Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 2015 - Autumn, Rushing to Greet Us

As I scrolled through my photo files, it struck me how much the colors of the garden landscape have changed in the past few months. There's so much orange and brown and gold replacing the almost solid green of May. Remember May? Seems like it was just a few minutes ago, doesn't it!

Fall is at the door and in NW Wisconsin we can expect drier, cooler weather, frost in the mornings, shorter and shorter daylight hours, and the smell of wood smoke in the air. The vines of the squash and pumpkins are dying down, the beans and tomatoes have all been eaten or canned, and it's just about time to clean off the garden. Why is it that I feel so little motivation to execute that part.

Striped Dahlia

I cannot look at the photo mosaic above and the photos below without being grateful to God for his amazing creation, for giving us color and texture and fragrance, the ability to see, smell, sense, hear, feel, recognize differences, to appreciate the changing of the seasons, to see God's hand in our lives, giving so generously to us each day from the glorious sunrise in the morning to the starry skies at night.

Jazzie, enjoying life

Golden Soybean Field


Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
 For the Lord is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
 In his hand are the depths of the earth;
the heights of the mountains are his also.
 The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
  Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!

- Psalm 95:1-6

Barn near Leon, WI

Gorgeous Trumpet Vine, Westby, WI

Happy horses,
being what God called them to be

Cashton Holstein
Checking out the photographer

Have a wonderful week, friends!
Sorry I've been so absent. I'm not making any promises about the months of September through November. I appreciate every one of you who leaves a comment, even when I'm not able to respond to them (although I'll try!). I hope to get back on track soon. And if I don't, I'll come up with a better excuse.


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  1. Beautiful photos! Love the holstein.

  2. That photo mosaic is just gorgeous... Beautfifully illustrates the joy we feel in the abundance of God's gifts, when you put it all together like that it really impacts!
    I do so share your love of the animals, too.
    Judy, if you would be interested, my blog has moved to
    - as a previous follower of mine, I do hope you will be able to visit!

  3. Beautiful!!! It is quite nippy here this morning in western NY and I do believe fall/autumn will be knocking at the door sooner than later. Thanks for the smiles. Blessings

  4. Your barn shots are wonderful. Love the one with the quilt square painted on it. They are my favorites. Fall is definitely knocking on the door. We have leaves everywhere, but they are not pretty colors. They are all eaten and yucky. I am ready for the nice ones. No flowers left...just our heirloom tomatoes which are blooming like crazy. That is a treat.

  5. Oh it is indeed a wonderful beautiful time of year. I love everyone of these. Hug B

  6. All the colors of a gorgeous autumn! We have all been scarce...very! Nice to find you here this morning. Enjoy an amazing autumn...

  7. Hello, your mosiac is full of beautiful Autumn colors. It is still very green around here. I love the photos of your sweet Jazzie. And the barns with the horses is a great capture, love the cows too. Lovely post and images. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  8. What a gorgeous autumn color! Your Jazzie is adorable!
    Enjoy your beautiful autumn.

  9. JAZZIE !! so darn cute :) Love all the photos but that is especially fun!

  10. We are not quite frost in the morning stage, but the cool temps do give us more and more to clear from the garden to keep it looking tidy.

  11. jazzie made me laugh the cow makes me happy, and i agree about God's creation and all that is out there for us to enjoy. nature at it's finest is what you have here today

  12. What beautiful fall photos. I am just longing for the kind of fall you talk about and take pictures of. Enjoy your week!

  13. Wonderful photos - especially the first mosaic is gorgeous.
    We have so many reasons to be grateful.
    Have a blessed new week!

  14. Beautiful images. The flowers are lovely.

  15. Beautiful fall flowers and shots!!
    Every time I see the Trumpet vine growing - they must be hardy since they grow everywhere - I want one!!! Bet the hummingbirds would love them too!!

  16. God is indeed good to us and provides daily blessings - big and small.

  17. You have such pretty pictures! And your soap looks marvelous.

  18. What a lovely post, Judy. Your photos always bring a smile. It's nice to see you are done with canning. Have a lovely week. ♥

  19. Lovely photos..Happy Autumn..Lovely post

  20. Love all the fall colors in your first photo. I'm so ready for Fall. We have had a hot summer. Looking forward to being in Indian, Ohio and Pittsburgh, PA next week. Jazzie is so cute. Beautiful soybean field with that gorgeous sky. Enjoy your week and I need to stop over and buy some soaps!

  21. Wonderful autumn views as it slides in now.

  22. I agree with Sara. Your first mosaic is particularly wonderful. I love the way you have included logs and mellow timber in with the flowers and produce.

  23. Oh, what lovely photos...and the mosaic at the beginning is stunning with all of those gorgeous colors of the fall!

  24. The colours of autumn are so wonderful, and a welcome change to just green (which has been pretty much my garden this year!). Your photos are so beautiful. Take care xx

  25. such pretty farmsteads. :) yes, summer whipped by. :)

  26. As always, love your photos. I'm especially taken with the fall mosaic. We had our first cool morning in NYC today and I was so happy with the snap in the air.

  27. Psalm 95:1-6 is a favourite reading of mine Judy and I am thankful for all that He has created.
    I had to chuckle at your excuse for being absent from blogging, with a little imagination I know you can come up with a doozy if need be. LOL
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday - always glad for your participation if, and when...

  28. Your collage is so colourful, Judy. Love the fall shades. Look at Jazzie. She must be doing well in her senior years. The trumpet plant is so gorgeous. I'd love some of them for my garden next year. And the photo of the horses and barn is so pretty. What a well-kept horse barn it is. Fall is here now, too and I am welcoming it with open arms. Yes, there are many gifts from God every-day. Take care, Deb

  29. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my blue blue flowers. The Petunia is called Wave blue and the sweet blue in the center is a Campanula called (I think) fairy bells. very nice grower and just clip it back when done blooming and it will bloom again and again. LOL

  30. I've missed you, but understand your absence! Love your photos - always. Signs of fall here, too, with temps falling from the 90s to the 80s. ;)

  31. i never knew you couldn't comment on blogs if you weren't a google + member ... that stinks. i read your comment on "buttons" blog ... hope you are good. so rainy here in VA. big big hugs. ( :

  32. Your collage is so wonderful. You have a lot of yellows and oranges now. The barn shots are all very good. We have a Leon, Iowa. Great sharing of God's word.

  33. Well, isn't Jazzie adorable! Autumn is indeed in the air - what a beautiful time of the year. Thank you for taking the time to link up with Roses of Inspiration, sweet Judy. It's always a joy having you at the party.

    Have a delightful week. Hugs!

  34. Oh, I love how your heart turned to praise...and then you turned my heart to praise! He is a such a generous and merciful God! Beautiful pictures of His beautiful creations!

  35. Love the colourful collage and all the shots of your dog. never seen a strpped Dahlia before.

  36. awww - Jazzie! I can just feel the scratch and smell of grass right along with her! The lovely barn and horses is a beautiful shot too.
    I'm captivated by your collage of warm oranges - "autumn" it says! I try so hard to resist saying fall is my fave of the seasons because, like Wisconsin, winters in Michigan can be so brutal, and there's no escaping that's next. But in my heart, it really is those warm oranges and reds and yellows that I respond to best!

  37. Love the autumn color, it is still hot in N. Florida, but I am still enjoying things of Fall!

  38. Hi Judy,
    Beautiful photos. And perfect words to put with them.
    Jazzie makes me smile.

  39. I just love the pictures in this post! I am trying to get into Fall because it is so beautiful here in Upstate NY, but it's not here yet!!

  40. Beautiful pictures and Yazzie stole my heart!!!

  41. Hi Judy!
    Have missed you, but I have not posted much, either. Until yesterday when I posted pix of Wallace the Slug eating peanut butter, Josephine, and my new crochet project. There. Now you don't have to go visit my blog! Hahahaha!
    What's up Sep-Nov that keeps you away from blogging?
    :) m & jb

  42. I love the way you describe the season and how things will change. It's exactly the same here so I totally relate. The mosaic is wonderful! Love that dahlia too!

  43. Oh look a Jazzie enjoying life. Perfect. Love the barn and horse and the cow fence photos. I never want to clean up my garden and can lately either:) Hug B

  44. thank you for another blast of northern air! :)

  45. Your photos are so pretty. They make me (almost) want to live in the country. I really liked the shots of Jazzie enjoying herself, so cute.
    Also the cool barn with the horses and the cows behind the fence.

  46. Just love your photos Judy. Those mosaics are just gorgeous! I've been loving our cooler crisp weather. So nice for sleeping. Thanks for sharing the beauty. ;)

  47. Hello Judy, wonderful critter post. I love your Jazzie, the horses and the last cow shot. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great weekend!

  48. I love the colours in the opening collage even before I noticed that you mentioned it. We've got a lot to be thankful to God for.


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