Thursday, June 26, 2014

Good Fences

Simon & Garfunkel

It always amazes me that those big creatures consent to be contained by a single strand of electric wire. If I'm reading those faces right, they gave up the notion of escape a long time ago.

Obviously built by a committee

Blogging is going to be sporadic for a while, while I try to encourage a disc in my back to get back where it belongs. (Re-reading that sentence, I'm reminded of why people find English a difficult language to learn!)

Roses on Highway 29


Mid-morning addition:  As I'm occasionally sitting down to visit your blogs, I'm getting lots of pop up ads for 'laser spine surgery.' LOL  That's my punishment for Googling 'how to heal a slipped disc.' Good grief, our lives are so monitored!  Oh no, I see a drone outside my window!  (just kidding - for now, anyway.)

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  1. How very smart are those pretty fellas.
    Praying for you.
    Sending you a giant hug too..softly

  2. Beautiful fences, especially the one with the roses. I hope your back is better soon. That is so painful. Take care of yourself. Hugs. Pam

  3. Sorry your back is bothering you. I have a spot that is always going out of line. Remember that old joke, "My back goes out more than I do"? I pray you get the help you need and return to feeling wonderful. I like the fence with the roses. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Feel better soon! Looks like those first two fellas are past the horsin' around stage.

  5. I hope your back feels better soon. I have had disc issues before and I know how painful they can be. We will be here when you return :-)

  6. Oh oh not the back, mine is finally feeling better. Love the horses and fence. Blessings Francine.

  7. I love the fence with the roses. So sorry about your back. I started PT on mine yesterday. xo Laura

  8. Great photos (always), and I offer prayers daily for you and your back problem. Take care!!

  9. Yes - can't see Steve McQueen being contained by those measly strands! Sorry to hear about your back - take it easy and mend soon. All the best, Mike.

  10. I hope now you're back is healing and you're feeling better - I've come to learn that there are two things we've got to protect and care for - our backs and feet - beautiful horses and do love those roses - blessings,

  11. Hope you can recover and get to feeling better. A back out of whack isn't fun at all.

    Love the photos...and the caption under the one ...with "obviously built by a committee" cracked me up. Some hand from Congress or a City Council maybe? had me rolling.

  12. I'm so sorry about your back, Judy. I hope it gets better for you soon. Take care of yourself first and blogging can wait.

  13. Oh Judy, I'm sorry to hear about your back hope it is better soon.

  14. It always amazes me how that one strand of wire can contain such huge creatures. Yes, it would hurt a bit, but they could shove through in no time. The second is my favorite, but those flowers sure draw my attention.

  15. Great shots...especially those roses against the wooden fence. Coming from someone who has worked in PT for almost 30 years, yes...go take care of that back! Seriously, I hope everything gets back in place very soon!

  16. I LOVE the names and photo of Simon and Garfunkel!

  17. simon and garfunkle - what great names for that pair! loved all your fences - thanks for linking!

    i do hope your back will get better SOON!

  18. Ouch! Good luck with your back! Nice photos once again!

  19. I hope your 'back' to feeling better real soon!!!

  20. Yes, I'd say those horses accepted defeat long ago. Love the rose fence photo. mmmmMMM! Rest easy, and hope your back corrects itself very soon. Wendy x

  21. Sorry about the bad back...
    Beautiful fences, even the one holding in those "this is our with it" horses. :)

  22. hardy har har on the committee.. love it and the critters behind that tiny one strand of wire are wonderful.. gorgeous roses and the fence. almost did not get to comment. i clciked on comment and the browser went POOL and i had to think to remember where i was before it disapeared

  23. Ha! Ha! I'm still laughing about your comment! So true. I hope you're feeling better soon!

  24. Beautiful pictures. Remembering you in prayer. Take care.

  25. Judy, I hope you get that disc to cooperate soon! Yes, it is amazing how monitored we all are. I just hate pop-up ads, even those "tailored" to my interests.

  26. Love your horses and their names! A nice variety of fences. Hope you are on the mend.


  27. Lovely pictures! I think that an electric fence is a great mystery for horses...

    Oh yeah, I once searched for a particular teapot and now teapots follow me on all paths through the Internet ...
    Good luck and health for you, that is fast all right and not to painful

  28. Love your title! Lol! And those horses are so cute.

    Sorry to hear about your back, I pray you heal quickly and God grants you patience.

  29. Great fence shots, especially the last one. Hope you are "back" to feeling better soon!

  30. I was attracted to the title of this blog. (I love cranberries and have them in my cereal every morning). Also especially love the fence with roses. The horses aren't bad either and I love their names :) Hope that disc heals soon. Yeah, I've noticed a lot of ads aimed at seniors show up around my posts :)

  31. The problem is getting over that wire without getting shocked. Lovely roses next to the fence.

  32. hope your back feels that duo :)

  33. Back pain is bad and can shut you down as you already know. I hope things can straighten out for you. The horses are wonderful to see. Take care.

  34. "Obviously built by a committee" now that is a good. I'll have to remember that one. Great Good Fences.

  35. Great photos! Take care of your poor back! Blessings, Valerie

  36. I do hope you and your back feels better soon. Take Care! Love the photos, the flowers are gorgeous!

  37. OMG, those pop ups are so irritating and intrusive!
    I have been suffering with my Sciatica the last two weeks, so I can easily sympathise with you right now Judy. I hope your back heals quickly for you!

  38. I'm sorry about your back! Take care of yourself and don't worry about blogging. Love your photos, especially the fence with the roses! And I love the "obviously built by a committee"!

  39. Oh sorry to hear about your back. Hope it's better soon.
    Nice fence shots. Those roses are lovely. The horses don't seem to mind staying behind that one thin wire.

  40. Oh, poor baby, back pain is the
    worst, isn't it? Hope you get some rest to recover. When my children had ponies they seemed to 'know' when the fence was shorted out and would always escape. The only way to catch them was to crumple a bag of potato chips! (My hubby worked for Frito-Lay at the time) They loved potato chips and would come running! After they ate all my roses......
    Speaking of drones - we had one fly over about 10 years ago at tree top level. It was white and about the size of a small car. Can you say, 'Creepy'?
    Hope you are feeling better very soon. xo Karen

  41. Hi Judy, many thanks for visiting. You've a lovely collection of fences there. The pretty pink rose always brightens a place.
    Sorry to read about your poor back and sending good wishes for a quick recovery. Take care :D)

  42. I hope you feel better and things get back where they belong on their own. I had to read hubby the last part of your post. We both have computers in our laps at the time of reading! lol Maybe I'll get computer ads now! Take care my friend! Love your photos. Hugs, Diane

  43. Oh, dear. Take all the time you need. You need to get that back feeling better!

    (I, too, hate those pop-up adds. It is so weird when that happens!)

  44. Sorry - back problems are very painful:) Hope you're able to take it easy for a while!
    Lovely fence and roses!

  45. HI Judy Love the horses although they look a n=bit sad. Love the roses against the fence in the last shot.

  46. Prayers for you to get well soon. Thinking how they stand within the small wire fence. Great pictures of fences!

  47. You captioned at all so well. I agree with all of it. Hope you feel better.

  48. Oh my, now your back? So sorry to hear that. Love the names...Simon and Garfunkle!
    Get well soon,

  49. The horses are so sweet. Love the fences!

  50. Great photos... Nice horses.

    Chuckled at the fence 'built of a committee' -- it looks like all right!

    The fence with roses was especially lovely.

  51. Hi Judy,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your back. Hope it will get better soon. I like the fence with the roses. Have a great weekend

  52. I love Simon and Garfunkel! Had to laugh about the fence done by committee. That rose bush looks like it is all over the place, but the blooms are pretty.

  53. lovely roses on the fence and farm yard critters!
    Those pop up ads are annoying! Hope your back improves!!Heating pad always helps me!

  54. Lovely pics! I hope you get to feeling better.

  55. "Obviously built by a committee" = hilarious! And so true! A drone outside the window isn't, unfortunately, far fetched, is it? Sigh. Hope your back gets back to feeling good. :)

  56. Ouch, I hope you feel better soon!


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