Sunday, May 1, 2016

Whom Can You Trust?

For all who are going through a tough time right now, some Scripture verses of encouragement:

 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not rely on your own insight. 

 In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.'

- Proverbs 3:5,6 

Many of us memorized these verses when we were children, and have heard them so often that we forget to pay attention to what they actually say. That can happen with anything we repeat often, including the wonderful messages in so many of the old hymns. So today I'm reading these verses again and asking God to give me that faith to trust him and to acknowledge him in everything I do. He loves us even though he knows everything about us, and has promised to be with us, even in our darkest times. He alone is trustworthy. As Peter said, 'Where else would we go, Lord? You alone have the words of eternal life.'

Have a blessed Lord's Day, friends.



  1. Yes ma'am, very true... have a beautiful day friend.

  2. Scripture with special meaning for me at this time Judy, one never knows whom they will touch with a post...thank you.

  3. beautiful scripture and the wonderful sheep are a super match to the words

  4. Where else would we go, indeed? So thankful we have a God we can trust and yes I need to ask Him to help me trust Him more and more.

  5. it is good to have memorised verses when we were young so that we will remember them when we are older.

  6. What a perfect message for me to read for today. Thank you, Judy. Hope your day is wonderful Susan

  7. Such a good reminder for us all. Prayers offered for unspoken intentions!

  8. Thank you, Judy for reminding me of this special scripture. It's so true that old hymns are full of much wisdom. Happy Sunday to you! xo ♥

  9. Wishing you a blessed week ahead, Judy.

  10. I never cease to be amazed at the power of God's Word--and how verses memorized in childhood come to mind just when needed … and the same with phrases from hymns.

  11. Great post. I love the pictures too. :)

    I wanted to let you know that I didn't respond to your comment on my post, but I agree with you. So many people base things off feeling...not what God says.

    Thank you so much for commenting. It made my day. :)

    Love in Christ,

  12. Thank you for this beautiful post, sweet Judy. Your gentle reminder of trusting in the Lord was truly a blessing.

    Happy May Day! Hugs!

  13. That is a very good reminder!


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