Sunday, March 6, 2016

InSPIREd Sunday - Thinking About Prayer

 First United Methodist Church
Red Wing, MN

Some Thoughts on Prayer, C.S. Lewis:

"Prayers are not always - in the crude, factual sense of the word - 'granted.' This is not because prayer is a weaker kind of causality, but because it is a stronger kind. When it 'works' at all, it works unlimited by space and time. That is why God has retained a discretionary power of granting or refusing it; except on that condition prayer would destroy us. It is not unreasonable for a headmaster to say, 'Such and such things you may do according to the fixed rules of this school. But such and such other things are too dangerous to be left to general rules. If you want to do them you must come and make a request and talk over the whole matter with me in my study. And then - we'll see." - C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock.

Looking back over my life, I am so grateful for the times that God said, 'No' in answer to particular prayers.

'We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.'  Romans 8:28

That would be ALL things, including God's answer, 'No.'

 In Him is LIFE.

Linked to InSPIREd Sunday
Have a blessed Lord's Day!



  1. Absolutely.
    so many times I should have listened to the 'No' instead of thinking I knew best.

  2. Judy, I pray for others more than myself. I do pray God will make me be the woman He wants me to I try to be kind and helpful to others all the time. I know that we are to ask God for whatever is in our hearts and He will decide what is best. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  3. i am going to call you Mrs. Cranberry. hope you are well this week. gorgeous moments! ( :

  4. This morning we are having a special time of prayer for missions before our services start. The guest speaker at our missions conference encouraged us to have Gospel Optimism. That often when times are the darkest, God is using that circumstance to bring others to him. That really spoke to me as I was feeling very down about the world situation. I am going to try to pray more and worry less.

  5. I really enjoyed this C.S. Lewis excerpt. Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo Su

  6. God is our Father, so as any good parent, His goal is to keep us safe and on the right path. Even if the answer is "No," we know that we are loved unconditionally.

  7. Love the excerpt. Makes one stop and think doesn't it. hugs. LJ

  8. quite castle like, I'd hate to have to pay the heating bil

  9. He certainly knows better than us, and does not make mistakes, so we can trust that His answers, yes or no, are for our best. Good post and lovely church!

  10. True! C.S. Lewis, a great writer. We are just on our third chapter in Mere Christianity. The boys and I are reading it together. Atticus said after the second chapter, "Mom, I like this book!"

  11. Such wise words here today, Judy. I'm so glad He is in charge. ♥

  12. Hi Judy,

    When I first saw the photo I thought, "How did she get a picture of my church"? You would not believe how much it looks like my church! I will have to get someone to take a photo and send it to me so I can send it to you. My camera is broke. :-(

    I am extremely grateful that God has not answered many of the prayer requests I have prayed for. When I look back on them, I now see how immature my thinking was. And sometimes still is! lol Darlene

  13. I have more than a few "no"s I am thankful for!

    God is good. He can be trusted.

  14. This is a lovely church--the architecture really makes me smile. Personally, I believe prayer is more about being obedient than expecting what you ask for. Knowing that God has it under control is enough for me :)

  15. Wonderful words for this Sunday. Have a great week ahead.

  16. Such a beautiful chapel. I believe prayer is much more powerful on behalf of others than for oneself. Wishing you blessings in the upcoming week. xo Karen

  17. Fine looking church that, nice stonework

  18. "No" can be a mighty good word and I also like 2 Corinthians 1:20 where it says that all of God's promises are "yes" and "amen." Our desires are seldom as lofty as God's promises. I am glad that I have received plenty of "no"s in my life. I think John just told me "no" for that matter. Ha!

  19. Beautiful thoughts on prayer, my friend. As I look back in my life there are many times God said "No" and I am ever so thankful. This post was a good reminder to trust the Lord even when the answer isn't always what I want.

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs and joy!

  20. Yes. We just need to keep trusting in His infinite judgement and mercy!

  21. Your posts are always so inspiring and encouraging to me, dearest Judy, I'm so grateful to you for this !
    Sending blessings of joy on the end of your week
    with much love

  22. Enjoyed the passage from C.S. Lewis. Beautiful church.


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