Thursday, September 18, 2014

Amish Signs, Good Fences, and Wisconsin Barns

The horse (above) came barreling toward me, full speed. 
I like horses, but I was pretty glad that there was a fence between us.

Look at this beautiful creature!

Oh. He wasn't coming to run me over; he only wanted to read the sign:

'No Sunday Sales'

 Sam's Driveway

Out in the beautiful Coulees and Ridges
of Southwestern Wisconsin


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Joining Theresa

Eileen for

Saturday's Critters



  1. :0)) He was happy to see you.
    How fun!
    Woolie hugs

  2. He was hoping you'd take the hint and go and buy him some of that fresh fruit to eat!

  3. He's gorgeous...I am sure he was hoping that you had a carrot for him! :)

  4. He must be lonely. I love South West Wisconsin - New Glaris, Black Earth and MT. Horeb area.

  5. He must be lonely. I love South West Wisconsin - New Glaris, Black Earth and MT. Horeb area.

  6. Oh, he IS a handsome fella, isn't he!
    We have numerous Amish settlements dotted around the area; I especially love their raw milk cheeses (the jalapeno is the best ever!) and their 'Traffic Jam' aka Wedding jam.

  7. I'm tempted to say that I like horses, but couldn't eat a whole one. But I won't, because it might be misunderstood. He is indeed a beautiful creature. Really liked your photos - very pastoral. The Norwegian-Irish sign is a good symbol!

  8. Judy that horse probably thought you had some lumps of sugar to share! Love seeing the Wisconsin photos! So pretty.

  9. Twisty roads and lanes to find the Irish Way and Norwegian, can't remember the rest of the sign. Looks like what I remember from my child like eyes as I road along with my dad as he stopped to get cheese at different places. The hills and trees, country, barns, animals . . . fences . . . the photos take me back. I also remember CAR SICK . . .

  10. I think I RODE along instead of ROAD . . .

  11. Ha! Like your interpretation of why the horse was running towards the fence. ;)

  12. I alway enjoy Amish hand lettered signs. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  13. Judy, great job on the fence and the sign....and the beautiful animal. Love the color of the horse.

  14. Whoa it does look like he was happy to see you.

  15. What a beautiful horse! I'd be glad of the fence between me and the horse too! Love the hand painted sign and beautiful farm and countryside. Have a super day!

  16. a great combination to love, there! beautiful!

  17. The horse is truly magnificent! Lovely shots, Judy :) Hugs to you!

  18. Judy, that horse is my very favorite color horse! I believe it's called bay - brown with very dark mane. Your photos are superb! I'm so glad you share them with us through your blog.

  19. How funny-- bet he was hoping for a carrot or apple. I'm sure the horses are enjoying this cooler weather. Nice pictures!

  20. That horse just wanted to say hello and hey, give me some treats.

  21. I bet that horse loves people! And is probably well loved if he has that reaction to people. Loved seeing all these shots. Been through Wisconsin a couple times and loved it.

  22. Love the photo you got of the horse in action. Fences can be real good! :)
    Such beautiful country you live in.
    Have a great weekend.

  23. I hope that hand made sign gets them lots of sales!
    I like the Irish-Norwegian interchange :). Any other nationalities, I wonder??

  24. That was a gorgeous horse. Of course being that I'm a tad "afraid" of horses had it galloped towards me like that I would have been off like a scared rabbit looking for safety. Good thing there was a fence. I hope the horse liked what he read on the sign. That sign is sort of funny being that it's in the US and yet the names on the sign talk about other countries. The US is diverse indeed.

  25. oh the horse is a real lovely one. The fences are lovely takes.

    Have a great day!

  26. This was fun, especially the horse reading the sign. Ha! Beautiful pictures!

  27. Beautiful horse and scenery.Good fence too, Blessings Francine.

  28. I am glad he is not a jumper and just a reader! It is a beautiful horse! Love the photos!

  29. He's a handsome horse and these are lovely rural scenes.

  30. Very nice pictures. Beautiful horse.

  31. And you had your camera with you! Beautiful photos. I bet you are watching the news today across the pond. Meant to say how fun it was to get my order. So nicely done. Thanks! Taking them as hostess gifts on our next trip.

  32. It is so lovely and green there! Love the signs and the horse!

  33. What a beautiful animal! And I would love to follow that sign and have a look around there..

  34. Beautiful farm & fence! What a lovely horse as well. How nice you can get organic produce there!

  35. It really is great to see this area of the country.

  36. A gorgeous animal. And your part of the country looks gorgeous also. I wish to visit there one day.

  37. Such a beautiful horse! Gorgeous.

  38. he is a beauty!! i have felt that "good thing for a fence" feeling....perhaps they think we have carrots!!

    the only thing i love more then a good fence, is a beautiful horse and pretty country views!!

  39. oh he's gorgeous and that's funny, he does look like he's reading the sign!

  40. I like that style of street sign.

  41. Thank you for popping by my blog this evening and for leaving me a lovely comment.

    Wisconsin is one of those states that I've been in as I've been enroute from one city to another. I spent the night in Madison many years ago.

    Your photos are beautiful. That horse is gorgeous.

    I'll be visiting your Etsy store, as I love using handmade soaps.

    Patti @ Magnolia Cottage

  42. A beautiful horse - he wanted a treat! Lovely farm - pretty countryside there. I've never been to Wisconsin, but I had a good friend from Eau Claire when I was young. I always loved the way she said 'Chair'..... 'Cheer' :) xo Karen

  43. The horse is in such wonderful condition. The area around is so beautiful. Lovely photos.

  44. Your pictures just keep amazing me. I wish we would have wandered off the beaten path when we went to the Dells. We did, a bit, to visit a winery, but I would have taken the scenic road if we had had more time to get home. Maybe next time.....

  45. funny how we both spoke of the Amish. they really are such a great group of folks. i wish i could learn more ... i love learning. ( :

  46. That's a beautiful farm area and horse! He wasn't trying to scare you, just anxious to make friends, LOL.

  47. Judy, let me be the 51st person to say how much I enjoyed this post. There's just something about the Wisconsin countryside that you captured. It's so inviting. I feel a road trip coming on! LOL!
    Have you been to the Amish farm?
    The horse was probably just happy to see you!

    Off to a wedding in NJ tomorrow. Leaving at 5 AM. Three hour drive. Wedding is at 10 AM. Really? The things we do for love, huh?
    ((hugs)) m & jb

  48. Judy, let me be the 51st person to say how much I enjoyed this post. There's just something about the Wisconsin countryside that you captured. It's so inviting. I feel a road trip coming on! LOL!
    Have you been to the Amish farm?
    The horse was probably just happy to see you!

    Off to a wedding in NJ tomorrow. Leaving at 5 AM. Three hour drive. Wedding is at 10 AM. Really? The things we do for love, huh?
    ((hugs)) m & jb

  49. That is a beautiful horse!

  50. Judy, Thanks for sharing your pretty horses and post! Have a happy weekend!

  51. Beautiful horse photos ! Love them!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  52. Lovely capture and caption of the horse reading the sign.


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