Friday, October 31, 2014

Recapping October 2014 - Gathering the Moments

October 2014 was a beautiful month. We had better fall color than usual, mostly because we didn't get a rain storm that took the leaves before they could reach peak color.  Nice temps allowed us to enjoy a hayride and walks in the woods.  It was delightful. I hate to see it end.

Two grandsons at our 'early Thanksgiving.'
This was just after reconciling
which was just after getting into a scuffle
because one had drawn a rainbow
and the other one had the nerve to draw a horizontal white line through it!
The battle was short.
Love prevailed.

  Mr. Cranberry's newest old acquisition:
The cute little Ford 8N tractor

This didn't start out as a dog bed.

An old photo, dragged out for company to see.
Friends whom we had not seen in years
had dinner with us one evening.
It was SO much fun to spend time with them,
visiting and laughing the afternoon and evening,
the kind of friendship where you don't have to waste time getting reacquainted.
This is a pic of our daughter and their son about 27 years ago.

October evening from our deck
6 PM

Goodbye October.
Please send a warm November.
Who am I kidding.
There's snow on the ground as I write this Thursday night!



Thinking About Home





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Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Snow! I cannot believe you have snow, Love that last shots.Also all the fall shots,and all your collages. Your grandsons are cute.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh this made me smile you had a fantastic month filled with love, beauty and memories. Oh you will not forget this one. Hug B

Trace4J said...

What beautiful photos.
I'm sad to see October go..
My favorite month.
Woolie Hugs

The Cranky said...

What wonderful photos and happy October memories. Love the little Ford tractor, my grandfather had one just like it!

Deb said...

Beautiful post, Judy. October has always been my favorite month. We reluctantly bid farewell, too, as the colder weather is now moving in and we have yet to move into our tiny house. Hoping the snow holds off awhile. Love the pic of 'not a dog bed'. Cute. Deb

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

No, no, no, no, no...that is NOT snow, it is Frost. Period.

Nice dog bed. You really go all out, don't you? (smirk) Bad Maureen.

Happy Halloween! Gotta go carve me a pumpkin!

Bethany Carson said...

Great shots! I especially love the October evening one...October was such a splendid month!

Dee said...

Hi, So happy to have you visit my blog and leave me a comment. I may never have found your wonderful blog if you didn't. I love all of your photo's a big giggle seeing your dog on His bed :) and I think your snow is heading my way for tonight. Just flurries****I hope.

Dee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda Kay said...

Judy, really nice job with these photos...great scenes and the kids are all darling. I love the one of the fields in the evening and the old truck with the pumpkins. Bye to October!

Terri D said...

Warm, wonderful October memories to keep you content during the cold winter months ahead. Snow already? Oh my.

MadSnapper said...

you saved the best for last, i love that truck..., the center photo of grandsons smiling in the second collage is adorable. they are so cute and i do remember those fights. my boys were 2 years apart. hooo boy... love that road between the trees

Primitive Stars said...

Such beautiful scenery and memories, Happy Halloween, Blessings Francine.

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

Love all the beautiful photos, but Judy, what have I told you about saying that dreaded S word?!

Lynne said...

Loved the colorful, memorable OCTOBER recap!

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

What a wonderful collage of photo-memories. I hope November is good to you all, Mrs C; you deserve it. Have a great weekend.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed your gathered moments post. Loved the doggie on the bed one for sure. And the old truck with all the pumpkins was delightful. And what fun for you to dig out those old pics to share with friends.

Wishing you a beautiful day...

Cheryl said...

So many beautiful pictures and beautiful moments!!

The photo of your grandsons (after the squabble and the reconciliation) put a smile on my face. If only adults were as quick to forgive. "Love prevails." Wonderful.

It is good to see happy family pictures and gorgeous autumn pictures...and I really loved the old pick-up truck surrounded by pumpkins!

Thank you for gathering your moments and your blessings along with me!

Arlene G said...

I know all about reconciling spats between grands but these two boys look too sweet to fight, Judy!!

Stacey said...

Bless your heart, you have snow already? Here in Dallas it's just beginning to really cool off. We got our first cold front yesterday and it is in the gloriously beautiful 50s right now.

I do love all of your fall pictures. I've told you it looks nothing like that here. Boo.

Your grandkids are so cute! I like the rainbow story. :)

TexWisGirl said...

loved the recap - all the fall scenes, cute grands, great old photo, happy 'new' tractor. :)

DeniseinVA said...

Great post, love those cute pics of your grandchildren and all your other photos were great too. October was a real pretty month for us. They say there will be snow in the mountains but none here yet.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Once again such incredibly beautiful photos :) Happy Halloween!

Chatty Crone said...

I love all your beautiful photos - but love the grands the best.
Just stopping by to say Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susan said...

Oh, those grandsons are handsome! Bet they fill your heart with love.

Your photos are very appealing. Nice job.

We have had a splendorous October, too, and, like you, I am so sad to see it come to an end. booo hooo Hate to think of the cold and ice ahead. Susan

Diane said...

Oh, a warm November sounds wonderful. Very chilly and blustery here today. Great photos! Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed all of your photos. This is a favorite time of year for me. Oh, I can't believe you have some snow! Wishing you a very nice weekend.

Anita Johnson said...

The photo from your deck is just beautiful...what a joy to see each day. Hoping for a warm November too. October went out rather chilly, we had snow here!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Such a wonderful way to share your special moments this month! Stay warm this weekend my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Snow, oh no! Wonderful photos of your October. The 2 little grandsons are darling and I love Mr. Cranberry's new old Ford tractor.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Wow Judy, I loved all your beautiful photos. It's so pretty where you live. I can't believe that you have already had snow!! I so want a warm November too. Have a Happy Halloween and a spooktacular weekend.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Yep, snow here too, though not on the ground. Horrible windy cold day here.

Denise said...

Snow, wow. Enjoyed the photos.

podso said...

That 6 pm shot is gorgeous. What a blessing to be able to sit and look at that! The grandsons are so cute, as are the kids in the "vintage" pic. There is nothing quite like old friends. What a gift in life they are. We are supposed to see a flurry here tomorrow, unheard of, with snow in the mountains. I think this means we are having a serious winter.

Pamela Gordon said...

Wonderful photos and mosaics Judy. Snow on the ground there? It's coming here Saturday night into Sunday. We may get a few cm. (inches) but mostly rain. Just plain old miserable!

Nancy said...

This has been a pleasant October in Wyoming, too - warmer than average and lingering color. Last year by this time we had over 10 inches of heavy, wet snow that caused all kinds of damage to trees throughout the area. At least the trees have been able to shed their leaves this year before the white stuff decided to fall.

Love the photos and the Autumn recap.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Sounds like October has been a wonderful month. Love your beautiful fall pictures.

Carla from The River said...

You are right, October was AMAZING! We did not get the snow in Cameron. Isn't that funny, we are not that far away.
I love the photos.
Have a blessed weekend.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Gorgeous scenes! Love the view from your deck - oh, I would not want to come inside....Your little grandsons are too precious and I can see the family resemblance with your own precious children. Now that is a happy man with a new tractor, and aren't you the sweetest for allowing the sleeping dog the bed. Great old truck with all the pumpkins. Have a lovely weekend! Hugs xo Karen

Lorrie said...

Wonderful photos of your month. A sunshine filled October is such a gift. Sweet family times are the best.

Stephanie said...

Wow! I was going to comment on one, then two and now so many lovely images to view in one blog post, on the whole this was a splendid variety of shots. Love them all!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

beautiful! xoox

Anonymous said...

So many gorgeous moments!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures! And the tractor looks cool, reminds me of the one my dad had, only it was red. Your trees looks gorgeous with all the colours. Have a happy weekend!

Vee said...

Oh you did have a gorgeous October! How nice to have the warmer days linger. They have here as well; however, the snow has caught up to us and by tomorrow morning it'll be blowing a gale. (And the raking not completed either...oh dear.)

Wonderful pictures of your happy is powerful, and your own little girl playing in a box. Boxes are such grand toys. Does the dog really own the bed now? Lucky dog!

Dicky Bird said...

beautiful photos

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Beautiful pictures! The dog beds looks so comfy, I like that it's surrounded by books, in case the dog can't sleep ;)

Tori Leslie said...

What a lovely October you must have had! I love your photos and the colors are so warm. Happy November!

Michelle said...

Very cute grandsons.

The picture with the two in the box reminds me of when our boys were young.
A box was always more fun than any toy.

Love all the pictures!

Welcome to November!
Stay warm!

Donna said...

What a delightful compilation of photos! Love the dog, sacked out on the bed. I would be joining him, LOL.

Empty Nester said...

Gosh, October truly was lovely in your neck of the woods. Not so much here. Since it was still summer. "...had the nerve to draw a horizontal white line through it..." LOL Little ones do care very much about things like that, don't they? Oh, who am I kidding? I wouldn't have liked it either. :)

Maryann said...

A beautiful October, but snow on the ground...yikes! I am kind of sad to see October go too.

eileeninmd said...

You have a beautiful family and adorable grandchildren.. The doggie is so cute..Most men would love that tractor..The pumpkin shot is awesome. I enjoyed all of your October images.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy Sunday!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Great shots!

I'm used to seeing dogs on beds. Living the life!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fall shots, beautiful family!

Ida said...

Wonderful review of your October. Your grandsons are just so cute, loved the expressions on their faces after the scuffle over the rainbow drawing. You also have had some lovely fall color there. Too bad you've got snow already. So far none here except in the higher elevations of the mountains.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Your photos are beautiful it looks like October was quite a moth for you. Love the golden oldie photo to be shared and cherished amongst friends :)
Wren x

Hannah said...

I enjoyed your fall countryside photos and roads, the tractor and truck covered with pumpkins, and the cute photos of the grandsons making up, I see a lot of that with my 5 near grandkids. Great family photo!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I really enjoy seeing a month in collages of photos. It's a good way to journal family happenings and what's going on around the home.
Funny how our dogs can take ownership of a bed or chair and you hate to disturb them!
Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Judy.

Snap said...

A beautiful recap of October. So many lovely memories and smiles! Gorgeous!

Judy S. said...

Nice photos, Judy. October here was one of the wettest ones yet; we are really paying for our lovely summer. Can't have it all, right? No snow in sight here either, just more rain.

Donna said...

What a beautiful October you the pumpkins!!

J_on_tour said...

Sorry to hear about the snow, lovely photos by the way of family and scenes. You've got some great stuff in your collection, that's a corker with the old car and pumpkins.


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