Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Special Valentines Sale - Natural Vegan Soap

Save now on any size order of my natural, handcrafted vegan soap! All of my soaps are moisturizing and gentle. No harsh chemicals, no animal products, and I use only natural colorants, no oxides. These handcut, large bars of natural goodness are 4.5-5 oz. each and come labeled with an ingredient list and enclosed in a cello bag with gold seal, ready for gift giving.

Check out all my handcrafted, vegan soaps, including my new Jojoba Natural Shampoo Bar.

As always, it's Buy any 5 or more, Get another FREE. But until midnight on February 7, there's also a 10% discount on every order, when you use the code HEART17 at checkout.

Think Valentine's Day!


Check out all my handcrafted soaps at

My ETSY Shop

Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning



  1. I love your soaps! And you're making this very tempting! Off to see what I need! Hugs, Diane

  2. both my sons have birthdays in FEB one is on the 14th and the other the 22

  3. Your soaps are wonderful! Your discount and the free bar are so generous!


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