Monday, September 8, 2014

In The Neighborhood

I don't know if I posted this photo before. Look at that poor, bored horse. I think he just wants to get on with it and do his job. Instead, he dutifully stands there, a picture of perseverance.


This old windmill (so much prettier than the new-fangled 3-bladed wind turbines) looked beautiful against the blue summer sky. I'm thinking of trying my hand at painting a picture of that on a wood pallet and hanging it on the porch wall. I do think it would look great, but don't hold your breath. I'm not sure I can accomplish that, but I can definitely see it in my mind's eye. Then again, I can see our kitchen repainted in 'Tousled Grass,' which hasn't happened either. It will, eventually.

Old Mower and Grain Drill

This may be a repeat as well. I should have these photos on some sort of inventory so that the file will notify me if I've already used a photo. This is what happens when you've publishing blog posts for 4 1/2 years and lots of the photos were of a similar subject.

Another Fence Sampler

 Rusty Truck Door Lock

We spent the weekend in Westby, WI, one of my very favorite places, although none of these photos is from Westby. It was a dual-purpose trip - a) because we love it in that part of the state and b) because we were delivering some old school slate chalk boards to 6 different Amish families. We had perfect weather, mid- 70s and blue skies. Kevin's cousin is a great host and makes sure we get to see the important things. The landscape reminds me of the Yorkshire Dales without castles and abbeys, but with a lot more trees. A lot more trees!  I will be sharing those photos eventually.

I hope you all had a great weekend too!


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  1. Oh I love everyone of your photos I especially love the rusty door latch:)
    What a great thing to do delivering the slate boards to the Amish we have a few of those. Beautiful photos thank you. Hug B

  2. Nothing can compare with the old windmills. Great photos!

  3. Whether you have posted them before or not, they are new to me. Love the patient horse. I think that windmill would make a great painting. I hope you manage to find time for the job and post the results. That rusty door latch is awesome!

  4. Judy, how clever! Post Rubbish Tuesday on Monday and be ahead of the game!

    Repeat photos are just fine with me. But since I'm new to your blog, everything is new. And since I forget so easily, it will be new to me today even if you posted it yesterday. LOL!

    My fav today is that windmill. I love the colors; all in the same family, but so many of them.

    Blessed Monday, my friend, m & jb (who is meowing every 1 ½ seconds -yes, I counted- to go out despite it being still dark)

  5. What a wonderful collection. To The Backroads Traveller

  6. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures Judy! I love all things rustic!

  7. What amazing and beautiful treasures...I wish we had more windmills here in my neck of the woods :)

  8. I love the old windmill too Judy. It would make a wonderful painting. Great photos. Have a blessed week. Pam

  9. ahhh mid 70's sounds so good to me. and i love that rusty latch photo... maybe the horse is a stuffed one? looks like he is just ground tied.. all the photos are beautiful

  10. Love all of the pictures - rusty hinge was cool!

  11. Love the pictures! Maybe that horse was catching a few zzzzzs-- :)

  12. lovely old buildings and rural pieces. :)

  13. Hi Judy! Your photos are always amazing and beautiful - thanks for sharing!

    Have a lovely week :) Hugs

  14. Great set of photos! And I have the same problem of not know if I have posted a photo before. And have found a couple lately that have been posted twice in a short time frame! (I feel so embarrassed when I find I have done that. I don't mind if it is years apart, and some I republish on purpose because I love them so.)

  15. I love seeing these wonderful photos, Judy!

    I believe those paintings (both the painting of the kitchen walls and the actual painting of the windmill) will get done. They will. They will.


    Sheila :-)

  16. Morning, wonderful group of pictures.Blessings Francine.

  17. I love that new little cabin and yes, the horse does look a bit bored.

  18. We did have a wonderful weekend. Went over the mountain to a neighboring to come.

    These were beauties. I have a thing for old windmills too. I will be watching for the painting!

  19. Beautiful photos, Judy. The old windmill would make a wonderful painting.
    Our weekend was good - we arrived home on Saturday after our vacation and jumped right into life as normal.

  20. Beautiful photos, Judy. The old windmill would make a wonderful painting.
    Our weekend was good - we arrived home on Saturday after our vacation and jumped right into life as normal.

  21. I never tire of your rustic farm photos, Judy. So just keep them coming girl.

  22. Cannot wait for your photos, I love this area as well. :-)

  23. We had a windmill like that when I was a kid on the farm. They are great photos. I have the same problem with posting repeats. Sometimes I repeat post a photo a week later.

  24. I have never been to WI--SO living vicariously through your photos. THANK YOU! And thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. The truth will set us free! Blessings!

  25. Judy,
    I really like that picture of the log cabin with the patient horse looking on, and the wind mill looks delightful against the blue sky. That picture of the rusty door lock is cool too. I always love seeing your pictures. They are filled with simplicity and beauty.


  26. Lovely country images, Judy. I think the windmill is my favorite...I agree the new ones can't hold a candle to these old ones with all the rust blades! I have never seen any of the pics before either :)

  27. You always make "rubbish" look like works of art!! I always look forward to your photos!

    Just a thought...print out that windmill photo on large paper and ModPodge it to a canvas. Three or four coats over it should make it okay to hang on the porch. No painting necessary.

  28. I far prefer looking at the older items out and about with their rusty stains and showing that they have 'lived' a little. Lovely shots x

  29. Horses are pretty fascinating to me as to how long they can stand. I see them in trailers traveling across country, unable to get out and exercise and even lay down.

  30. What a nice thing to do and a beautiful time of year to be there. Love seeing all of the big farms that are so well maintained. Enjoy your week! Sweet hugs, Diane

  31. You have some great shots there, and that horse is so patient, just standin' and waitin'.


  32. These are nice! I especially like the old windmill. We don't see many of them in Kentucky.

  33. Your windmill photo is amazing. Love the rusty handle too!

  34. Such an eye for photography! I hope you're keeping a book. Have you thought of making one at Shutterfly? What a great coffee table book your photos would make! Especially with the captions you write.

  35. That is a great rusty door latch. That poor horse! I hope he didn't have to wait too long.

  36. If I was a horse, I wonder if I prefer to be lazy and idle around or be hardworking and pull a heavy load. I am bone to the Chinese Zodiac of a horse. Visiting you for the first time.

  37. Have to agree the old windmill looks beautiful. I am strangely fascinated by our wind turbines though, we have lots on our seascape.

  38. I love the windmill photo.
    All your photos actually.
    If you've shared I sure don't remember and enjoyed each one.
    Have a great day friend.

  39. that horse does look quite bored! love the old windmills too!

  40. that horse does look quite bored! love the old windmills too!

  41. You have an incredible eye for this! I love your photos. I am still trying to get back to a routine...sometimes it is hard. Hug.

  42. Wonderful photos, all firsts for me!

  43. Nice windmill composition photo and there's a lot to learn from the horse and your comment. Never feel sorry for what might be a repeat post , you always make it interesting and that the key.


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