Monday, May 19, 2014

Vintage Autograph Book

I came across this old autograph book from the early 1940s in a desk drawer the other day. Please don't ask me how these things happen. Just let me say that when we die, our kids are going to pour gasoline over the house and throw a match on it love going through all the interesting, wonderful objects we've acquired through the years. This one happens to have belonged to Mr. Cranberry's aunt. I should track her down and mail it to her. I hope she hasn't been hunting for it all these years!

Anyway, I thought this was so sweet and wanted to share it with you. I hope she wouldn't mind. No one said anything bad, so she should be fine with it.

 Roses love sunshine
Violets love dew
Angels in heaven
Know I love you.

When twilight pulls the curtain back
And pins it with a star
Remember that you have one friend
Though I may be afar.

Down in the valley
Carved on a rock
Three little words
Forget Me Not.

2 good
+2 be
4 gotten

And then she added this:

May you never be as blue as this page.

 This one is from her teacher

'You are certainly a sweet girl. You don't know how very pleasant it's been working with you this year. Wish I had more students of your disposition and character. Best wishes and good luck to you. Hope to see you this coming fall.'

In the generation following, I too had one of these autograph books, but I don't know where it is or what anyone wrote in  it. Most likely I was unsuccessfully  trying to collect baseball players' autographs, rather than school chums.'  And it probably went the way of my shoebox full of baseball cards that my mom someone beloved to me tossed into the burn barrel when I was gone to Bolivia. Yes, I've forgiven her, but my collection of cards including Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Orlando Cepeda, Roberto Clemente, Eddie Matthews, Hank Aaron, Bobby Richardson, Sandy Koufax, etc. etc. etc. might be worth some big bucks today (just sayin'). 

Did you ever have an autograph book or write in one that belonged to a friend? Do you remember any of the little ditties besides these (above) that people wrote?  If so, please share in a comment!

As you read those pages above, were you struck with how the moral fabric of our society has deteriorated in the years since then? Unlike what some people like to think, we've not become more intelligent; we've simply become more Godless.


'If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.'  - II Chronicles 7:14


Contrary to what the hilarious Douglas Adams said regarding the ultimate answer to life, the Universe, and everything: 42 is not the answer. 

Jesus is. 

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."'


Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of the following: Treasure Box Tuesday  and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Junkin' Joe and Vintage Inspiration Friday and A Favorite Thing Saturday 


  1. I "buy out" estates and resell the items. I too have had/have several of these little autograph books. The sayings are the sweetest. You are right, our society has slid down a sad slope of selflessness - and Godlessness. Good post.

  2. In the 50's these autograph books were popular. I remember having a couple. Then people started writing autographs in year books. It's so much fun to look back at things people wrote. I remember some of the very same little phrases in my autograph book.

  3. I did not have an autograph book, but we did similar little ditties in our yearbooks, and I remember being sad that our senior yearbook didn't come out until after we had graduated and moved on, so that last yearbook has no signatures or sweet words. There were lots of versions for "Roses are red..."

    I agree with you that the biggest change is to Godlessness. So sad. Joe says the loss of respect for life goes right back to Roe v Wade, and I tend to agree with him.

  4. Great post! I look at some of the school papers my mom saved from her childhood, and am amazed how times have changed...and not always for the best. Some days I can barely watch the news because of all the horrible things that have happened.

  5. What a fun post! I need to dig out mine and Greg's yearbooks sometime to look back through them.

  6. Oh yes, this rings a bell! I remember having an autograph book when I was in elementary school, and asking my schoolmates and young adults at my church to sign it. What fun! I have no idea what happened to it, although I'd like to see it now.

    Your bit about the gasoline and match made me laugh. My brother-in-law loves to tease his mom (who is --shall we say?-- a "collector") about backing up a dump truck to her door and shoveling it all out. She laughs, but not as heartily as he. ;)

  7. Oh I seem to remember running around frantically and getting "autographs" on the last day of fun for some reason..."Have a good summer!" written over and over again! haha No idea where any of those things ended up. My high school year book (senior year) is full to the brim with them too. I too laughed at the lighting a match to it...when us kids were cleaning out mom's house that was the feeling once or twice. That's why I told hubby from this point on in our lives we start getting rid of and sorting through and organizing so that when our time comes it is not such a chore for our kids. haha Enjoy your week!

  8. I had one in sixth grade. A bunch of us just stapled together some construction paper together for our classmates to sign. No longer have that. After that kids signed the yearbooks. I bought a small autograph book in my late teens for relatives to sign. My dad has his dad's book from about 1906 or so. I've forgotten now what's in it. I do remember the penmanship was wonderful. Too bad about your baseball cards. Sounds like a nice collection. Can't keep everything, I guess.

  9. Yes, somewhere in this house, that the children will wish to torch, is my grandmother's and my mother's autograph books. I enjoy reading through them. I only remember one by heart...Only one life, 'twil soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.

    I don't believe you transcribed the first one accurately. "Voilets" it should be, whatever they are! =D

  10. Hello,
    Yes, I have an autograph book. My dad was the first to sign it. :-)

    I found one of my grandma's autograph books. And here is what one boy wrote.

    Girls like tulips in the park, but boys like two lips in the dark.

    ♥ Carla

  11. so very sweet! do please link this up to rubbish tuesday today at

    it's for anything old.

  12. Oh how special! I am not sure if we have anything like this in our family - maybe I should ask my grandparents if they have something like this tucked away.

    Thank you for sharing and putting a smile on my face.

  13. A lovely find! I have one that was given to my late mother-in-law by her teacher when she attained perfect attendance in 1930-31. It looks to be high school age as she went to teachers college in 1934-34 (one year back then!). I also had an autograph book in elementary school and had lots of friends sign it but it's in a land fill in my home town now. :( Wonderful mementos of times past. xo Pam

  14. I have one that is from my Great Grandmother which was written when she was young. Once my kids get me in the nursing home, they too will hire an arsonists to get rid of the stuff.

  15. What a great find, and so well preserved. When I was in school, we didn't have these. Everyone just signed our yearbooks. I think the fire is probably right one. I have some of my Grandmother's poems That I cherish. Sadly when I'm gone I doubt they will hold any appeal to anyone else. I have already gotten rid of all my kids school things by making them scrap books.

  16. Oh, and thanks for linking up!

  17. Loved this post! I too come across some wonderful autograph books... I just love the sayings in them!

    I have one from my childhood in uh ... early to mid eighties.

    My sixth grade librarian wrote one that I have never forgotten:

    Friendships are like china, costly and rare. When they break, they can be repaired, but the crack will still be there.

    ENJOY your week,
    PS. I also agree with your summation of our moral decline. God's grace is sufficient, which gives me peace.

  18. I remember autograph books as well. This one is fantastic!

  19. Judy, I had forgotten all about these! I also had them when I was a kid but sure don't know what ever happened to them. Oh...those were such fun, simple days! Thanks for the reminder!

  20. I think I had one--at least we signed each other's yearbooks. I recently found my mom's autograph book and I have a beautiful one of my great grandmother's when she was very young, all in Dutch. I should show it off in a post. But like you say, it does speak of another day and time when in many ways I think things were better.

  21. What a precious book. I had an autograph book and I can remember taking it around my neighborhood and having all kinds of people sign it. I must have gotten it in the summer! lol What fun memories! Sweet hugs, Diane

  22. Oh, what a treasure!! This is an absolutely beautiful post, and it has brought back a world of memories for me. I just wish I had my old autograph book (plastic, and not as lovely as this one. I think mine was of the pink "Ponytail" brand popular around 1959). But the sentiments were quite the same. Oh yes, the world has changed. I say with sorrow and with prayer: the world has changed.

  23. I had one, and many of the little verses are familiar to me....

    Beautiful handwriting in all of those pages...with texting and computers now, that's a lost art.


  24. I really enjoyed this post..I did not have an autograph book, but I remember the first one..the Roses are red one.

  25. Has to be the most elegant autograph book I've ever seen. I did not have a book, but had a stuffed toy 'autograph hound' that my classmates wrote on when I broke my wrist in 5th grade. It's long gone.

    I loved the handwriting and sentiments you pictured above, and I most definitely agree with your comments about the deteriorating moral fabric of our society.

    Visiting from Rubbish Tuesday,

  26. How delightful! Reminds me of the signatures in our high school year books way back when...wish I still had them around.

  27. This beautiful autograph book is quite a treasure! I love the things people wrote way back then. Also, I must add that I totally agree with your last sentence, Judy!

  28. OH- The sweet, sweet innocence of those days gone by. I did have an autograph book and it was a pretty simple thing back then (1960's), too. My mother threw mine out along with a lot of my other things, too. sigh...

    I remember a couple of them:

    YY4 me.

    Too wise you are
    Too wise you be
    I see you are
    Too wise for me.

    And then: written inside next to the spine:
    I beat them to the crack....(lol)

    xo Diana

  29. "Cranberry Morning" has been included in Sites To See #371. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  30. What a sweet message! Great, great memorabilia. I love rummaging through my mother's and grandma's things.

  31. What a fabulous find! Hmmm. I bet I could find some wonderful treasures myself if I went through a certain closet. :))

  32. My mother-in-law had what was called her "girl's book" where she recorded high school memories and friends wrote funny sayings and poems. Here are two. Thanks for sending me to the cabinet to pull these out.
    "Here on this page I claim a spot
    To write the word Forget me not."
    "I thought, I thought, I thought in vain
    At last I thought I’d write my name."
    Your little book is in such good condition. It's such a treat to read lovely cursive.

  33. How fun. We wrote in each others yearbooks. I'm sure the kids now are texting these very sentiments to all their friends as we speak. Maybe someone will run across them in cyberspace and appreciate them one day.

  34. I LOVE THIS! This appeals to my love of history, poetry, and human nature. What a great find!

  35. A real treasure...and so good that you have kept it all these years.

  36. Those are such sweet poems. What a find! I was never into having a book like that but I do have my yearbooks from H.S. with signatures.

  37. What a neat little treasure you have there. Loved seeing some of the entries. I have some High School Annuals where people signed things like that. I do believe people should be more thoughtful and gracious then they are.

  38. I once had good intentions of an autograph book after seeing two footballers in my childhood at the local airport. It never quite took off as in later years it was always awkward to know what to say to such people other than praise for what they did. In more recent times, I attended a funeral of a 12 year old boy who was being treated at a high profile children's wing of a hospital. He suffered from a difficult childhood disease The church was packed and I had to go out to the car for something before the service started. On returning I was told that my seat had been given up to someone arriving late ...ish. It turns out when I looked in that there was a high profile footballer sitting next to my Mother.

  39. Lovely post and I enjoyed seeing those old writings, aren't they gorgeous?

  40. I remember those and had one during my high school years. It is long gone, though. My mom threw out anything and everything I couldn't pack in the car when I left to go to college. But that's a whole other story...


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