Friday, February 10, 2017

Hide and Seek

 'Hey Mom. Shhh. Don't tell Tommy where I'm hiding.'

 'Hey Mom. Shhh. Don't tell Smokey where I'm hiding.'

A warm body, bits of string, and places to climb.
These are happy kitties for sure.

'Does she see me now?'
Tommy, being ever so helpful as I'm trying to clean closets!
For some reason, he really liked Mr. C.'s shirt.

And in case anyone's wondering, as our daughter did:
NO, I've never thrown away anything that belongs to Mr. C.
I accuse him of still having every shirt he's ever owned. :-)
(perhaps a slight exaggeration)

Linking to Eileen's Saturday's Critters
and Amy's Five on Friday*
and Maggie's Mosaic Monday

* Amy, I finally managed to have FIVE things: there are five different photos in this post.


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  1. Good Morning! These are the cutest kitties. I just love these photos. Speaking of cats, I bought a new chair this week and I have yet to sit in it....all 5 of my cats just love it! You know that if I had bought the chair specifically for the cats, they would not touch it! lol
    Enjoy your day.

  2. It would be no exaggeration here. If he couldn't wear it anymore he made it into a rag for the garage. lol Love those kitties. Comfy cats, for sure.

  3. Such happy little kitties! I need to start my spring closet clean out! ARrrrggghhh. Not my favorite chore. Evan actually does better at getting rid of his clothes than I do. Ha! Loved seeing those content little faces. Have a wonderful weekend, Judy. blessings ~ tanna

  4. Enjoyed your five! And you captured your kitties' fun so well. As to the shirts, yes, same here, the gardener rarely gets rid of one.

  5. Cute puss pics! They are such good company aren't they?

  6. I was hoping this would be a kitty post! Baby M was smiling so big at those two stinkers. :)

  7. Adorable post, Judy! Hope you get a lot done this weekend.

  8. Fab kitty captures, Judy, love the first one - such an inquisitive look.
    Bon weekend.

  9. Must be a lot of fun with those sweethearts entertaining you. I am I wouldn't know :(

  10. I just adore this post, it reminds me of a couple of kitties we've had in past years that I swear look just like this. You sure brightened my morning with these photos! Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Such sweet little kitties. We are having feral cat issues at the moment. Hopefully we can find homes for them. First we have to capture them! I understand about the shirts--my husband is the same. ♥

  12. cute kitties having lots of fun, I'm visiting from Five on Friday

  13. LOL- You did GOOD with the FIVE today! lol I love your kitties. They are so darned cute. I started a fun little thing on my blog today- pop by if you get the chance and let me know what you think. xo Diana

  14. I never tire of kitty photos. You have beautiful babies.

  15. Fun hide and seek photos! Hope your closet cleaning ended well...

  16. Hi Doll! Catching up on your posts (hodgepodge too). I think I could look at pics of adorable kitties all day long. Lol ;) Thanks for sharing yours so I get my fix.

    And loved your hodgepodge as always. Although now I'M craving lemon bars! Lol!! The photo of you and your hubby is so adorable! That is how one needs to look when walking around here in the north. I hope you're getting all of your organizing done well and it's making you happy!!

    Blessings on the weekend ahead. xoox

  17. OMG you had me at the first photo ; just adorable..all of them! :)

  18. Sweet kitties as usual.
    I think my hubby might still have something in his closet from when we got married. lol

  19. Love those kitty photos! Here's some info on javelinas:
    I just put this link on my blog. THanks for visiting!

  20. Sweetness overload! So fun to have 'help' when cleaning the closet. It IS hard to get the hubs to part with things. I finally made a quilt out of all his old shirts and gave it to the first grandson and he was good with that :) Now I'm working on saving old shirts for another quilt for grandson #2. How can he say 'No'? Haha! xx K

  21. Love seeing those sweet kitties!

  22. Oh, your kitties are adorable! I have one named Smokey, too! :)

  23. Those kittens are just adorable!

  24. Hello, adorable sweet kittens! The photos are cute! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  25. How cute! And they sure are sweet to pose for you in so many cute ways. We used to have cats and they always loved my hubby's tee shirts! Hugs!

  26. Adorable photos of your kitties and wonderful presentation ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Weekend ~ ^_^

  27. You've shown great restraint in not throwing anything away... such cute kitties

  28. Judy these such adorable pictures. One cuter than the next


  29. Really fabulous shots, Judy. You should consider framing a couple.

  30. SO cute and so helpful..What would we do without them?? Enjoy your weekend..


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