Sunday, February 19, 2017

White Crackle Cookies Recipe

This is a recipe my mom used to make, and I remembered the tangy taste of the cream of tartar - a pleasant little bite to the cookie. Since I made these over the weekend, I thought I'd share the recipe here.

White Crackle Cookies, Recipe:

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Beat together the following ingredients:
1/2 c. white sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
1 c. shortening
1 egg
1/2 t. salt.

Mix together the following ingredients, then mix into the above ingredients:
2 c. flour
1 t. cream of tartar
1 t. baking soda 

Now stir in
1 t. vanilla. 

Mix well, Roll into 3/4" balls.
Dip tops in cold water, then in white sugar.

Bake on greased jelly roll pan or cookie sheet for 8-12 minutes
(It all depends upon the size of the cookie ball and the pan you're using. I used heavy jellyroll pans and the cookies needed almost 12 minutes.) They should be a very pale golden. Remove from oven and let them finish cooling on the cookie sheet before removing.

I got 2 1/2 dozen cookies out of this batch.

Next time I wouldn't dip them in the sugar before baking, but that's simply a matter of taste.

Note: Since I was making these cookies for someone else, I did not make them gluten free.

Cookie and muffin testers
(cute son and grandson) :-))

This post is linked to: Cooking and Crafting with JJ


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  1. Those sound delicious. I hardly ever use cream of tartar but my grandmother used it a lot. I didn't realize it gave a different taste than baking soda/powder.
    Love those two sweet boys there! Big cutie and little cutie! xo Diana

  2. I eat gluten free but I am pinning these to make for my son. These look like something he would love!

  3. I really like the cookie recipe. I bet they are really good. Your two guys are wonderful.

  4. The cookies sound delicious and that is a precious photo of son/grandson.

  5. You have some great testers!! So cute! And, I'm sure they loved getting to taste test these! blessings ~ tanna

  6. I have made chocolate ones before but not these, I may have to try them.

  7. Thank you. I may have to get going this morning. I'm out of bread and I don't want to run to the store and cookies are better than bread, right?

  8. Trying this recipe this afternoon. Thanks for sharing it!

  9. No wonder you bake, you have two very handsome cookie tasters to help you

  10. And what handsome TESTERS you have my friend! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Your cookie and muffin testers look VERY happy {{smiles}}

    This recipe looks wonderful, my friend, and it's one I know my hubby would enjoy. I have bookmarked your page and I hope to make these soon. Thank you for sharing!

    Have a beautiful week! Hugs!

  12. Judy, It is so nice you have a recipe of your mother' mommy could only make good fried chicken and potato I have no recipe of my mother's. You sure have some handsome taste testers there. :) Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  13. Hi Judy, the cookies look delicious and the cookie testers very handsome and cute! How sweet! Thanks so much for your recent visit and comment on my President's Day post.
    Happy Monday to you!

  14. They look wonderful..Nice looking cookie testers you have there..

  15. I have never heard of White Crackle Cookies. They look intriguing. I will have to try them. Almost like a Snickerdoodle, but not rolled in cinnamon sugar or are they more like a Molasses Crinkle without the molasses? Hmmmm....something to find out.

  16. Looks like you have some happy testers there waiting on the cookies! I have never baked with cream of tarter and in fact have wondered what I would use it for. I'm sure my mom knows, but she hasn't baked cookies in a long time. Have a great day!

  17. I bet they loved them! Thank for the recipe, they sound delicious.

  18. The cookies look delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  19. What a great photo of your test team in front of the world. The cookies look good. I have some chocolate ones quite similar.

  20. oh my you have some handsome testers there!! :)

  21. They look yummy! The texture appeals to me. Glad you had help with those!

  22. I love it when you post pictures of you sweet family! HOWEVER, when you post pictures of food/baked goods, I must insist you send some my way. LOL

  23. Oh yum, you have no idea how dearly I wish I could snatch one of those cookies right now! They would be absolutely delicious with a cup of tea and a good book. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  24. Those cookies look so good. I bake so very seldom nowadays (because of health reasons, not just because I'm old and lazy). I do miss homemade cookies sometimes.

    I remember baking 'snickerdoodles' back in the days when making cookies were a weekly part of my repetoire. That recipe used cream of tartar .... when we sold out to go traveling that was one of the spices I threw away because I'd had it for so long -- I guess I didn't use it for anything else and it was probably 10 years old ;>)

  25. They look like 'afternoon tea' kind of cookies! I like your testers, I'm sure they give good reviews on the goodies.


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