Saturday, June 20, 2015

Newest Resident

 'Oh no, here they come!'

'I'm outa here!'

I wonder what Josephina Ballerina would do with this critter. Hmmm.  Stop in and visit Maureen at Josephina Ballerina. She's a delight!

This post is linked to Saturday Critters.


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  1. One word; EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. (wink and giggles)--Have a lovely Saturday. Blessings

  2. Good Morning, I agree with Linda above. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Great critter shots! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  3. I know what I would!!!! Run like the devil.

  4. I`m having problems with black rat snakes, so I get where you are coming from! EWWWWWW Phyllis

  5. More afraid of us than we of them---so THEY say ;)

  6. Judy, What kind of snake is that?? I don't mind snakes if I am the one doing the sneaking...not them. LOL. Hope you are having a good day, xoxo,Susie

  7. You can have him as a neighbor; if he were here, he would be relocating. ;o)


  9. Okay, everyone. He's just a sweet, harmless bull snake. Lol. Funny how much they look like rattlers, though, which I don't think we even have this far north. Thank goodness.

  10. eeeeekkk, not my favorite but the captures are awesome!!!! theresa says he is beautiful, i kinda expected that ;)

  11. Oh my goodness, Judy! Snakes are not my favorite, but I know in the scheme of things they have their place--just hopefully not at my place! ♥

  12. I like snakes and find thme interesting. Great shots!

  13. I would TRY to run!!!!!! lol

  14. S/he is a handsome specimen!! They are usually more afraid of us than we are of them! I'll go visit your friend, Josephina!

  15. Eeeeek!!! Wow, you're brave to get so close for that picture. Since I saw your comment that it's a harmless snake, I feel better. :) Here in N.C., we have copperheads (very poisonous and aggressive), water moccasins (poisonous) and rattlesnakes. I try to avoid them whenever possible. ;>) We also have large black snakes who are beneficial to us because they tend to keep the pest population down.

    Great pictures Judy -- enjoy your day!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  16. We use to only have garter snakes but just recently a bull snake showed up out at the edge of the yard. I don't know anything about them nor anything about yours. I try to ship the ones I catch to the country.

  17. I couldn't tell what it was from the wee photo but certainly figured it out when I clicked into your blog. Oh my, my least favorite creature.

  18. I have some snakes I've been trying to decide whether to post or not; but yours is prettier! (Of course I mean photos of snakes, but I'm sure you knew that ;>)!

  19. Great photos!! You brave girl. ;-)

  20. Oh dear! I wonder what kind of snake that is? If it isn't poisonous I wouldn't mind holding it. :-)

  21. Apparently a very rare color form for a Bull Snake! I think I caught a Bull snake at some time in my Herpetology class, It's always interesting to see how they react, some are quite friendly. The garter snakes here mostly try to get away.

  22. Yikes! Run little snake run as quick as you can..... ! Far, far away! Hehehehe!

  23. Oh my, I have no words... :) Maureen is definitely a delight! Hugs to you!

  24. Oh my, I have no words... :) Maureen is definitely a delight! Hugs to you!

  25. if it wa poisionous, runa mile if not take as many pphotographs as possible before it disappeared.

  26. I like him! I've always been a snake fan. In fact, I joined the Boy Scouts so I could go on camping trips and catch some.

  27. He's really beautiful! I can't tell what kind he is...but if he's catching mice, he has my vote. Great photos!

  28. He's gorgeous! I used to have a little snake many years ago and they fascinate me. Now, spiders... that's a different story :-) Have a great week x

  29. Not my favourite critter but I have noticed the harmless ones are as afraid of us as we are of them.
    Hope you've had a pleasant weekend.

  30. I'd be loading up a gun... after I quit screaming!


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