Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Where's the Beef?

I don't know if there's any part of the cow that isn't eaten in the country in which my wall art was manufactured, but in Wisconsin, no one I know eats the udder. Oh well, this little cow, about 2 1/2 feet long and made out of corrugated aluminum, was the cutest thing and I thought needed to hang from my stove wall.

Yes, I should have cleaned off the counter and removed the items from the top of the cookstove before taking the photo, but I was in a hurry.

The following photos were taken at the shop where I purchased the cow. It's a fun and quirky place called 'Evolutions in Design' in Wausau, WI. 

That's a waterfall behind the bicycle

 Granddaughter and daughter looking at jewelry

So if you're ever in Wausau, it's a fun place to visit!


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Our World Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Simple Saturdays Blog Hop and Saturday's Critters


  1. I went to high school with Randy, the owner of Evolutions in Design. At one time he dated my friend Kim. His family is actually from and some still live in Ringle. Small world. When I had my shop open here, his mom would come and lookf or some "junk" for his shop. Evolutions is the most unique shop downtown - his floral arrangements are awesome as well.

  2. Hi, Judy...I'll be there in a bit to go shopping with you! Looks like a fun place to go, and by the way I love your stove and the little cow.

  3. Love the cow! I'll have to show it to Joe, since he grew up working in the family meat market. Those shops are so fun to sift through, finding treasures, but they are also hard to navigate and you always miss something! I guess that's why you keep going back. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I enjoyed the shop with you! Love your stove....you can leave anything on it that you want ! :)

  5. LOVE that cow... and the way you did the little twinkle lights around it! Lights just make me smile! That shop looks like a spot I could spend hours... blessings ~ tanna

  6. Fun place to go shopping! I would have enjoyed looking around. That bike was unique!


  7. I love your sign Judy and that cookstove is delightful! I will definitely check out that store if I ever get up that way!

  8. a fun place to visit and it would take hours to see it all... i like all the things you left on your stove, so much to see.. love the little cup cake pot and the gum machine.

  9. It looks like a great place to wander and admire the creative displays and items.

    The cow looks terrific on your stove wall.

  10. The cow looks perfect there:) I would love to shop there! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  11. a very funky place! wausau is just an hour away from my hometown area. :)

    i like your sign.

  12. I have been to the town but I have to get over to that shop, it's my kind of place. Now I'm curious to look up some udder recipes, but promise me I won't try any. Thanks for sharing such cool photos of the place, it's the next best thing to being there.

  13. Love the stove! Showed to Mtn Man and he said that is dxactly the size we need. We intend on using it for cooking and heating.
    That shop looks like fun!

  14. Judy, I love your kitchen stove wall. What a stove ! Also, I would love to go into that shop. I may try to make a bike like that myself...what fun that would be. Blessings to you. Hope you are not having snow and ice. xoxo,Susie

  15. What cool shots! I love all of them. Wisconsin always has such a homespun atmosphere! ~xo~

  16. What a neat shop...and what a neater sign!!! I love that it looks wonderful above your stove. And about that stove...OH.MY.GOSH. I love that! Is it a real old stove or a remake?? If it is the old one, does it work well?? I want one...

  17. I would LOVE snooping around this creative shop. WOW, I am loving your wall and your stove!! I am so glad you did not take anything off the stove, because now there are so many neat items to see. The cow sign is just perfect there, and kind of gives it an older feel like the stove does. WHERE did you get that awesome coffee sign? Because my kitchen has a coffee theme and I would love one. All your things are so special and very cool! Do you actually cook on this stove, or is it more for decoration?

  18. Interesting shop and I like what you chose to bring home with you! It looks great on your wall there.

  19. HOLY COWWWWW!!!!!!! I love that, Judy. Is that an antique or a reproduction do you think? I just love it. Your old stove is a wonderful piece!

    That last picture really caught my eye-with the greenery. Looks like spring in there! xo Diana

  20. Hi,
    I will have to have my sister take me to this shop. Looks like fun.
    I love the cow too. And it looks perfect in your home.

  21. That's a lovely kitchen. It looks fine the way it is. The cow was an excellent addition. I use "Christmas" lights year round too. As for the decorated bicycle hanging on the wall, that must be a fad now. I see that sort of thing all over the place. In South Florida many are spray painting old bikes with bright colors, then securing them to the front lawn and such. Being the boringly practical sort, I think that's a terrible waste of a good conveyance. ~:)

  22. I love your stove. That shop looks like one that has everything and more.

  23. Love your stove and cow. that is a very interesting shop.

  24. Hi Judy, I sure like the photo! It is great, it took it without staging it and I like that! Very cool! Love the beef share! Have a terrific day and stay warm if you are getting hit with the blasted cold snow too!

  25. How interesting that your first commenter knows the owner of the store! Looks like a fun place. I love your cow.

  26. Hi Judy,
    I love your cooker, I have always loved those country looks it looks very homey and warm. That looks like an interesting shop, the type of place you can wander around for hours.

  27. Looks like a wonderful place to visit during this cold winter weather we've been having. Your Beef sign is fabulous!

  28. You found a real treasure, Judy and it looks perfect over your amazing stove! I could get lost in a shop like that and never want to go home - at least without an armful! Love the little cottages and tin signs :) xo K

  29. Wow I really love that bicycle. So cool!!

  30. Judy, I hate shopping, but I'd like to go there! And I bet you're lots of fun to shop with!

  31. I love that bike!

  32. Oh I do like that cow; it doesn't show the tongue and, used to be, lots of folks ate the tongue.

  33. Such an eclectic shop and the cow you found looks very nice against the brick wall.
    I think I was looking at a cow's tongue in the grocery store yesterday, seems as gross to eat it as an udder!

  34. In a book called 'Superpig', the author (Willie Rushton, sadly no longer with us), included a cartoon of himself marked with the various cuts. Hilarious. Looks like a fascinating shop - and I'll certainly put it on the list!

  35. I love your beef cow sign. Very fun to have hanging in the kitchen. The store looks like a fun place to visit and shop. Pam


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