Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bach, Carolers, and Craisins

 Procession of Light
First Sunday of Advent

This is the closest I'm going to get to St. Paul's Cathedral for the First Sunday of Advent this year (which is tomorrow, by the way). If you have an opportunity to visit St. Paul's, to see and hear the Procession of Light, it is a very wonderful and moving service, both in the visual and in the music. I love it.

I tried to find a YouTube clip online, but evidently St. Paul's is being stingy with their videos, so you'll have to make do with the beautiful music of Bach's Choral Prelude, 'Wachet Auf'  (I have no idea how to pronounce that, and I can only remember the title by calling it 'Wash it off.) Anyway, it is one of my favorite pieces of music. Watching someone play it in person, as we have, is spectacular. The organist plays with both hands and both feet. It's even more challenging than patting one's head and rubbing one's belly at the same time.

So, for your listening and viewing enjoyment:

My little carolers had belonged to my mom, and I think they must be from the 1950s. The bowl is actually an old light fixture I found in the basement this afternoon, put some tealights in it, and surrounded them with fresh cranberries. It looks quite pretty. I've no idea whether in the morning the cranberries will have turned to 'Craisins' or will have become soft and squishy. But for now, they are quite cheery.

Have a blessed Lord's Day!

For beautiful music and everything else that is good in life,

Soli Deo Gloria!


Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Our World Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Saturday's Critters


  1. too funny on the 'craisins' possibility. :)

  2. We went to the Vigil Mass and loved having the first candle come to life! Our Priest reminded us that, in spite of what the retail stores want us to think, it is not yet Christmas. We need to be patient and wait these four weeks of Advent, and then celebrate Christmas through January 12th. I love what you did with the light fixture! You are so creative!! Lovely.

  3. Lovely post, dear Judy. I am so thankful for the birth of our Savior.

    I love your carolers and the fact that they belonged to your mom is simply precious!

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  4. So pretty, Judy - I love the little choir singers. Wishing you a blessed first Sunday. Hugs xo Karen

  5. I loved hearing the organ music. My Mum was an organist. yes it would have been wonderful to be in St Paul's this morning to see that.

  6. Good Morning, What gorgeous photos. I love the carolers; what precious treasures they are. The cranberries are pretty. I majored in piano and HAD to take organ was the hardest thing ever to balance myself while using feet and hands!!!

  7. First Sunday in Advent. We are members of a Bible church that is not very liturgical but we do have special services in December. I enjoy liturgy and even more so as I get older! Love your little carolers. Things that belonged to our parents are very special.

  8. Beautiful Judy . . ,
    All the way around . . .
    And a smile too . . . on the cranberries . . .

  9. Beautiful pictures! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  10. Such pretty photos! Those carolers are lovely!

  11. The video and music is wonderful. Pipe organs are amazing!

    I think your cranberries will remain hard for at least a week.

    May your Advent season be blessed.

  12. I love Bach. xoxo I've been to St. Paul's, but not at Christmas.

  13. I am listening to the organist now and he is wonderful! I adore your cranberry candle art from the light fixture. Now I am trying to decide how to make the same thing and what to use in place of the fixture. It will be GREAT for Christmas day, you are VERY creative! I also just love the sweet carolers, they look perfect beside the arrangement.

  14. P.S. It really WAS a Cranberry Morning when I opened up your blog!

  15. i agree with Ginny about the real Cranberry morning, also agree that is really creative way to use cranberries. i like the little carolers and i think you are right, they look like the things my mother collected in the 50's

  16. I wonder what will happen with those cranberries too! St. Paul's is absolutely stunning. The Holy Doors were opened when I visited. What a treat, although incredibly crowded with the pilgrims from around the world!

  17. Hey your repurposed light fixture looks great! And I kept cranberries in a bowl with candles and greenery for a whole month of December if i remember right. I can play piano with two hands but I don't see how I could play two melodies at the same time. And one hand going down and the other up the keyboard. Amazing gift.

  18. I like your 'bowl' of light. Great idea! How are the cranberries today? :) Have a blessed week ahead.

  19. I love the music... I'd love to see that service in Saint Paul's! Let us know how the cranberries spent the night ;)

  20. Those are some sweet, little carolers.

  21. I am thankful for the Lord.

    And your cranberries with the candles - that is so pretty!!!

  22. Hi Judy,
    Cranberries can be used in so many ways. :-) Your idea is beautiful.

  23. A beautiful first Advent post. Your carolers are darling treasures from the past.

  24. Beautiful music.
    Oh those Carolers are so adorable. I have a set with some Angels that belonged to my grandma and I know they are from around the 50's, I think you are right about your carolers being from the same era. So do let us know if you get "craisins."

  25. I love the cranberry arrangement. Isn't it wonderful how it's possible to make something new from something old?

    The carolers are adorable.

  26. ohhhh I really like the cranberry/light fixture display. it is beautiful and quite clever!!

    I have lots of little things planned for the Christmas stay with me to see some really cool stuff. and many thanks for your kind comment today!!!

  27. A wonderful post, thank you so much. Your photos were super and I enjoyed the music. I also loved your cute little carolers and how special that they belonged to your Mom.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Your little carollers look sweet as they perform by the lighted bowl of cranberries. The berries will stay pretty good for a few days before turning soft. We used to string our tree at home with cranberries and popcorn although the popcorn usually fell apart or was eaten.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Judy.

  30. Precious Carolers and naturally the fact that they belonged to your Mother makes them so significant in your decorating for Christmas. I enjoy combining treasures of the past with collections of the present.
    Great use of the light fixture and the cranberries too.

  31. A wonderful post, Judy!
    Have a joyful Advent!

  32. I remember those carolers from the 50s. Someone in my family had them...lovely post!

  33. That music is so beautiful! I do a similar bowl of cranberries at Christmastime. I float the cranberries in water and use floating candles. The water keeps the cranberries fresh for several days. :) Thanks for sharing at Vintage Bliss Tuesdays. Jo

  34. I just love what you did with the cranberries! This lovely post is being featured on my blog today as part of Tuesdays with a Twist blog hop:

  35. I love the Craisins possibility and using an old light fixture as a bowl.

    Merry Christmas!!



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