Sunday, June 15, 2014

What's Trending on My Smartphone

Littlest granddaughter, just moved to Wisconsin!
Now only 2 1/2 hours away instead of 9

Two months ago, with her grandpa

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and grandpas out there.



  1. Judy, that's such GOOD news!! (We are still hoping here...for 7 hours away instead of 14 hours.)

  2. So happy for you in getting your grandbaby closer to you and the rest of the family!!

  3. She is precious. Happy she is closer to you.

  4. I know you are both so happy this little doll baby is now so much closer and with in reach.

  5. Smashing news for you - great picture! Here's to dads everywhere!!

  6. Oh wonderful! That is a blessing!

  7. Those are the BEST trends! I love getting photos on my phone especially of the grands.

  8. Adorable!! How nice that they have moved closer to you!

  9. I love it! There is nothing like having family close by. Such a cutie pie! I am sure you will be taking lots of two hour day trips now. I am happy for you. I want so much to move up north to New Hampshire, but I love having my mom just five minutes away from us right now. We see her every day. It is such a blessing! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  10. How cute is that! Glad she is only 2 1/2 hours away now.

  11. Ohhhh 2 and a half hours is MUCH better than 9. Hope you have a splendid day. Susan

  12. I bet you are just sighing and smiling with this move! That's an easy trip over and back in a single day.

  13. She's adorable. Just love those rosy baby cheeks and twinkling eyes. Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

  14. She's a doll! I'm sure you are thrilled!

  15. Yay!! She is in Wisconsin. :-)
    I am so happy for you and Mr. Cranberry.
    Have fun!!

  16. OMGosh-she is so cute, Judy. I am so happy that they moved and are living closer to you now. What part of WI did they move to? xo Diana

  17. How lovely for you.
    Such long distances are difficult for us to comprehend here in the UK!
    Aww she looks so sweet.

  18. That is really great news, to have your grandchildren moving closer to you. She is so cute :)

  19. What a cutie! How awesome that she is so much closer now. Having family close by is the best!

  20. What a beautiful child! Such gorgeous eyes. And how great that she's now so much closer to you.... enjoy!

  21. What a precious little face, Judy. And it's so nice that she's closer now. You are so blessed.


  22. That is great news. Wish my granddaughter in Virginia would move to Ohio, but sadly I don't see my daughter wanting to move back. I'll probably have an 8 hr drive forever to see Jillian.

  23. Lucky you! She sure is a cutie. Where in WI will they be? Maybe she could chat with our daughter about the perks of being closer to home?


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