Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October Sky Hayride

 Mr. Cranberry and the October Sky Hayride 

Join Joyce and the Gang.
She writes the questions.
We write the answers.

(To join in, click on the button below)

1. Elizabeth Lawrence is quoted as saying, 'Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn." So have you done just that? And what did you leave undone in order to do so?

Oh yes, I've spent a lot of time out among the gorgeous fall colors. We've had a spectacular autumn this year - nice weather, trees allowed to peak in color before a rain storm takes their leaves.  I left everything else undone, except for the tracking of leaves into the house. I've done lots of that.

The fam - on the no-hay hayride (allergies)
over the fields and to the woods

2. Since we're talking turning...what's one thing you feel you're doing 'every time you turn around'?

Every time I turn around, I'm taking Misty (on lead) outdoors or indoors. She is blind and deaf and now very confused, so I sometimes find her wandering around upstairs, even though we have a gate at the bottom of the steps. We leave it closed, but not locked (so the cat can come down). Misty has started this new trick (after 14 years of never having gone upstairs) of nudging the gate open, going upstairs, and wandering. I think she has dog Alzheimers. Very sad.

3. How hard is it for you to 'turn the other cheek?'

Not hard for me to turn the other cheek, but it's not because I'm a wonderful person. It's mostly because I try to save confrontation for issues I think are truly important. Otherwise, it takes up too much energy. Life is too short to react to everyone who's angry or hostile. I try to remember that the other guy's a sinner, just like I am. It's a natural tendency to become defensive, but I'd rather walk away than expend the energy to retaliate. I know that walking away isn't exactly 'turning the other cheek.'

Playing in the woods at Grandma's

4. When did you last turn a drawer, your car, a room, or your entire house upside down looking for something? Did you find it?

That would be EVERY SINGLE TIME. Oh yes, I always find it, whatever it is, because I have one obsession, and that's hunting for things that are lost. Most of our kids never bothered to hunt for things because it was just easier to tell Mom that it was lost. They knew I would hunt like a madman until it was found. It's so ridiculous.

5. 'One good turn deserves another'...were you most recently on the giving or receiving end of that sentiment?

If someone does something for me, that's wonderful. I thank them. I don't try to 'pay them back.' That detracts from their generosity, like needing to even the score. Why do people need to keep score in the first place?? Why can't we just gratefully accept someone's generosity? I also don't believe in 'paying it forward' in order to eventually get something back. The very word 'paying' implies that we've now earned it. Grace is something we can't earn and we can't pay back.  Jesus giving His life for us, while we were still sinners, was a good example. He wasn't expecting anything in return, wasn't 'paying it forward,' hoping someone would do something nice for Him someday. I think we all need to practice selfless giving more often.

6. Red, yellow, and orange are the colors of fall. Also the colors of fruit. If you were permitted only one color of fruit in your diet, which would you choose? This question isn't as easy as it sounds, at least not for me.

Can it still be on the vine or tree? Because then I'd pick GREEN and eventually it would become a RED apple or an ORANGE orange or a BLUE blueberry or a RED strawberry... but if that doesn't count, I'd just pick RED. That way I'd at least have pomegranates, apples, cherries, strawberries, and tomatoes...but no blueberries? :-(

Pomegranate seeds: Mealy, corn-like food substance
with wonderful flavor

7. The Hunt for Red October, October Sky, Halloween...which 'October' film is your favorite?

Of those three, The Hunt for Red October wins hands down. LOVE that movie. Love the music of the Soviet national anthem sung by an all-male choir, love Sean Connery (couldn't stand him as 007) in that movie and in the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie.  He's one actor who aged well. I also liked Alec Baldwin in the role of Jack Ryan. Probably the only time I could say I've liked Alec Baldwin.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Our daughter and her family were here on Sunday, thus the pics of the hayride and the fields and woods. Grandpa (aka Mr. C.) gave Henry and his daddy a ride in the lift (roofers are re-roofing our house), which was a new experience for Henry.

'I think I'm having a good time...I think I am, I think I am.'

Smile a little smile for me.


Check out my natural, handcrafted vegan soaps!

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A few of my many Fall & Christmas soaps

Large 4.5-5 oz. bars
All-natural base oils, essential oils, botanicals

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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and Barn Collective and  Artsy Corner Thursday and Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Saturday Critters


  1. Beautiful photos, love that sky and seeing your family!

  2. Oh WOW your family looks like they are having so much fun. They are truly blessed and so are you.
    Beautiful beautiful photos. Hug B

  3. Interesting..... I never thought of Pomegranates as mealy or corn like. Love then though!

  4. Hey Judy, I just realized I have been calling your sheep by the wrong name. Muker, not murker. Please extend my apologies to him.

    I really enjoyed this post. Saw that the first few questions were all about Turning. With regard to October films, haven't seen any of those listed. (I lead a sheltered life.) BUT, the one and only Horror film I could ever watch was An American Werewolf in London. Mostly because it was funny. Guy's turning into a WW for the very first time, and rockin' in the background is Creedence Clearwater Revival with Bad Moon Rising. Ya think? LOL!

    Dark, rainy, chilly morning here. And must venture out early for appointments and errands. Good thing I have a large umbrella. Really do need big, colorful rain boots, tho.

    Loved your pix, m & jb (who is warm, and dry, and sleepy and who does NOT have any errands this morning) Am jealous.

  5. I enjoyed your answers today. Reading about Misty made me very sad. I do believe dogs get Alzheimer's and they also have mini seizures which make them act strange. Our old Marshall (the pork chop eating, blind and deaf dog who lives at our son's) has had 'episodes' for the past 3 years or more. It just makes me sad as they are in their own world much like a person with Alzheimer's or dementia. sniff I'd choose red - apples, tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries. ;) Your grands are adorable and what a fun day for them and you!

  6. It's hard to concentrate on the questions and answers because of all of the beautiful photos :)

    It made me sad to hear about 'Misty', since a lot of my animals are getting on up in years, too... It's hard to watch.

  7. Awesome to spend time with your family! The little ones look pretty happy!

  8. You are having a beautiful fall, Judy! Ours here in the South is not that spectacular this year but that is ok. I love your comment about not keeping score and valuing generosity! So true! And that baby girl...precious!!

  9. Judy...your photos are just beautiful! Mind if I ask which photo editing site/program you use? So happy you made some lasting memories with your family! Your grandkids are so darn cute!

  10. Your photos are so precious, Judy. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your sweet family.

    Have a wonderful day! Hugs!

  11. Judy, the picture with the baby and granddad is darling. I share your love of "Hunt for Red October"....I think I have watched it way to many times. I've never eaten a pomegranate!

  12. Love your pictures of the family and the hay ride. Have a great week!

  13. I loved your hodgepodge answers, Judy. The photos of your family are so sweet and the weather looked just perfect! I could almost hear those leaves crunching underfoot :)

  14. I love hayrides, with or without hay.
    Always a fall favorite of mine.
    Last week our town had their Fall Festival.
    To avoid to traffic, and finding a place to park, I walked down to our local park a caught the free hayride to the festival.

    What a beautiful dog.
    Sad how she is ageing.

    I love your answer to #3.


  15. thanks for sharing the non-hay ride and the woods! yes, love hunt for red october. so sorry for your sweet old pup.

  16. Another great Hodgepodge! You answered #5 so well. Excellent and well put! I think everyone I've read, so far, has answered #6 with red, but green was a good try! :)

    I always love your photos, and the hay-less hayride looks like it was lots of fun! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Loved your answer to number 5 and couldn't agree more! And the pictures were great as always...can't imagine my grands on that roof loader thing...soo fun. Hope you have a good day!

  18. Judy, I so appreciated your answer to #5. Thank you for expressing so beautifully the gift our Savior gave us. The pictures are just beautiful and I enjoyed seeing everyone of them. The kiddos are precious.

  19. So Cranberry Morning omitted cranberries from her list : ) Such lovely photos today. There is something sweet and special about an old dog.

  20. Love that picture of the October sky! We have had a pretty nice fall too. I think the leaves were prettier last year, but we still have lots of color.

  21. Your grandchildren are adorable! I especially like the photo of walking through the leaves. I had never thought of a hayless hay ride! I am terribly allergic to fall leaves and have to carry an epi-pen in the fall. Wonderful fall pictures! What a great idea! Poor Misty, so sad. And how is she physically? Now I have to watch Red October, maybe I can find it on On Demand!

  22. Oh my! Those pics are absolutely gorgeous!!

  23. Lovely photos of where you are so blessed to live, along with the blessings of a beautiful family.
    So sorry for you sick puppy...

  24. What beautiful new treasured Family memories.
    We are blessed my Friend.
    Woolie HUGS

  25. I love all those beautiful photos of yours girl - Heaven on earth.

    I am commenting too about number 3 - that is the best part about aging - not for all - some get bitter - but for the most part it is mellowing me. Things just don't seem all that important anymore! lol

  26. Hi Judy,
    I always enjoy reading your answers.
    The hay ride looks so fun. I love all the photos, the one with Mr. Cranberry and baby is so sweet!

  27. Loved your reply to the "turn the cheek" question.

    Would love to get down on the floor beside Misty and just love her.

    It looks like a visit to your home is a fun place, and most especially for the children!!

  28. Great and thoughtful answers to the hodgepodge questions. Your family looks like they thoroughly enjoy the autumn season.

  29. How about sending some of that October sky our way? It's been raining for what seems like days. I think we are now paying for our lovely summer......

  30. Evening, always enjoy the hodge podge. Sweet family pictures, love the hayride, that sky is amazing. Blessings Francine.

  31. So funny....I have been craving an old fashioned hay ride. Cute little ones.
    So sad for your doggy.

  32. Such lovely family time spent in the crisp outdoors, enjoying the season's fresh, fall energy! Wonderful pics!


  33. Gorgeous autumn photos! My favorite season. That fruit question was a toughie. Though peaches are my favorite, I'd probably have to choose red for more variety. Sorry Misty is not doing well. I do like all your animals (even though they are Not Lionel!).

  34. Such a fun filled post. Short on time to comment...but I lose my phone at least once a day. I loved the old wall mounted land lines...I never lost that phone!

  35. I like the questions and your answers . . . Love seeing "your fallish pics" and your family!
    (Love your soap by the way. I cut one bar in half and have half near my kitchen sink and half in a guest bathroom. A bit I'd Christmas Morning fragrance . . . Thank you once again for the sweet giveaway!)

  36. I'm guessing my first comment did not take so once again I will say how much I enjoyed this post and your answers as we seem to be on the same page...:)JP

  37. Fantastic fall family fotos! (just had to keep going with the f's there!) :-) Love them all! I love October Sky for my best October title movie. Poor puppy! You love and care for him in his old age and that is as important as caring for any other family member.

  38. Such beautiful photos! You have talent! It looks like you live a life of quiet, rural living surrounded by lovely nature...and loving family. Wonderful! (Poor doggie! It's hard when they get older...)

  39. Loved your hayride photos. Such a sweet family you have. =) Enjoyed your answers too! Pomegranates are my daughter's favorite food.

  40. Beautiful family and beautiful place! Isn't the sky glorious in fall? Just perfect for beautiful photos!

  41. It looks like you and your family are having a great fall.

    Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above's Link Party. We hope to see you at tonight's party.

  42. The contrasting colours in the first shot of Mr C on the tractor are amazing.

    I was Interested to read your comments in question 3 and 5.
    After observing the reactions of people who don't turn the other cheek, there's no doubt that it's the unhealthy option in many ways. Although walking away might not seem to be turning the other cheek, given the circumstance, it's probably the best outcome to diffuse certain situations.


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