Monday, March 30, 2015

Wisconsin Barns and Good Fences

I decided that, although right now there is no snow on the ground (Hallelujah!), we never know when we'll get more. Our SkyWarn 13 TV weather isn't exactly reliable. And really. Sky Warn?? Any weather condition now seems to be a threat. Snow. Rain. Sunshine. There's something to scare everyone. Anyway, a couple years ago we had our final snowstorm on May 6. I'm sure I've told you about it  - the 18 inches of snow and the power going out? It was interesting. I'm glad we have a wood range. At least when I had gathered enough sticks I could boil water for a pot of coffee. With all that in mind, I thought  I would be safe in posting a few more winter photos of barns in our area. This one is north of Tilden, about a half hour away. It is seen in the background of the next photo.

Another barn, this one with an attached stone milkhouse.  I'll have to drive down there in another month or so to get more photos when there's green grass and the trees have started leafing out. There is nothing more beautiful than Wisconsin in May, although England, anytime, might be a close second. :-)

 View from our deck on this gray day, March 30.

But May is coming...

I hope it's been a good day where you are.


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  1. i remember plenty of wisconsin april's being snowy and slushy, yet. can't say i'd be very excited about 18 inches of snow in may, however! :)

  2. Hi Judy, I found several of these "experienced" barns. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Wonderful barn shot! And the second scene is beautiful. It would also look great with the green grass. Great post, enjoy the rest of your week!

  4. I can't wait to see that view in May! =) blessings ~ tanna

  5. Judy, love the wood and texture of those old barns, and then fence probably could use a bit of repair as well. We had a fabulous day in Texas today. 18 inches in May? That is obscene.

  6. I don't even live there but it seems strange to see bare ground on your blog! It will be lush when spring really arrives after all the snow to water the earth. Lovely barn shots.

  7. Beautiful shots! Love the old barns!

  8. Nuture is fickle here, too. I remember snow falling in mid-May and even into June.

    Weather seems to have taken over the national news this year - at times almost providing predictions of storms. I'd prefer the local stations handle the weather forecasts and leave the real news to the syndicates - just saying. . .

  9. We have the same thing here with weather...every rain shower is 'threatening weather'! I love the barn. The whole photo looks like it should be a jigsaw puzzle...and I mean that in a good way! Sweet hugs, Diane PS Glad you are back home safe and sound. Can't wait to see pics of your travels.

  10. I am not a fan of those late spring snow events! Last year, there was a big snow on our son's anniversary, March 26. I imagine that's no big deal for a Wisconsin girl, but it was a big deal for this Maryland girl! The good news is that those late snows don't seem to hang around as long.

    Welcome home from your trip to England! I am looking forward to hearing all about it in the days to come! :)

  11. Beautiful settings for these great old barns. I do hope you will start greening up soon!

  12. These are beautiful barn and rural scenes. We are buried under snow here still but the crocus and daffodil are up. :)

  13. Beautiful images, even if they include snow!! I hope your spring is just around the corner!

  14. Such lovely shots.

  15. I love the last picture with the beauty and the pines! And actually, the barns are not in awful condition, they are looking pretty good. Let's hope that neither one of us has more snow! We had our most and worst in March.

  16. Those are two very large barns! Love their weathered wood.

    We have had a very warm week on the front range of Colorado --we even hit 80 degrees! But the normal up and down weather we have here may bring snow next week. A storm is supposed to be be brewing int he Pacific which will bring moisture and colder temps. Yes, it's not until May that we will have constant warm weather here.That's spring!

  17. Just say NO to snow... especially in May! (Although we have had snow showers in May here.)

    I loved the stone milk shed peeking through the brush.

  18. yes I love the barn in the snow but I had to laugh whenyou say 'MAy is coming' are you opting out of April this year!!!! Better watch out it starts tomorrow!!

  19. I love it - Sky Warn. It seems the weather and the news today is all about scare tactics. But you won because you were able to make coffee regardless. :-)

  20. that middle photo is gorgeous and what a fantastic view from your deck. hubby is from PA and he says they were never safe from snow and ice until after Memorial day.

  21. Love your photos...and hope you have no more snow this year.
    We are DONE with that white stuff...(I hope)

  22. Beautiful view:) Enjoy your day and hopefully NO more snow! HUGS!

  23. I so enjoy all your pics of old barns. You have a talent for finding just the right ones! Enjoy your day! June

  24. You have such a good eye, Judy! I will refrain from telling you of Spring in Texas at this time, for fear you might remind me in July of my gloat!

  25. Oh I love the old barn pictures, lovely scernry.Blessings Francine.

  26. I'll take it, and even your grey is so lovely without snow! Thankfully our 10 inch snow storm a week ago, has melted. Possibly we can have an Ester egg hunt outside! I am so eager for spring arrive again and for it to stay.

  27. Really, really love the barns. So worn and beautiful.

  28. I have missed your blog and all of the wonderful pictures and posts! I took a little break from blogging and love being back visiting my great bloggy friends! That soap looks divine! I hope you have been well my friend!

    Mama Hen

  29. I always love your barn shots, they have so much character! You have such beautiful landscapes, even in the snow :-) Over this side of the pond we are experiencing terrible gales so the weather warnings were right this time and we did have to take notice for once! Keep warm x

  30. Welcome back, stranger! I figure I missed a post of your aince your return but I was taken by these heavenly barn shots...snow or not, they are gorgeous! I know your trip had to have been so enjoyable!

  31. Very picturesque barn shots! You live in a very nice spot with rolling hills - love it. My mom grew up on the outskirts of Sheboygan, and it's not quite as pretty! But I always was amazed at how tidy and beautiful the farms are in Wisconsin. No junk sitting out. Most machinery was put away. Everything was groomed and well taken care of.

  32. Your posts are always a joy to read, and the photos are perfect. I love the barn with the stone milkhouse. Our old farmhouse had a two-story milkroom attached to the back at one time, but the (crazy) guy who sold it to us tore it off and built a deck instead...argh I'd love to have the milkroom.
    Have a great week!

  33. Those barn pictures in the snow are gorgeous..Frame able for sure

  34. Such a lovely view from your deck, in any weather! Love the barns. The first photo looks like a painting.

  35. Soon the dusty brown landscape will be replaced with green!
    Happy Easter Judy . . .

  36. I just have a hard time imagining what it must be like in your part of the world. It's been spring here for so long...even my lilacs are in bloom. The nursery lady said strawberries will be early this year...maybe in May.

  37. Cold and rainy today, but happily I saw the first green shoots coming up. Can't ask for more!

  38. Beautiful photos. Welcome back. Want to let you know that our little dachshund Harriet passed away 2 wks ago. I know you understand how we miss her.
    Wishing you a blessed Easter.

  39. No matter what time of year, you show
    a beautiful landscape :)
    And with fences in it :))
    Happy Easter to you!

  40. I love all the barns you find and I do hope you do not get anymore snow.

  41. I sure know what you mean. But can you believe it right here in Minnesota we had 82 degrees yesterday. Of course we also had strong winds, not as bad as last weekend, but it dried up a lot of the melted snow and melted the rest away! I'm hoping this will be spring for sure!

  42. Lovely, wintery barn/fence scenes. I can't imagine waiting until May for spring to arrive though.


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