Monday, November 10, 2014

A Sign of the Times - Rubbish Tuesday

I laughed when I saw this motel sign.  I mean, is it above and beyond normal expectation that a motel should have clean rooms? And yet I'm still trying to decide if 'CLEAN ROOMS' is declarative or imperative. I guess one could wonder the same about the 'FREE WIFI' too.

Do you ever wonder stuff like this? You can share it with me; I won't tell.

Steel-clad outbuildings
And I've no idea why, unless it was the cheapest thing available.
It looks like a hodgepodge of used corrugated steel, maybe free for the taking.

I don't know if you remember this photo taken from our porch in mid-October (above)

But it now looks like this (above), photo taken very early morning.
Soybeans have been harvested.
Two combines and a bean head (on the left) -  just in case you've ever been tempted to call someone a bean head, you now know what that is.

Our first major winter storm is forecast for tonight through Tuesday. Here's how the people of Wisconsin feel about it:


Absolutely! I love it  24.35%
No way! I hate snow.  57.13%
I'm not sure; ask me in a few days. 18.52% 

I wonder how many in the second category will escape to Florida, California, Texas, or Arizona.

As for the rest of us...

...shovel-ready jobs coming right up!


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Our World Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Saturday's Critters


  1. Oh my love the steel buildings.
    We just ordered our tin roof for our barn. :)
    I can't wait to see your snow photos.
    Warm Woolie Hugs

  2. I would definitely be in the 2nd category! I am so not ready for summer to end! I think I've seen a few buildings like that around.

  3. I think the 18 percent have alreday fled here.. traffic is mind boggling, early snow, means early winter visitors. i love the view of the field with the 2 combines.. first time seeing a barn built with tin roof as sidings. but it will last for ever

  4. "clean rooms". Does that mean 'pest free'?? The times we live in. I always check don't you?? I'm sorry winter is coming your way tomorrow. We had ours a week ago and now it's a lovely again for a few days before the polar vortex returns. Ugh. I'm not looking forward to winter and we won't be going south to be out of it either. Stay cozy.

  5. "Clean Rooms" ha ha! Some of my favorite humor involves related "funnies" - those cautionary tags attached to products that make me feel like a genius because I already suspected "DO NOT OPERATE VEHICLE WITHOUT REMOVING WINDSHIELD COVER!"
    Thanks for the info on what a real "bean head" looks like. I called one of my cats that just yesterday when he wouldn't let me see my computer screen!

  6. Good morning...Well I am right there with you on the clean room sign, lol. Goodness, SURELY that's a given, haha. And as for the snow...well I'd be in the first category as well. Anyway I think I would. I have never lived with snow. But now that my daughter very occasionally does, I am having more of a first hand insight into the woes of it as well. Not easy for some that's for sure. Enjoy your week!

  7. I see signs that say 'air conditioned' here in the South! Really? I would be VERY disappointed to stay in a room without one! haha! Love your beautiful views of the fields. Stay warm this week. Hugs!

  8. Oh my, a clean room is a must:) We always stay at the Hampton Inn when we travel because you know what you get! I can't imagine living where it is SO cold, I guess you just get used to it:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Say it ain't so!! No snow predicted for us-- yet. Love that Mid-Oct photo! So lovely!!

  10. I've learned something new...a bean head. I vote NO snow...and don't get me started on the time change. Long cold evenings? Ugh. I'm trying to use the darkness to learn something new...crochet. SLOW but steady!

  11. That sign makes me wonder about the order of priorities. Yikes!

    I love snow for one or two days. That's enough. :)

  12. we have a lot of corrugated steel buildings in texas. maybe some cheap tin, too. :)

    glad the harvest was done before the arctic blast/snow begins!

  13. Let's just say that if a motel is boasting about "clean rooms" (as if that is a perk), I think I'd drive on a little further. Oh dear.

    I am watching the weather forecasts with keen interest these days, as my son and his family are moving next week! Ron is flying up this weekend to help with the move. Did I mention that my daughter-in-law is 9 months pregnant? Did I mention that I am praying lots?

  14. Three or four inches of snow on the ground in my area this AM and still falling. The snow shovels are ready to be deployed when it stops.

    The metal is used for out buildings because it is low maintenance. Love the motel sign ponderable. ;o)

  15. I am laughing at Sandra (Madsnapper's) comment! I could not survive in your weather conditions!

  16. Some of my Minnesota cousins have posted their thoughts on the first snowfall and well let's just say they are not very my Father in Law moved south during WW2!!

  17. Yup, lots of snowbirds in that second category on the poll...probably some of our Florida winter neighbors! Fun seeing your fields from the same view in two different seasons. Next time you show it probably all covered in snow. I bet you're right about those sheet metal buildings ... Scrounged material no doubt. Fun post!

  18. Wonder if you can get a discount for a dirty rooms? It doesn't say How Many of the rooms a clean. Remember the hair dryer sign that cautioned not to use it while bathing. Aw heck I just love multitasking!

  19. I love it when the mention clean bathrooms too! u should always b clean. no biggie there?!! right? ( :

  20. When they say "clean rooms" on their sign I say WHAT! Is this special, I thought rooms were to be clean. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  21. That view outside your house is beautiful! Even now, barren, it has a loveliness about it. How wonderful to have that view as you sip tea!
    I think everyone here is suffering from PTSD from last winter, and can barely handle the thought of the snow we're expecting later this week.
    I actually don't mind it unless I have to drive in it.

  22. Oh- yes - we have snow this morning. Just an inch or so....just enough for me to WISH I could escape to Florida!

    Hubby's grandfather had a lumber yard and they sold tons and tons of those corrugated steel panels back in the 60's. It was a cheap way to throw a shed up and you didn't have the shrinkage like you did with wood. Colder than a witch in a well in the winter though and hotter than Hades in the summer. lol xo Diana

  23. I love the steel buildings! My husband built a shed in our backyard and it looks very similar to those buildings - only smaller :)

    We are supposed to get snow later today which I am really hoping for. Yes, I am one of the "odd" ones that loves snow :)

    Happy Monday to you! Hugs

  24. Judy, my brother told me he is now finished with harvesting, just putting on some fertilizer before the snow sets in in Illinois. The rust on steel makes for great shots for us camera junkies!

  25. Ohhhh, the golden field is gorgeous!! Totally cool that you can see fields of gold from your porch. Snow may be fun for those who don't have to navigate it or shovel it, but I can do without it.YES, it is beautiful and silent, but not for seniors.

  26. Wow! This is a very interesting posting. Our neighbors just harvested their soybeans yesterday. I'm not looking forward to winter, but it's coming. Stay cozy!

  27. I must confess that when seeing 'Free WiFi' signs, I wonder if they're advertising for help with an Internet jailbreak...
    And is it bad, that when I see 'Slow Children At Play' signs, I picture them oozing across the street in snailesque races?

  28. Oh my, I don't ever want to see snow again! Come on down! No snow in Lakeland, FL!!

  29. I did hear the national forcast and I thought about all of my northern blogging buds...we are getting very cold here but no snow that I know of. And I am sure there are those out there who would just as soon have wifi rather than a clean room...sometimes priorities are not what they used to be (or what they should be)!

  30. Amazing you are digging into (no pun) or out of a winter storm already. It's interesting that one fourth really love it. Hopefully someone does since they live there. Being more of a city or suburbs girl, I find farm life fascinating. I love the glimpses you give.

  31. Afternoon, funny the clean rooms sign, hope so..... Love the steel buildings also and no snow yet here though a few flakes are floating around.Blessings Francine.

  32. With that much snow how do you know where to shovel? Yikes I do hear a lot of snow is heading your way.

  33. Ha!
    Actually that is just what I say to crabby people I meet. "I hate all this snow, I hate Winter!"
    Me ~ in my nicest voice ~ "You could move, Florida, Arizona and Southern California are all calling your name!!
    But for those who depend on the snow and Winter sports to make a living, could you please be happy for them."

  34. Hi again, Please do not take what I said the wrong way. :-) I do not mean your are crabby. This happened to me a few years ago, we did not even have snow in Wisconsin until Christmas week. We just started to get some snow. I was out and about Christmas shopping and met one crabby person after the other. And by the end of the day...I had my reply down ;-)
    Love Ya Judy!!!

  35. I always love seeing your pictures. I bet that old tin siding was lots of left-overs. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  36. Having to advertise for clean rooms doesn't instill confidence.

    Temperatures are supposed to drop here a little, too, but we won't get snow on the west coast (although I always hope). Stay cozy and warm!

  37. Getting ready for the cold and snow but does anyone out there think it seems a bit early!

    Loved that Harvest Gold picture . . . Sure can see the difference from then to now . . .

  38. Here I was just complaining about the cold and snow, and now I see that you live in an area that's going to get hit worse than Nebraska. Oops! I hope you are able to at least stay home and stay warm in the next couple of days. I'll be thinking of you!

  39. It does make you wonder why a motel has to advertise that they have clean rooms. Hmm, I wonder if they have been added to the bedbug registry and trying to clear their name.

    Cold weather is arriving here on Wednesday. Last year, I never had to use the snow shovel. Perhaps this year it will find some use. In any event, I found it today, tucked away in a corner of the garage. Good to know...

  40. I do sometimes wonder about the motivation of people sometimes in the way they promote things! yep, clean rooms should be a "given," :-) LOVE the Autumn photo, and so sorry about the snow shoveling. :-(

  41. A sign saying clean rooms makes me a bit, um, suspicious that they're trying to say what can't be easily seen as fact!

    I hope the snow is pretty, at least.

  42. That motel sign does make you wonder! And laugh! I try not to think about how I feel about winter. It might not be printable :) It is very pretty, though. Love the patchwork buildings and the pretty bean fields. Stay snuggly. xo Karen

  43. Clean Rooms. That is just too funny!

    You are getting the Bering Bomb, ugh :(

  44. Wonderful scenery and so much snow already!

  45. Beautiful photos! xoxo My daughter always notices incongruent signs.

  46. Oh, no, not snow already! I can't quite imagine having snow in November...
    I'm wondering if I should put an "almost clean rooms" sign on my Cottage...

  47. I only wish I could escape from the snow... Don't remind me that it is coming, I am living in denial!
    I love the rusty tank and corrugated buildings!!
    Yes, I wonder things like that all the time - should we free the WiFi, or should it remain caged. And if so, why?

  48. I would be on the "don't want snow" side myself.

    Beautiful photos.

  49. You would think "clean" rooms would be a no-brainer.
    Wow your field view changed dramatically.
    Brrrr. and NO to Snow.

  50. If you have to say "clean rooms" something is wrong! Umm...snow is okay, in moderation!
    Your photos are always wonderful!

  51. Oh my! If they have to tell you they have clean rooms, not sure I would want to stay there. Love that old gas tank and the steel buildings. That sure is a beautiful fall picture of the field prior to harvest. We have a lot of fields like that last shot. The weather has been good for the harvest.

  52. When they feel the need to post "Clean rooms" It does make me wonder. I wonder if they get any business because of that sign. Lol.

  53. I love your mid October photo, something for you to visualise and capture in your mind as you move into the next season.
    There has been a longing running case going on involving the cleanliness of rooms, a Blackpool hotel and a couples activities on trip advisor. Looks like it the case might be coming to a conclusion ...


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