandsons call it "the man soap" because the sandalwood isn't flowery. They are really appreciating that.

  12. If I win, I will choose the lavender vegan and the strawberry scented soaps. I so respect your promotion of vegan products, not only because they are humane, but for the health benefits.
    Thank you for this lovely give away!

  13. Good Morning Judy, thanks so much for having this soap giveaway. I follow you by GFC. I would love to win one of your homemade soaps. I think they are all nice but the raspberry soap and lemon verbena sound really nice. Have a great day and thanks for the opportunity to win.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  14. Oh how I love your wonderful soaps! I would get Vanilla and Lavender but then I would wish I had a new bar of Calendula Baby soap. The baby soap is so perfect for washing your's mild and suds up nicely. I love your soaps! Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck everyone! Hugs, Diane

  15. Hello dear Judy! I would love to be entered into your giveaway - your soaps are amazing! I am a happy follower of yours and the two soaps I would enjoy trying would be the Rose Soap and the Clover Blossom Soap.

    Thank you for having such a thoughtful giveaway! Hugs to you!

  16. thank you for the chance! i follow you thru GFC and feedly reader. :)

    i'd choose jojoba and coconut/lime, please.

    and i hate rafflecopter, too. i never enter those.

  17. Wonderful give-away!
    I only use hand made soap.
    Good luck to all of the ladies!

  18. Your soaps are very beautiful. This is a nice giveaway.

  19. This sounds like fun!
    I follow in Google Friend Connect and have you in my Feedly account.
    Definitely Lemon Verbena and Coconut Lime. They sound amazing!
    Thank you :)

  20. Love all your soaps. And I would choose Strawberry Mango and Patchouli Incense.

    And I am curious if your Natural Defense has a smell to it?

  21. Lady of Fostoria,

    All-Natural Defense has a nice, mild herbal fragrance. Thanks for asking! - Judy

  22. I love your soaps and am running low, so I'd like to try Midnight Jasmine and Lemon Verbena. I have followed you for a long time, most recently on Bloglovin"

  23. Those soaps look and sound like they would smell wonderful. The Rose and Coconut & Lime would be my picks. I'm bookmarking your shop for Christmas gifts. My daughter and granddaughter would like these.
    Glad you like the idea of Rubbish Tuesday.

  24. Thank you for the opportunity.
    I would pick...Woodland Flowers and Lemongrass Eucalyptus.
    Thank you again for the chance to win.
    Come on, Mr. Cranberry, pick me.

  25. What a nice giveaway. If I win, I will choose vanilla and Ocean Mist Jojoba.

  26. What a nice giveaway! If I'm lucky enough to win I'd choose Lilac and Honeysuckle, two of my favorite flower scents in the whole world! I follow via GFC. Thanks, Judy! Have a great week!

  27. Oooh Judy
    What a beautiful Giveaway - that's so kind of you.
    Your soaps look mouth-watering - they all sound so delicious!
    I love the series Downton Abbey so I would love one of those and as I am a rose love my second choice is English Rose!
    I'll keep my fingers crossed!
    I am already a follower via Google Friend Connect.

    Ooops I've just noticed it's for US followers only - Oh well never mind.


  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Oh, please count me in! I am a new follower by GFC.
    This looks wonderful! I would choose rose, and lemon verbena. There are so many!
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    McGuffy Ann Morris

  30. I follow you via email feed every day. I think the Downton Abbey and Rosemary-mint would be wonderful!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  31. I follow with Bloglovin' and GFC. I will narrow my choices to Thyme Lavender and Lemon Verbena. They all sound so nice. You could throw in the boiler too!

  32. I would like coconut lime, and lemon ... yep I am a citrus kind of girl. Your soaps are beautiful! I follow you via GFC.

  33. I'm joining in! Choices: lavender and lilac! Thanks for offering!

  34. I follow your blog via the Google. Your soaps are so beautiful! The French Lavender and Lilac soap sounds divine. Also, the peppermint soap seems like it would be invigorating and just what my husband could use in the AM! He wakes up at 4:30 every morning. Wowza:)Thanks for the chance!


  35. I'm a follower through Blogspot, Judy. Loved all your soaps but especially lilac and coconut. Both sound yummy and I love lilacs as well as coconut! So please put my name in the pot. Thanks. Susan

  36. I follow through GFC. Lemon Verbena and honeysuckle sound blissful!!

  37. Being a fellow Cheesehead, I am already sold on the Woodland Flowers scent. I KNOW you had to have gotten the woodsy scent right! I'm also currently in a dangerous obsession with all things almond, so I'd have to go with the Almond. I had such a hard time deliberating between Almond and Sandalwood. GAH! But almonds....

    I have you favorited on Etsy under the name EvilNemesisShop, does that count?!

  38. Being a fellow Cheesehead, I am already sold on the Woodland Flowers scent. I KNOW you had to have gotten the woodsy scent right! I'm also currently in a dangerous obsession with all things almond, so I'd have to go with the Almond. I had such a hard time deliberating between Almond and Sandalwood. GAH! But almonds....

    I have you favorited on Etsy under the name EvilNemesisShop, does that count?!

  39. HEY! I'm IN! Coconut Lime and Lavender soap Vegan! For the win! LOL

  40. I am so glad I found your blog. I follow via email. If I win, I would love to try the brown sugar/fig and the raspberry although the coffee sounds intriguing.

  41. Just a quick note to let you know I am getting your entries and can't wait to have a winner chosen on Saturday morning! Good luck to you all. :-) Be sure to let everyone you know about the Giveaway. After all, there are three winners, so you'll still have a pretty good chance even if you share the info. LOL

  42. What a wonderful giveaway and yes, I'm already a follower. Oh my heavens, you've got so many to choose from, I'm sure they are all awesome! I'd love to win the English Rose and the Woodland Flowers!

    The soaps I'd love to try are Sandalwood soap and peppermint soap!

  44. wow - you are awesome and a wonderful opportunity to try-out your soaps.
    They all would be wonderful to try.
    I am thinking I would start with the lemon verbena and raspberry...

    Hugs - have a super safe day!

  45. Wow, such gorgeous soaps!
    I follow you via blogger I think. I have you on my blog roll! I have really enjoyed reading along and your lovely photos. =)
    I love the Lemon Verbena & Honeysuckle. =) What a wonderful give away.

  46. Hello Judy! I have finally made it here and to your etsy shoppe. You have some beautiful scented soaps to choose from! What a sweet give-a-way. :) You are so kind and sweet.
    If I should win I would love to try the Rose and Midnight Jasmine.
    I have followed you through GFC
    Have a blessed May Day!
    Joy! Debbie

  47. I follow via blog lovin:) The Lilac and cucumber soap sounds wonderful!
    Have a good evening:)


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