Thursday, July 17, 2014

Amish School, Goats, Holsteins, and Good Fences

Looking particularly cute

I decided to take the longcut home from Chetek the other day because I wanted to see if there was a chance the goats were back at the Amish cemetery. Two years ago there were goats. Last year there were none. I had missed visiting the goats. (It gets lonely at times up here in the Northwoods.)

The other kids in the cemetery, keeping the grass short.
They were all very excited to see me, and were very vocal.
I love that cute little goat sound.

One of them finally realized he could go around the end
of that fence and come visit me.
(Check out that fella on the left.)

 Soon they were all there, but I didn't get a second photo of the group.

Kicking and swishing to keep the nasty flies away

School's out for the summer.

On the way to town

By the way, the car in front of me actually passed this buggy as he was approaching the crest of the hill. There is no way the driver of the car could have seen if there was an oncoming vehicle. I guess he was in a real hurry.


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  1. Nice photos. Goats have the sweetest faces. Seems these days, everyone on the road is in a big hurry. Thankful no one was coming when the car passed illegally.

  2. I love this post! Beautiful photos. I love anything to do with critters. And my favourite place is the North Woods. I love to visit old cemeteries. The history is so rich there. I am fascinated by the Amish, their culture, beliefs and ways.

  3. Oh my, the goats are so cute.. Some drivers are just crazy, I hope they do not hurt someone with their bad driving habits. I love these shots, great post. Have a happy day!

  4. What a beautiful group of goats!! They are really among the cutest of all animals :)

  5. I think goats are so cute! How many people can say they went to see the goats at the cemetery! Good grass trimmers! We have Amish families south of us and a carriage was hit last year with a family in it. So scary and maddening!

  6. Hi Judy A real hurry to die or cause someone else to be injured or worse. Love all the animals and fences and f course the buggy.

  7. and there could have been another buggy coming up over that hill.. drivers are crazy these days.
    i am so so so jealous of you and the goats... my oh my would i love to see them. a fantastic way to mow that grass...

  8. i hate folks who pass when it is not safe! love your grass-clearing goats and holsteins, too!

  9. Beautiful photos.
    And ya know I mad for goats.
    Fingers crossed one day.

  10. What a cute bunch of kids!

    Ah, Amish schools... when I was homeschooling the kidling several of our school books were Amish and I was really quite impressed.

  11. It's always nice to see glimpses of your neighborhood, kids included.

  12. Morning, beautiful pictures, sweet little kids, Blessings Francine.

  13. I like the scene of the school in the field. We were in Missouri on an even narrower road than what you have pictured and came over a rise, I'm going slow anyway, and there is a buggy plodding down the hill in my lane. Try to slow down a small house on wheels going 35-40mph. The Amish and their buggys is insane.

  14. Judy, these are great photos. I love Amish country scenes. I can't believe how presicely placed those tombstones are in the cemetery. And any fence picture is always enhanced by cute goats and cows! Great post!

  15. Love the shot of the little 4-legged mowers! I always love seeing the Amish country and enjoyed your wonderful photos! I don't understand the crazy drivers that just can't wait a second or two. They are such a menace on the roads. Have a great day!

  16. Judy, I love this post. With all this around you, I can see why Disneyland and Disney World don't interest you. I'd much rather spend a day looking at farm animals, old barns, fences and rusty stuff with you!

  17. Your photos are relaxing, taking me to a restful place. We drive past strawberry and flower fields on our way to Target, but no animal.

  18. Nothing better a clearing land than goats. I can attest to that.

  19. Is that the smallest school I've ever seen? You bet. What a nice part of the world you live in, it's very scenic.

  20. I can be very impatient behind the wheel, but more recently I make myself take a deep breath and thank God for slowing me down a bit. I think (buggies) are put in front of us for a reason.

    I love all the goats and what fun that must have been when they all came around the fence to see you! Great post!!

  21. Goats are cute but that's about all. They are so, so nosey and get into more stuff. :o))

    GReat photos and I do hope your Epidural injection goes as smoothly as mine did. It was done under conscious sedation so I never felt a thing. I return Tuesday for another one.

    Happy weekend!

  22. Thank you for sharing these photos. I find the Amish life so interesting. Cute goats!

  23. I enjoyed this series of photos...always love Amish shots.

  24. i love that they are called "kids" ... to fun! so cute. the perfect "lawn mowers" ever. ha. ha!! i wonder what they charge? ( :

  25. The 'kids' sure are cute! I hope they get all the grass mowed so they can go outside and play! Enjoy your afternoon my friend! Hugs, Diane

  26. The goats are so cute - and what a great way to keep the grass short.

  27. You have the best friends hanging around. You are so right about their cute little sound too! They're doing a great job of keeping the cemetery mowed!

  28. Very thoughtless, even stupid driver for sure. It's against the law to put a horse on the road in danger here, but then, I am sure it's the same there. You have wonderful neighbors...I have wanted a goat from time to time to tame the lawn around here. I'm already sick of mowing it.

  29. You live in such a beautiful spot. I have always been fascinated by the Amish. I like simple things.

  30. Love those fences as well as the goats and cows they protect. Don't you want to give those insane driver's a piece of your mind? Not in a road rage manner, but a motherly lecture.

  31. Your photos remind me of a simpler life.
    I, too, like goats - they're such cute little guys.

  32. Great post. Enjoyed visiting you.

  33. I see someone doing something really stupid while driving almost every time I head out these days. It never fails to amaze me the risk people will take with their driving. Glad to hear that at least this time no innocent people were harmed.

    Love the goat shots ... I'm very fond of goats as I used to have them. I love their little bleats too, so sweet :) Our goats kept our field very short and trim and they ate all the prickly thistles the horse didn't like. Have a good weekend. Wendy x

  34. Oh my, those goats are adorable!! They put a big smile on my face :)

    So sad to see how crazy drivers have become - it seems people are always in a hurry.

    Happy weekend to you!

  35. Fabulous shots! The little goats are so cute.

  36. Oh, I love those little goat faces, as well as the sound they make.

    I am going to pretend that I did not read the story of the heedless driver who risked life and limb (his own and others') in the interest of speed...uggghhh.

  37. sounds as if he was a hurried idiot!

    These little goats are so darn cute and precious! :)

  38. Good thing the COWS didn't decide to come around the fence to visit you!
    How did you get the little goats back in the cemetery?

  39. Maureen, I should have explained that the pen you see them in (the cemetery) is in a much larger enclosed area. So whether they stay in amongst the tombstones or come visit me, they are still penned in. The heifers were in a different location, a pasture at a nearby farm. :-)

  40. Judy, stopping back to say thank you so much for linking up to my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

  41. Adorable goats and great shots of critters and the Amish buggy ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  42. I have a friend who raises goats...pygmy goats. I think they would be so fun to, where to put them?

  43. Aw, I love that the little goat wanted to come see you.


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