Thursday, May 14, 2015

Good Fences, Bloomer, Wisconsin

 Good Fences, Bloomer, WI

I like it when fences just present themselves, instead of my trying to track them down. I like this combination of stone wall and picket fence. Reminds me of two Confederate generals. (I suffer from Word Association Syndrome.)  ;-)

And just across the street, the feed mill and dam

 Reflections on Lake Como

From the Wisconsin DNR website:

"Como Lake (Bloomer Mill Pond) is a 97 acre lake located in Chippewa County. It has a maximum depth of 6 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from a public boat landing, one public land or park within 1000 feet of the lake (Moose Fair Grounds). Fish include Panfish, Largemouth Bass and Northern Pike." 

 Fence, Cadott, WI

 Fence and Arbor, Owen, WI

Sunset, early May

This post is linked to Good Fences

and Skywatch Friday

and Weekend Reflections


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  1. It's good to see places and pretty scenery in different parts of our beautiful country, places I may never see otherwise. Thanks for sharing your lovely photo's.

  2. Judy, I'm curious about the two Confederate generals? Great fence, however. Looks very decorative. All your pictures are pretty today!

  3. Thank you for sharing such wonderful photographs! The stone wall and picket fence is truly awesome! Oh, those reflections on the lake, perfect!

  4. Great fence finds. The stone wall and picket does look nice. And I love the lake and the pretty sunset shots. Have a happy day!

  5. The stone wall caught my eye right away, Judy. And, I've always loved picket fences.

  6. some nice little finds there. i liked your confederate reference. :) maximum dept 6 feet for a 97 acre lake? wow...

  7. That is the best fence!!! Love your pics. What is the two Confederate generals? Thanks. LJ

  8. Your photographs were lovely today and seemed to tell a story :) Thanks for sharing the beauty with us. Enjoy your day!

  9. Love the wood & stone combo fence - lots of character.

  10. I do love that first the stone foundation. And that lake looks like a good place to go fishing!

  11. Confederate Generals for sure, love the picket and stone wall fence together, it is nice when we just happen upon such lovelies, thanks for sharing such beautiful photos!,

  12. I like the stone and wood combination, too. Lake Como looks inviting!

  13. Hi Judy, great fence finds. I like the combo of wood with the stone fence.
    Have a wonderful day.

  14. You are right Judy...some of the best ones are just "there", aren't they? These are all great! Have a good Thursday :)

  15. That is one beautiful old fence! Love the other photos too.

  16. Judy, I can't tell you how much I enjoy these posts -- they feel like a day in the country to me!

  17. Judy nice sharing the fences and the scenery to us all. Beautiful!

  18. I love the stone wall/fence combination..Beautiful sunset..Have a wonderful day..

  19. I like the combo fence with the stone and wood. Great reflections in the water, too.

  20. What a lovely place! I have never seen a fence on a wall before (at least I think not) Very interesting.

  21. That first shot of the fence/stonewall is wonderful. I like how you suffer from word association. All your shots were lovely. You do live in a scenic area.

  22. I loved the fence and wall together!
    Great views too!

  23. Great photos!! I love a good fence!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!
    I hope it warms up in your corner of the world!! We almost had frost this morning and I was holding my breath because I already planted my annuals!!!!


  24. Gorgeous sunset! And I do love that first picture of the fence & wall. Thank you for sharing with us!

  25. Wow, it certainly does stand out proud and true, we don't see many designs like that anymore. Lovely shot of the lake too.

  26. Small world; my sister has a vacation place in Bloomer on a lake. I visited her there once. She and her husband enjoy bass fishing. Nice fences!

  27. On a good fence morning, those are good fences, especially the first, and look at the steps up (called style in England??? or something like that). Great photos!

  28. Stonewall and Pickett are like peanut butter and jelly in that photo. They go together real well. Especially with milk. Or, in my case, Silk soy milk.
    :) m & jb who does not like milk but who Does like Lactaid vanilla ice cream

  29. Great photos and an interesting place! Ahh..stone wall and picket. Now I get it! :-)

  30. Laughing about your word association with the generals!!!
    Very pretty pictures. Hope you will have a good evening.

  31. The first fence is my favorite!

  32. That sunset! I do love where you live. :-)
    Fun post today.

  33. I love stone walls and the use of them in fences. We don't see much of that out here in Oregon. You pictures are stunning. How are you feeling by the way?

  34. Love all your fences and that sunset is gorgeous

  35. Thank goodness you suffer from Word Association Syndrome! That was a fun way to get the morning going.

  36. I love that mill - it has a great location.

  37. hehehe, i know what you mean with the fences....even the hubs is always on the lookout!!!!

    i saw some of the stones ones yesterday and we did a few spin arounds!!!!!

  38. Beautiful lake reflections and sunset!

  39. Love that feed mill. Gorgeous sunset. Have a super weekend


  40. A really beautiful sky. Great colors!!

  41. A lovely sunset. I've always wanted to try making soap, but it does sound a bit complicated. - Margy

  42. Lovely reflections in the water. Have a great week.


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