Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Vee's Notecard Party and Wednesday Hodgepodge

Amish Barn Raising in Wisconsin
(One of my notecards)
I realized later that Eric sent me this one

I am joining both Vee's Notecard Party and Joyce's Hodgepodge, but first I want to address something which I think is hugely important.  I heard the following story today, which I doubt anyone has heard from the major news media in this country. (If I'm wrong on that, you can let me know. I'd be happy to hear it.)

So here's what's happening:

A Christian Sudanese woman, whose husband is a U.S. Citizen, has been sentenced to be executed for refusing to convert to Islam. She is 8 months pregnant and is currently chained to a prison wall, awaiting her execution. The Sudanese government has decided to wait until she has delivered the baby and then execute her.

Please read the previous paragraph again. It is hard to get it to sink into our Western, carefree American brains.

As far as I know, the U.S. State Department has said that it is 'deeply disturbed' by these actions and has called on the Sudanese government to respect freedom of religion. I haven't heard that anything else has been done. And I'm not suggesting that we go to war, but I do think there must be some things that could be done if our Senators, Representatives, and the U.S. State Department are inundated by phone calls and letters from the American people.

This story makes me furious. I know the United National has a Council on Human Rights. We tiptoe around the whole human rights issue, never wanting to offend almost anyone other than Christians.  Please read the story as it was published online at The New York Daily News.

I wrote to everyone in government that I thought might be able to have any influence in this matter, or who might be able to put pressure on the Administration and the U.S. State Department, and I'm hoping you will do the same. Then pray. Please pray for this woman. Pray for her husband. Pray for her baby.

Here's a link you can use to contact The U.S. State Department.

If you already know the email addresses of your U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative, great.

If not, you can contact your U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative, by clicking on these links. You'll have to plug in the state you're from, but then there will be email addresses where you can reach each.

I know you are all quite capable of writing your own letters. If you don't have time and would like instead to copy mine, please feel free to do so. I hope I addressed all the important points.

"Please put pressure on the Sudanese government to free Meriam Ibrahim, Christian wife of a U.S. Citizen who has been sentenced to 100 lashes and execution for refusing to convert to Islam from her life-long Christian faith. BTW, she is 8 months pregnant and is currently chained to the walls of a prison cell. Do something, please. We are hearing nothing about it on the major news media in this country, instead they are turning a blind eye. Help free this woman. Thank you!"

Thank you, my blogging friends, for writing and for praying. As we know, God uses the prayers of His people.

This is a human rights issue, not just an American citizen issue, so even my blogging friends who are not in the U.S., please contact those in your government who might also have some influence in this matter.


And now to Vee's May Notecard Party:

Striving for uniformity

This Amish horse has graced the pages of my blog before.

Not enlarged, to protect the Amish anonymity

And for the top of the notecard box...


And now, on to the Hodgepodge

Joyce, From This Side of the Pond

1. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking?

When it's quiet, and often at night when I should be sleeping.

2. Are you a risk taker? What's one big risk you've taken?

No, I'm not really a risk taker. I do assess the risk in things, but I'm a firm believer in not doing something that scares me every day and I don't believe that there's some virtue in stepping out of our comfort zone, contrary to popular opinion. I think we were given a comfort zone for a reason.

3. Some of the most common phobias according to the National Institute for Mental Health are-fear of spiders (arachnaphobia), snakes (ophidiophobia), heights (acrophobia), fear of spaces from which escape is difficult (agoraphobia), fear of thunder and lightening (astrophobia), fear of dogs (cynophobia), injections (trypanophobia), social situations, flying (pteromerhanophobia) and fear of germs and dirt (mysophobia). True phobias affect only about 10% of adults, but of those listed which would you rate as your greatest fear?

I definitely missed the fear of dogs or thunder or lightning or germs or dirt or heights or snakes or spiders. But I don't like being trapped in a crowd. It's not small spaces that bother me, for I don't have any problem with elevators, but big crowds where the doors are locked? I would definitely stay away from there. But to answer the question, I guess I'd have to go with social situations, because none of the others apply. And even thinking about social situations makes me uncomfortable.

4. Are you settled or do you feel the need to move somewhere new?

I feel the need to move to England 3 months of each year. I feel a need to find cash to do that. I feel a need to stop thinking about it because it's not going to happen.

5. What is something you find annoying when dining in a restaurant?

Loud, obnoxious, unruly children or adults. Poison in the food, disguised as additives and preservatives. These are two reasons we almost never eat out.

6. Daffodil yellow, sunset orange, spring green, or sky blue...your favorite color this time of year?

Green, green, green! I love the green of the alfalfa field.

 Two of the grandsons in the GREEN alfalfa field last June.

7. If you were going to take a holiday all by yourself, where would you go?

London. I can't think of any place else that would be at all appealing to visit alone. And neither would London, actually, because it wouldn't seem like much of a holiday if I couldn't share it with someone. But desperate times call for desperate measures. If I had to go alone, I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I hope that Christian bloggers will pray with me for the situation in Sudan (mentioned above) and also for the nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls who were kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists and forced to convert to Islam. See more on that story, with video,  HERE, on CBS.



  1. Prayers, prayers and more prayers. I had not heard about the Christian woman. Thank you for calling it to our attention, and for making it easy to send that letter!

    Good Hodgepodge! Your awesome photos always fascinate me.

  2. You have a lot here.

    I just talked to my husband about that poor woman. Prayers for sure.

    I love your pretty postcards. I think that is so cool how the Amish help each other.

    Hodgepodge - let's see - 3 months in England a year. Other than that you are pretty settled.

  3. OOO, I enjoyed this whole post...and the cards are just beautiful. I've always wanted to visit Amish country. So interesting.
    Yes, it is very sad about the woman...I've heard of it from several places.

  4. Yes, that situation has ben very much on my mind. There's much to the story. Praying for her release.

    The barn raising is so interesting! What a wonderful way to accomplish big things...just by community coming together.

  5. ben? It has also been on my mind.

  6. First, let me say awesome cards and then I loved your random quips and the bits of humor therein.

    Now- this other thing is REALLY distressing. It makes my heart hurt. Why can't people respect other people and let them live their beliefs as it suits them. It just sickens me. Prayers going up for her and I will copy and send your message. Thank you-for caring and for stirring us to action. xo Diana

  7. I agee...both of those situations need fervent prayers. Living in America, it's often easy for us to remove ourselves from all the turmoil and upheaval that goes on in other countries. We need to make time to take it all to God.

  8. This is a terrible situation and has been on my mind and in my prayers. This is what happens when freedom of religion is not respected.

    I would love to see an Amish barn raising.


  9. Such a terrible situation. Wonderful selections for the Note Card Party. The barn raising is amazing. All your Amish photos are great.

  10. Oh the world has just gone mad (madder, anyway!). I will definitely be praying. The things we as a nation are focused on are so trivial. Not saying these things don't matter at all, but we're yammering on about minimium wage and political nonsense while pregnant women are chained to walls awaiting execution for their religious beliefs. Makes my heart hurt. I will be praying.

  11. I've been following that news story but not sure where--probably cable news. Thanks for making people aware. I like your barn raising cards! That would be a wonder to actually watch. I guess you are totally sold on/in love with England!! No doubt about that!

  12. I've been praying for this poor woman and her family ever since I heard about the story. (Apparently she also has a 20-month-old son who is imprisoned with her) it is gut-wrenching, and yes, I will be writing some letters!

  13. I've been praying for this poor woman and her family ever since I heard about the story. (Apparently she also has a 20-month-old son who is imprisoned with her) it is gut-wrenching, and yes, I will be writing some letters!

  14. That story of the Sudanese Christian women has been all over Facebook but not on our newsfeed that I've seen. I'm afraid it's only the beginning for Christian believers around the world and we really need to be praying. We have it so good here in North America but one day....
    I love the Amish barn raising photos. I wonder how long it takes them to raise a barn that big with a huge crew?

  15. Thank you, Judy, for the information on the pregnant Christian woman. I hadn't heard about it in the news at all.
    Your photos for the note cards are beautiful. I also enjoyed reading your answers to the questions.

  16. Love your Amish card collection! That barn-raising is amazing. I too wonder how long it takes for a barn that size! We could all take a lesson or two from the Amish, re. helping/supporting your neighbours, friends and fellow man....
    Such a disturbing story about that poor woman being imprisoned, and the Nigerian girls too. Much prayer is needed these days for all the terrible things going on in our world.

  17. I Pray for our leaders to do the right things by the people who voted them in office. We all pray for simple freedoms for all people. xoxo,Susie

  18. I did read about this woman yesterday and have prayed for her. I will send a letter, too.

    I love your note cards. The Amish community is so interesting to me and I love to visit there.

    One of the sayings I've seen that really irks me is to "do something that scares you every day". Really? And that will help us how? So I totally agree with you on the #2 Hodgepodge!

    Sorry this is getting long, Judy, but I wanted to tell you that PhotoScape is a free download. No Apple products needed. Enjoy!

  19. When I hear news stories like these...and there as SO many other horrible things happening these days, I just can't help but wonder how much longer the Lord will let this world continue to go on. On a lighter note, I love the Amish photos for your note cards! What beautiful simplicity!

  20. Thanks for helping to get this story out! It's so hard for us to imagine that things like that go on.

  21. I have heard of her story and I will contact my Senators and Congressman. Horrifying.

    I live in Amish country here in Pennsylvania, so it is interesting to see a different community of Amish.

    Thanks for sharing


  22. I had seen a report about the Sudanese woman in one of our newspapers. It is so easy to take our freedom for granted. Do you find yourself wondering why we have 'easy' lives, while others suffer so much?
    Your cards are wonderful.That is a very handsome horse.

  23. I am completely distraught over learning about that poor woman! I am on my knees soon in prayer for her.

    May God be merciful - and her toddler is with her witnessing all this too? I tell ya, woe be to the world!

    Love your Amish pics- so neat.

    I join you in Christian sisterhood on your thoughts. ♥ God bless you.

  24. What a darling photo of your two grandsons. :) I'd like to go to London sometime too, I haven't been there since i was 3! I hope you have a great week!

  25. First let me say I had not heard of this woman's story before reading it here on your blog. That is truly outrageous and beyond a doubt something should be done. Prayers being said that something good will come from this. We as Christians know that in the "end times" more and more things like this will happen. It's scary for sure but be rest assured God is in control.

    On another note I really enjoyed your Amish photos. I had the privileged of visiting Amish country many years ago in PA and loved seeing how they live.

  26. I do not watch the news on tv but talk radio and the internet are covering this dear woman's plight. Thank you for publicizing it. The Muslim religion commonly calls for death for anyone who leaves their religion. I love the Amish men swarming like worker bees to help a neighbor build a barn.

  27. I will certainly be praying for the Sudanese lady! I am thinking of the passage in Hebrews 11. The list of people of faith includes those heroes who received miracles in this life (as we know our God is certainly able!)...and the "some" who received their reward on the other side of death. I pray that this dear sister will be given grace and strength to stand whatever God's plan is for her. (I pray the same for myself...grace and strength to stand in His will.)

    Enjoyed seeing your note cards of the Amish barn raising. Isn't that a truly wonderful idea?

    I like what you said about comfort zones. :)

  28. Loved your notecard. We have an Amish community in Canada and we love to see them in their buggies. Have also visited Amish communities in Pennsylvania. Lots of prayers.

  29. I hadn't heard about the poor pregnant woman! I'll be praying for her and the situation she's in, as well as for those children.

  30. Prayers and more prayers for these situations.

    Your note cards are lovely, So nice to see the Amish community working together, There was a time in our history when a need arose most everyone came together to help meet that need. I also enjoyed reading Wednesday Hodgepodge.
    Thank you for sharing, and thank you for visiting me.

  31. Will pray for that poor lady!
    Love, love your postcards. Just lovely. =)
    What a precious picture of your grandsons in that green, green field. Beautiful! Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

  32. My dream is to live in London for a year. I hope I get to do that someday. That barn raising is so amazing and awesome! I am definitely praying for the Christian Sudanese woman.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Well done Judy for drawing attention to this horrific incident... it doesn't bear thinking about.
    The poor woman, her husband, little son and also her unborn child.
    I agree with you, we don’t need another war but we just can’t stand by and let these abhorrent acts happen.
    I'm adding my prayers and hoping our faith in God and the power of prayer wins the day.

    I love your May Note Cards depicting the Amish way of life.
    Thank you for sharing this insight with us.

  35. Oh Judy, what a story and thank you for bringing it to our attention!
    Starting prayers,

  36. Whoever it is, whether governments, councils or authorities, they all like to play the equality and diversity card but it's usually all one way traffic, that's quite annoying particularly when some members of other religions have opinions that Christians should have freedom to celebrate major Christian festivals such as Christmas and Easter.

  37. I like your Amish themed note cards. I've heard a barn can go up in a couple of days with all the generous hands working on it.

  38. Visiting for Note cards - These are a great choice and yes, I agree the Amish are not about having their picture taken, however this one of them all working together is amazing. If we could all solve world issues life would be a better place for sure. I like this hodgepodge idea, i'll have to make note to join.

  39. I am completely aware of this tory and agree with everything you have stated. The main stream media is made up of cowards and they are just worried about offending the wrong people at this time. Standing up for Christians at this time is in no way in their plans. We are extinct as far as the media is concerned. They are so worried about offending these people they forget what is right in the world.

    Your postcards are so beautiful. You capture such beauty.


  40. Amnesty International UK have a ready set up email form to go off to our government but I don't know if Amnesty International USA have something similar? I only heard about this woman about a week ago and was shocked by the situation. I've gone through the AI UK page to appeal to the UK government but we don't seem to be hearing anything about it in the news here either!


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