Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Vintage Rusty Stuff, Wisconsin Barns, and Grandsons

 CLUE #1


 CLUE #2

 CLUE #3

 You were right! It's an old Farmall B tractor

Every grandson has been attracted to that old tractor.

Another neighborhood Wisconsin barn


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties: Inspiration Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday and Treasure Box Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Junkin' Joe and Vintage Inspiration Friday and A Favorite Thing Saturday


  1. Great old tractor. I actually guessed it from the first shot. My neighbor had one just like this, back in the day. Cute grandsons. Boys do love their tractors! Thank you for linking up!

  2. Great photos of the grands enjoying the tractor. I love the barn, too.

  3. I used to love playing on my grandpa's tractor when I was a little boy :)

  4. HI Judy Kids always love old tractors and I love all your shots. great shots of the grand kids.

  5. Love to see old tractors. I imagine someone put in some long days on that one.

  6. I can see ever child being attracted to it. I sure am. Your grands are adorable.

  7. I can sure see why all the grandsons would be attracted to that wonderful old tractor! Great pictures!

  8. Now that looks like a "show" farm it seems to perfectly painted and lawn manicured. Believe it or not I guessed tractor even though I haven't been close to many. I can guess your grandsons have a lot of fun at your place!

  9. I am loving those pictures of the tractor, Judy :) And the kiddos are simply precious!

    Enjoy your day! Hugs

  10. just grandsons? no granddaughters on that tractor? i loved tractors when i was small and would have been all over it... i got to drive one very much like this one way back in 1957 and what fun it was...i love the clue thing and did not guess, i thought it was an old truck.

  11. What adorable grandsons you have! Isn't that every little boys' dream...to ride or drive (or even sit on) a tractor? Precious pics and lovely rusty elements...oh, and the red barn is perfectly wonderful! Have a great day!

  12. great old tractor and cute photos of the grandkids on it!

  13. Your 'rusty' photos are always so interesting. Your grandsons are adorable. Blessings!!

  14. Children love old tractors. I remember going to my cousins when I was little and riding on the tractor. It was great. xo Laura

  15. Your grandsons are soooooooooo darned cute!!!! Bright eyed and so aware of everything in the moment you took these photos.

    And the grill work gave it away for me...I then knew it was a tractor.

  16. I can't blame those cute grandsons. I think I would want to get in that seat and do some pretending too!

  17. Now that is some real handsome fellows, Judy!

  18. Now that is some real handsome fellows, Judy!

  19. They are cute little guys. I am sure that is lots of fun.
    When I worked at Montessori we had a structure like the tractor. Kinda just like the metal parts. The kids loved it. I liked sitting on it with the kids when they drove.

  20. Ooops. I didn't get it until I saw the whole thing. A city girl here(but country girl wannabee). Great photos!

  21. Hi Judy,
    I always mistake your soaps for a yummy looking dessert -and then I read the caption!
    Cutie pie grandsons. Have two of my own.
    And a granddaughter. But no tractor.
    :) m & jb

  22. You have a great eye, and take wonderful photos. I love that tractor!

  23. Your grandsons are not only handsome but very smart too.
    I love old tractors.

  24. My husband would love to have a Farmall, in fact, has been talking about it quite recently. :)

    Handsome grandboys!!

  25. Thanks for sharing wonderful information, it is really nice information.

  26. spam...I hates it...

    Rode an old Farmall tractor around my parents' acre lawn a good many times in my life. We are rather fond of them, too. Your grandsons are smart lads!


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