Friday, December 26, 2014

'Twas the Night After Christmas

Red Barn North of Colfax, WI

I was going to write a post about New Year's resolutions, but having just returned home from a Christmas party with friends and another get-together with family coming up next week, I realized that I'm in no mood to be making commitments to a sugar-free, wheat-free, dairy-free life - at least not at this moment.

Instead, I'll watch Perry Mason on the television and go to bed. Maybe by the end of next week I will be able to think about resolutions.

Leaving you this week with a collage of photos. Some were sent to me by family members; some I took. All remind me of Christmas in Wisconsin and family.  Mr. C. doesn't know I took a photo of him and the dog taking a nap together. I couldn't resist it.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Made by Linda Stubbs of
Prairie Flower Farm Blog


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Our World Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and A Creative Princess and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Saturday's Critters


  1. Great photos!

    I agree that resolutions will have to wait. . .

  2. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing! and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  3. Beautiful family photos, love your Mr. C photo with the dog, that's the sort of thing I would do, capture the moment and post it online :)

  4. all of the collage photos made me smile and it looks like a fantastic Christmas Collage, adorable babies and kids and books ... oh my... my favorite of course is Mr C and the dog

  5. Looks like a joyous occasion for all.
    The nap picture reminds me of our cat Smokey sleeping in bed with us. He weighs around 22# and on cold nights I love to have him sleep near my shoulders for warmth, other times he's at our feet.

    Happy New Year xoxo

  6. Hi, Judy....wonderful collage of Christmas pictures. No resolutions for me, just keep on keepin' on!

  7. Judy, your tree looks so much like ours it's kinda spooky! ;-) hey...have you been sneaking in here to tale your photos? Hee hee

  8. scarlet o'hara had the right idea: "i'll think about that tomorrow."

  9. I love your Christmas mosaics and images.. .Mr C and the doggie napping is cute. I saw the cheese with cranberries in the store, was it good? So many great shots. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post today.! I wish you and your family a happy New Year! Have a great weekend!

  10. I love those beautiful family photos. Can't remember when I last write any NY resolution..

  11. Oh my....I quit making NY Resolutions years ago because I don't keep them. Your photo collage is wonderful! On to the new year!

  12. great photos! glad you had a nice Christmas! As for New years resolutions.. there are a few that should be made here.. but I cant go there yet either. lol!
    have a great weekend

  13. love you pictures. The two little ones in the red PJ's under the tree. adorable.xoxo,Susie

  14. Looks like a lovely time was had by all!

  15. A lovely group of memories and good times!

  16. Great pictures. Did you have a white Christmas? Ours was brown but finally got snow last night and the sun is shining today. It's been gloomy for weeks.

  17. Fun pictures! That's a great nap photo. And the one of the barn at the beginning is really lovely. Enjoy the week and let the resolutions fall where they may. :-)

  18. The nap picture is so sweet! The girls playing on the floor in their P.J.s is so precious! And I love your snowman and beautiful snowy picture. To me, Christmas is a time of joy, not restrictions. You can think about dieting later.

  19. Great pictures, sweet little snowman. Blessings Francine.

  20. Hello dearest Judy! Wonderful photos - thanks for sharing.

    May you have a most blessed New Year! Hugs!

  21. Nice pics! Really like the snowman ornament!

  22. I love the collage!!!
    I agree - it's too soon to think about the new year! Not YET!!

  23. Judy, I can't begin to think of New Year's resolutions quite yet. Christmas still feels like today. :-)

    A beautiful collage! Thank you for sharing with us!

  24. "Happy New Year, Judy." Your photos are great and it looks like you had a grand old time.

  25. Wonderful, festive moments! Thanks for sharing these, Judy! (And let's not talk about those resolutions yet, okay?) ;)

  26. Very sweet post, sound a bit tired (aren't we all?).

    No resolutions right now, we clearly aren't seeing the future very well as we try to clean up the remnants of yesterday (and the day before, etc.!)

    Love to you!

    Jane x

  27. Hi Judy,
    Just had a nice visit with murker. Fed him up, loved him up.
    I'm not ready for thinking of resolutions yet. But I have been given a Watchword: movement. Really? Yoga and moving back to the Jersey Shore maybe? Hummm...
    Blessings dear Judy and Merry Third Day of Christmas! :) m & jb

  28. It looks like it has been a lot of fun with family.

  29. Great photos, Judy! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and the very best of wishes for 2015!

  30. Lovely post! There's always such a warm glow afterwards.

  31. Yes, resolutions can wait! Let's enjoy those memories of this Christmas just a little longer:) LOVE your collage of memories! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  32. What gorgeous shots! I'm not really sure how useful resolutions are...

  33. Oh, how sweet! Love all the photos - looks like a lovely time with family. Too many sweets here for resolutions, too. My jeans are getting tight, though :) xo Karen

  34. I'm not a resolution fan either, like you I am savoring memories of Christmas. Looks like your family enjoyed each other too. Happy new year, Judy, i'm thankful we found each other's blog this yEarn

  35. I love your photos that reflect your happy life. Let's enjoy it all my friend! Warm hugs, Diane


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