Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Berry Blue Hodgepodge

Blueberries from the Farmer's Market

Join Joyce and the Gang
 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!

1. Tell us about one fun thing on your June calendar. 

Waking up after hip replacement revision surgery next Monday.

 Bookstore, York

2. How careful are you in the sun? Do you tan or burn? Do you make it a point to see the dermatologist every year? 

I've never seen a dermatologist, and if I am in the sun, I wear a good sunscreen. 

Blue Pallet, Backyard

3. Describe a time when you wanted to 'throw in the towel'? 

I can't think of a time. I hate to give up.

Blue Door, Canterbury

4. What's a song you love that has a day of the week in the title or lyrics? 

Monday, Monday by the Mamas and Papas (or Grandmas and Grandpas by now)

 Blueberries, more or less

5. Are you a fan of berries? Which one's your favorite? What's the most recent berry dish you've eaten? Which blueberry breakfast food appeals to you most-blueberry pancakes, blueberry yogurt, or a blueberry muffin? 

I love berries. Blueberries are my favorite, followed closely by strawberries. My favorite blueberry breakfast food would be blueberry muffins, but I haven't made any in quite a while. I like blueberry yogurt as a snack.

Here's a link to My Favorite Blueberry Muffin Recipe

 Blue Dress and Coat
Spring/Summer Catalog, 1916

6. What's something you want to do before your next birthday? 

Walk, hike. 

 Blue Iris

7. June 1st is National Say Something Nice Day, so let's all say something nice here. 

My cat whining at me while I'm writing this is not annoying me. At all.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

Just a little red this morning, to go along with all the blue:

 Our Daughter-in-law sent us this photo of
little Oliver working on the birdhouse for his grandma.


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  1. Good morning. That last photo--little Oliver looks quite intent on his project for his grandma. How sweet. I guess June will contain naps, recovery, PT for you … hoping it goes really well. I'm headed to the dermatologist today. Reaping results of sunburns on the Michigan sand dunes when I was a kid. Have a good day!

  2. Awww Oliver is just too cute...good luck next week on that hip surgery. Will keep you in prayer.

  3. Love all the blue--it's my favorite color. Praying for a successful surgery.

  4. Oliver is just to precious for words... I love all berries, my most favorite is big fat wild blackberries... i like all your blue today, every single one. prayers for a good surgery...

  5. I will add your surgery to my prayers. Wishing you smooth sailing and a speedy recovery! Those blueberries look so good. I love them right out of the carton!

  6. Nice post with all the pics. Hope the surgery goes well.

  7. Judy... I will say a prayer for you on Monday for your surgery. Enjoy the heck out of this week!

  8. Sweet post . . .
    Love that "grand, red, blue, birdhouse" pic . . .
    I'll be thinking of you with care and prayers on Monday and after . . .
    (Michigan Blueberries are yummy too!)

  9. Hello, your grandchild is adorable. I love blueberries too, pancakes and muffins, YUM! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I hope all goes well with the hip revision, I will keep you in my prayers. Wishing a quick you can hike and walk soon after! Have a happy day and week ahead!

  10. Loved all of your blue pictures this morning!! I am a fan of blue...and also of blueberry muffins. Of course, you just can't beat the red picture at the end So sweet!

    I will be praying for you as you prepare for surgery on Monday.

  11. Great "blue" pictures!
    Praying for a speedy recovery! :)

  12. OH, what a lovely post to read as I start a new morning, a new month. Loved all the blue as blue is a favourite colour. That little fellow with his red hammer is one cu-tie pie!

    Wishing you grace for the journey and complete success for the upcoming surgery.

    Sending hugs,

  13. Wishing you a speedy recovery, following your surgery.

    Blue is by far my favorite color, and your photos showcased it well, even the final photo has a pop of blue.

  14. Hi Judy,
    Sending prayers for the surgery.
    You can give a call if you need any help.
    xx oo

  15. Oh, that precious Oliver. Wishing you a quick healing from your surgery. I'm going to have to compare recipes on the blueberry muffins. Blessings to you.

  16. Judy, you have me at picture of sweet little Oliver. A nice ending to a blue post, the color blue of course.
    You will be in my prayers as you prepare for surgery. It won't be long before you can take long walks and maybe a little hiking. Have a great day, dear one. xo ♥

  17. Was that positive thinking or sarcasm about waking up after surgery? I hope and pray that it all goes well for you. I enjoyed this post..the questions/answers and the pretty pics.

  18. Oliver is adorable! Keeping you in my prayers for a successful surgery, including your medical team. Let us know when you can, please, that it all went well!! :)

  19. Saying a little prayer that you will be good as new quickly! As for all these lovely places, wow, especially the bookstore and the blue door, in fact all the blue, which happens to be my most favorite of colors! Take good care of you, you'll be in my thoughts.

  20. Judy, I wish you well for your hip operation next week.

    That last photo is just so gorgeous ...

    All the best Jan

  21. Blueberries and strawberries have become my thing recently although I do like blueberry yoghurt. It became difficult to source for a while until more recent times.
    Thinking of you next monday.

  22. Good answers! Oliver is such a li'l cutie and he looks quite intent on what he is doing to that birdhouse. Prayers to you for surgery to be successful and recovery is quick!

  23. Judy, great photos. I have to say, I love the roof of the birdhouse. :):) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  24. I love berries and eat a few every day! They are so good at this time of year. I'll keep you in my prayers my friend. I hope the surgery goes well so you can dance a happy dance! hugs, Diane

  25. I hope your surgery goes well, Judy. I can imagine the wonderful relief of waking up knowing that it's over. Blueberries are so yummy. Ours are starting to ripen already - early, early.

  26. Loved rreading and seeing all the shots in this post. May I wish you are speedy reovery after your up coming surgery and I do hope you will be walking and hiking before your birthday. Oliver is very intent in making a good job of the bbird house for Granma

  27. Judy, I always love your hodgepodge answers and photos. Thought I had a favorite photo picked out till I got to the one of your adorable birdhouse builder! Hope you're up and running quickly after your revision -- great word for it, isn't it?!

  28. Oh I'm glad I stopped by, Judy, so I can be sure to pray for your upcoming surgery! I'm sure you'll be glad to have that behind you!
    And mmm, berries are the best. Raspberries are probably my favorite.
    Blessings to you, and prayers going up!

  29. Oh you're such a Gal after my own heart Judy. Lover of blueberries and all. ;) Loved all the blue - but especially loved the darling bit of red at the end (such a cutie!!) Lol

    Prayers and every good wish for Monday to go smoothly and beautifully my dear Gal. Blessings to you. xoxo

  30. I loved all the pretty blues in this post but the red bard birdhouse being "built" by your grandson is the best! Best wished on your upcoming surgery, Judy! I will be praying for you.

  31. Ok the grandson and his red birdhouse just stole the show, though I loved all of the blues! :)

    Judy I hope this surgery will go well and easy / prayers for quick healing!

  32. Unfortunately as a strawberry blond I had many sunburns as a child and they were painful. Now I'm carefull, already had one mole removed.
    We'll be coming into strawberry season in a couple of weeks but I have to admit I love picking blueberries in August.
    Prayers for a successful surgery Judy.

  33. My thoughts are with you. Will be sending you the best of thoughts all day long. Thanks for the note about the steps. I have not fallen since we put down the commercial sticky tape. It has worked wonders. Loved all of the pictures and your answers to the questions. Love the blueberries but your grandson did steal the show this week. genie

  34. Praying that things are going well with your surgery today. In July I'm going to see a dermatologist for the first time ever. I picked the same song! I love those so called berries in the photo you shared.

  35. Helloooooo sweet Judy! I hope that your surgery went smoothly and you will be back on the dance floor in no time! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


  36. I love the berry extravaganza. And good luck with the surgery! You are in my thoughts.

  37. You really had me with those blueberries. They sure looked yummy.I'm loving all the blue hues as well. I also hope everything goes well with your surgery.

  38. Hoping you are feeling well after your surgery! Take care! Tanya @The Other Side of the Road

  39. Great pictures...I love blueberries, too! HOPE your surgery goes well.

  40. Hope you are on the MEND.............

  41. Judy, I hope the surgery (excuuuuuse me, the "revision") went well Monday morning and that you're feeling okay!

  42. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Judy! Everytime I stop by your blog, there is a little piece of England for me to enjoy and I love it.


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