Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Elizabeth Tower, London, and Good Fences

Keeping out the riffraff

I know that it's entirely possible that I've posted this photo before, but it's the best I could come up with today. I've not been out taking photos of snow-laden fences. I'll see what I can do in the next week.

I don't suppose a clock face can be admitted as evidence to substantiate my claim that I was in Westminster at 7:04 (AM or PM) when the crime occurred in another part of London.

I told you that I'm running low on fences. I took this photo in January of 2011, but trust me, it looks exactly the same today - snow everywhere.





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  1. Call me a old fashioned farm girl, but I truly find your fence covered in snow the most beautiful.
    Warm Christmas Hugs

  2. They may be repeats, but they're still beautiful!

  3. Great pictures, especially partial to Big Ben for obvious reasons, but love the fence in the snow picture. So pretty!

  4. That first photo through the fence is fabulous! And I'm sure the snow looks pretty much the same. Have a great day!

  5. I have a similar photo of Big Ben, but mine is at 7:00 pm. Personally, I love the wire fence photo as it takes me back to my country home. We used to walk through the fields to get to a hiking trail along an escarpment. Trudging through deep snow and running your woolen mittens across the spent Queen Anne's lace to get the seeds stuck on you. You could even see the little mice trails over the snow and back down into the little hidey holes created from dried bent grass. My old lab used to listen for the mice and then pounce (never successfully). Your photo is a beautiful reminder of those simple days. Wendy x

  6. I really like your photo of the fence in front of the tower! Beautiful!

  7. Beautiful fence photo, like a postcard.Blessings Francine.

  8. I agree with Linda Kay. You framed Big Ben in such a unique way. Awesome! As for the snowy fields... I am just happy I'm looking at photos!!

  9. that first shot is awesome. can't decide what i like best, the church or the fence. love the clock.. and ouch brrrr on the snow fence. it is beautiful and I would be archive diving to is i had to go out in that snow.

  10. Perfect "firsts" for me . . .
    I especially liked your snow, cornered wire fence scene! Very nice . . .

  11. Lovely shots - love the composition of the first one.

  12. well, i enjoyed the snowy scene (even if you didn't!) :) thanks, judy!

  13. Snow everywhere? No, thank you, but I know we'll get it sooner or later (I vote "later!").

  14. very good pictures. I love seeing the clock face. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  15. I hope the weather improves so you can get out to take more photos. Meanwhile. the photos you posted are great!

  16. Just so you know, it's such a lovely photo, actually all of them are, they are worth seeing again and again. Any time.

  17. I, too, have just used my last fence photo. I need to be out taking more photos but tis the season when we tend to want to be home in a warm house.

  18. Your fences, clock ,tower are all magnificent takes.

  19. I agree with Trace4J...your fence covered in snow is simply beautiful.

    And the Clock Tower is truly magnificent!

    Enjoy your Thursday!

  20. I had to laugh when you posted the photo of the snow and said it looks the same today as it did in 2011.
    That's pretty much the way it is, isn't it? :)
    Have a blessed day.

  21. The fence frames this clock just beautifully! It makes for a pretty and fancy picture. And I love seeing the face design up close!

  22. I take London at any time, but I love the snowcovered landscape just as well.

  23. Judy, you *know* I never mind a repeat of a picture of England! And your clock photo is fab!

  24. I always enjoy seeing pictures of England Judy! Would love to visit there one day.

  25. I love seeing YOUR snow covered fence, as long as mine stay snow free. :)

  26. Well even if it is a repeat it's certainly worth sharing again. Loving the way you framed the clock tower between the fence posts. Also it would hurt to poke yourself on those iron pieces I would think. Nice snowy shot, glad we don't have that much. I just wish our "ice" would go away.

  27. Even though I am not looking forward to the snow, it is a very pretty shot. Love the London shots too.

  28. I love your fence photo - beautiful...even for an old fence :) Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog!

  29. That's what I call going from one end of the spectrum to the other...and both are gorgeous :)

  30. I love the Big Ben shot and the snowy scene.. Great fence shots.. Enjoy your evening!

  31. Love all of those pictures but the fence picture is my favorite! Enjoy your evening dear friend, HUGS!

  32. The fence is beautiful in its simplicity.

  33. Lovely photos you share and the fence is beautiful and new to me since I did not see it back in 2011. Love Big Ben.
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  34. Great shot of the Tower through the fence!!

  35. Great clock shots but I love this snow shot in the last photo

  36. Extraordinary pictures. Wishing you a nice weekend.

  37. Well...I like both of those shots!

  38. I love your Big Ben photos! And the snowy fence scene is beautiful. Have a great weekend!

  39. Snow covered landscapes are so beautiful......... love the fences!

  40. wonderful photos! and great reminders of memories I've too enjoyed in UK!
    enjoy that toffee - wish I was close enough for a quick taste ;)


  41. Love the pictures and that first one is an awesome shot!

  42. But then, if you didn't commit the crime, who did?

  43. Love both your fences but particularly the contrast between them.

  44. That's such a pretty view over the fence.

  45. That's such a pretty view over the fence.


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