Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wisconsin - or Minnesota - Barns and Good Fences

Doesn't it look like shredded wheat,
with just a dusting of powdered sugar?
If it would rain milk, we'd be all set.

I think that the photos above were taken somewhere north of Rochester, MN.

The next group of photos was taken from the vehicle as we were approaching Red Wing, MN.

 The Mighty Mississippi
See the red wing on the grain elevator?

 Red Wing, MN
and dirt on the windshield

 A sign that winter is soon upon us

Linking to
Lesley's SIGNS, SIGNS 


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  1. Thought I was commenting on a very Christmasy post when something happened and I fell through this door right after I read that you'd have no snow for another week or so. Now I am wondering if these are not photos are not in real time. We are under the same weather prognostications. I like that sign...very informative and no need to look up directions on a device. You live in a very pretty corner!

  2. please forgive any early morning redundancies...

  3. I always enjoy seeing new places! And the Mississippi is pretty in Minnesota as well as in Mississippi. My brother in law and his family live in Memphis so they see the Mississippi River quite a bit. Has the weather been milder up your way Judy? We have had a mild winter so far but January and February are typically our cold months.

  4. This made me laugh about the shredded wheat. We are snow free so far although as I'm typing some wet snow is falling. It won't last since the temps will be rising soon. This is the most snow free December I remember. Love the road trip pictures! Wisconsin and Michigan look a lot alike!

  5. That shot of the quaint downtown is so cute and Christmasy. More pretty than cute but charming. Okay charming we will go with. Not much snow for you yet right? Have you finished your Christmas preparations? Have a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year!!

  6. I love these shots Judy. The rolls of hay dusted in snow are quite pretty and I like the photo of the downtown street. Have a good week. Blessings, Pam

  7. Hello, Judy!

    LOL, I like my shredded wheat bite sized, with milk and a little sugar.. Cool road trip images. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  8. I enjoyed seeing the winter weather, and yes, the hay….wow that's quite the rolls. And the sign--definitely worth a photo.

  9. the dusting of snow is pretty but not intrusive. much more to come, i'm certain. :)

  10. Oh my, I don't miss that sloppy yucky wet winter mess. Sorry! The photos are great, but I don't miss that snow at all. I see no beauty in salty slush and muddy snow and am so glad I don't have to drive in it.

    We see those round bales of hay/straw down here too. Do they still call them bales? Gone are the days when you could build a fort with the bales of hay....

    They do indeed look like shredded wheat with sugar!!

  11. It's amazing how winter is just a few shades of colour - black, white, grey and brown. The "shredded wheat" is a welcome diversion with that summmer coloured hay!

  12. That looks so much like the scenery here in Southern IL. Have a great week!

  13. I love 6 and 7 of the town streets and buildings. i would love to live in a town like that, but not where it is cold and snowy. and there are no towns like this in Florida.
    the horse looks tiny by tht big old barn.

  14. the shredded wheat is just right for the Jolly Green giant or Jack of the Beanstalk giant

  15. Makes me happy to be complaining about the summer-like heat here in south Florida. That street sign is attractive, but more distracting to a driver than is texting!

  16. Umm..shredded wheat, I love it and haven't had it for years. Those hay bales do look like that! In some places I see the large bales with white plastic around them...the grands think they look like giant marshmellows. I guess we all have food on our minds! ♥

  17. I never thought about it, but they do look like shredded wheat!

  18. I've thought the same thing about the huge round bales in the fields here and perhaps you can answer if the covering is biodegradable or do the farmers reuse whatever it is?
    I'm hoping for a dusting of snow Christmas Eve, that will be enough.

  19. I love the shredded wheat hay bales ... That was the boy cereal my dad would let us eat and I bet that hay tastes just about as good �� and it looks exactly like it. Wonderful barns and s energy. We crossed the Mighty Mississippi last week, but my pics didn't turn out well. It is always a thrill though when we see that River!

  20. Love the "shredded wheat!" It was actually the only cereal I liked as a child because it didn't get soggy!
    Do you know, I've never seen the Mississippi? I just turned to my husband, and said, how can that be true? Must remedy that.

  21. I love, love what you show. The barns and the arrows are great.


  22. That first picture is wonderful !! Milk would ruin it :) Have a nice evening..

  23. So different to our landscapes.

  24. We haven't seen even a light dusting of snow around here yet.
    That sign looks pretty comprehensive - and I really like that it is in order of direction.

  25. The hey bales in the snow are wonderful. The Barn Collective closes at 1:59 eastern tonight.

  26. I agree--it does look like giant shredded wheat! It looks cold in your photos. I like the sign post. Hopefully one can stop long enough to figure out which direction they need to go.

  27. Now that would be sticky rain if it were to rain milk but handy for a quick breakfast as my hubby loves shredded wheat & milk!
    It's looking wintery in your part of the world. Thanks for sharing these photos!

  28. This reminds me of my North Dakota days..the slush, the snow, and the Red River, instead of the Mississippi. I still live near the Red River, except it is the Red of the South, and the other was the Red of the North. :) No snow here yet, but the weather is so strange I would not doubt to see it soon.

  29. I always think of shredded wheat when I see snow-covered bales.

  30. i love that barn. i'll wish ya a happy Merry Christmas ... enjoy your day & i hope you get to spend some time with your family! big big hugs. ( :

  31. I so enjoyed these? Love that that red barn has a horse in the pasture. And the shot--the first one where you are approaching Red Wing...for some reason I really, really like it.

  32. Now that is one impressive sign...I would have to stop and study it to decide which way to go. Your snowy barns are lovely. winter is definitely in your neck of the woods. It is just cold here. Red barns with the white snow are heavenly.

  33. Thanks for sharing your "shredded wheat" and barns this week. Have a Merry Christmas and I hope to see you again soon.

  34. I love the shredded wheat photo ... it almost looks like hay LOL


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