Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hodgepodging A Thousand Words

 Although it's going to be in the 80s today,
it's starting to look very fallish out there.

 Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

 We've been seeing and hearing flocks of geese
and sandhill cranes in our neighborhood this week.
I love it!
And this early morning there was a doe and her fawn
under our apple tree.

1. Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate.

I certainly always hoped so, when I was a kid and had to write a paper for English class.
But actually, yes, I do think so, especially for poor writers. :-)

 Something to ponder.
Something to praise God for.
And Grandpa got a giggle out of this three year old!

2. Have you ever driven any part of the Pacific Coast Highway? If so what was your favorite stop? If not, is this sort of trip on your bucket list?

Yes, many years ago. My favorite stop was the airport and returning home. Even back then, California seemed like a foreign country. If I had any aspirations of visiting before it breaks off into the ocean, I'd probably better do it sometime soon. But it's definitely not high on my bucket list. I'm more interested in traveling the eastern coast.

 Antique railroad freight wagon
Rice Lake, WI

3. How do the changing seasons affect you? As the seasons change do you find yourself looking more forward or backward? Which season-season transition bothers you most? Why do you suppose that is? 

I love having four distinct seasons here in Wisconsin. I love the change from summer to fall and the change from spring to summer. But fall to winter is depressing because winters are so very long up here, and winter to spring is still very cold, wet, and dreary. So let's go back to thinking about May, June, July, August, September, and October. They're beautiful here in Wisconsin. And we do need snowy December for Christmas.t

 Our Four Seasons
Can you see why I like fall and summer better?

4. It's your birthday and you get to pick the dinner menu. What are we having? Do you ever lie about your age?

I would choose fish and chips at The Cricketers pub in Canterbury. And no, there's little point in lying about my age. My hair and wrinkles tell it all. I doubt anyone would believe me if I said I was 29. or 39. or 49. or 59!!!  Yikes. I never dreamed I'd live to be so old. 

My daughters and their mother

5. What's a life lesson you've learned recently?

As God's image bearers on the earth, reflecting his image to the world, we can look at Jesus (not anyone else) to determine how we're doing as image bearers.

Philippians 2:6: 'who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death - even death on a cross.'
As God's image bearer, does my life have the remotest resemblance to Jesus' life?

What do we most want our children and grandchildren to learn about God? If we are God's image bearers, what of his character are we reflecting to them? Are we reflecting a true image as Jesus did, or a distorted image? And because of it, how will they perceive God? So back to your first question, 'Is a picture worth a thousand words?' I'd say that in the case of parenting and grandparenting, it most definitely is. And I pray to be aware of it every day.

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 
We're so grateful that Hurricane Irma wasn't as devastating as initially predicted. That doesn't mean, of course, that we'll stop praying for those who lost so much and are left homeless and/or without electricity and with such a huge mess to clean up in Florida, or those who were and are affected by the storm and its aftermath as it moved farther north.

And a little more random:

 Tommy & Smokey, of course.


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Woodland Flowers
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My shops,


will be closed from September 23-October 9.

Because of this, Christmas soaps will be in my Etsy shop
by Friday, September 15. I hope.

Join me on Instagram @cranberrymorning
Have a wonderful Wednesday!



  1. Good morning! Yes autumn is pushing in slowly here too, trees scattered about with the changing colors! We got to almost 90 yesterday too. My car said 88 at 5:30! Since we have the winter struggles ahead it's always refreshing to have a colorful fall before hand!

  2. Great pic of you and your beautiful daughters, Judy! Also, love the one of your husband and grandson. You and I are on the same page when it comes to Winter. I'm hoping for a mild one this year. Have a great week, dear Judy.

  3. Of course, Tommy and Smokey! I'd be disappointed if I didn't see those furry friends in a hodgepodge post. :)

    Your daughters are beautiful! And so is their mother! Who says one has to be 29 (or 39 or 49 or 59) to be beautiful?

    Ahhhh, the seasons. I, too, am happy to live in a place where we experience four distinct seasons . . . although our winters are certainly not as long and cold as yours are in Wisconsin, so you certainly get a pass for not enjoying that one quite so much. Brrrr.

    Good life lesson!!

  4. Judy you are a beautiful woman as are your daughters. Like you, I embrace getting older, I just wish it did not come with aches and pains. The wrinkles and gray hair I can deal Thankfully Irma fizzled out by the time she reached us...just some rain and a few wind gusts. We have had some cooler temps but the sunshine and 80s will be back by Friday.

  5. Hello, Judy! The shot of your hubby and grandson should be framed. I enjoyed the drive up the coast of California, Oregon and Washington. They are all beautiful states. The shot of you and your girls is very pretty. You have a lovely family, it shows you are a great mom too. I like spring, summer and fall. Winter is not my friend, I wish we could skip it. My prayers go out to all the storm victims in Texas, Caribbean and Florida. Great post and photos. Enjoy your day!

  6. First of all, you have a very beautiful family and what a blessing they must be to you. Next, I do love that picture of your husband with grandson. It indeed says 1,000 words and more. I so appreciate your life lesson answer. I also had the thought our lives may be the only picture of Jesus some see and what that image should look like. Thank you for expressing it so beautifully. Have a good rest of your week.

  7. Beautiful photos as always, Judy! And that one of you and your daughters ... well, you are all lovely! And your life lesson answer and how you tied it in with the picture worth a thousand words ...! So true, such a challenge for each of us. Thanks for sharing your heart!

  8. Good hodgepodge morning to you Judy! I enjoyed your answers and your photos you shared. Such precious ones with you and hubby with your loved ones. Amen to your life lesson. Hope the rest of your week is a good one!

  9. The picture of Mr. C and that precious little grandson doesn't even need a speaks for itself. Is that poison sumac in that first pic? It surely is beautiful in the fall. I love your lesson learned answer and the photo you and your girls is just beautiful! Loving this time of has been cool but will warm into the low 80s this weekend. Enjoy the rest of your week, Judy!

  10. Hi Judy,
    Your answer to number five is great, in fact, I am going to copy it down and hang it on my bulletin board.

    I always enjoy the photos you share. You have a beautiful family.
    xx oo

  11. I always love your pictures, Judy! The eyes of grandpa and the 3-year-old tell the tale delight. And I would absolutely believe you if you told me you were 29 or 39 or 49... You look amazing! I don't see age I see a lovely woman inside and out! Your daughters are lovely as well! We're all glad the storm is over and gone. If we never see another hurricane in the southeast in forever we'll be glad. :)

  12. Your photos are gorgeous as usual. Love the fall colors coming in. We get fall colors here, but not nearly as vibrant as the north. We had the hurricane around us - but our area was not affected - but I sure hate it for all the others. I think your daughters look like you - which is a good thing because you are beautiful! Take care!

  13. I love the Pacific Coast highway. I drove it many times when I lived in California. xo Laura

  14. I like having distinct seasons too but I'm glad we don't get as much snow as you do lol Lovely photos.

  15. I would say . . .
    If my pictures hold joy, warmth, trrust, hope, love, faith . . . like your photo above . . .
    Surely something must be right in my world . . . as it is . . . in yours.

  16. Hello Dearest Judy!

    I'm with you loving our WI seasons - but not the long winter/Spring so much. Spring is really just the season of mud up here. ::sigh::

    Love the photos and all of your answers. I especially love the pic of you with your Girls. Such beautiful Ladies - all of you. ;)

    Hope you have a blessed rest of the week enjoying this beautiful weather!! xoxo

  17. Love the precious family photos. And I walked to the pond tonight to see if we had any unusual birds but there were hardly any there. Thanks for the prayers for Florida. Hugs, Diane

  18. You and your daughters are beautiful, I too am blessed to live where the season are so noticeable as they change, our winter are not extremely cold and wet, but a little to cold and et for me.

    I was so blessed by the scripture and thoughts you shared.

    Our thoughts and prayers continue for all those affected by these disasters! Always enjoy your photos, they absolutely tell a story, Thank you for sharing.

  19. I enjoyed your hodgepodge answers Judy... had to laugh about your perspective of CA, lol! I too love love love the four seasons so much, but do think that ole' man winter is pretty greedy and holds onto his far longer than necessary! I hope we get to see some color here this year, as it has been so very dry, we haven't had rain since the end of June! But, we are supposed to get rain next week, and we are looking forward to that. I loved your pictures of the four seasons :) Beautiful family you have. Continuing in prayer too, for all those affected by the hurricanes. Hugs to you ... and I'm looking forward to getting the order of soap :)

  20. Such a sweet photo of you and your girls. They look so much alike and so much like their beautiful mother.

    Yes, I can distinctly see why you like summer and fall best. I used to like spring and fall best, but lately spring has just been an extension of winter so I'm in your camp now that summer has become (for the moment) more like the springs I used to know. Still, I feel some anxiety in autumn knowing what's coming.

  21. Oh, I needed this! Beautiful, sweet photos. rural life, yes. You do this well. Thank you for sharing, my friend. Hugs.

  22. Judy, especially love that "random" photo of Tommy and Smokey! My favorite seasons are spring and autumn, and I'm eagerly awaiting that moment when I detect autumn is in the air.

  23. I've been up and down the East Coast, much of it many times over, so am looking forward to seeing a bit of the West Coast, Oregon in particular as I hear it is beautiful. The East Coast is so full of history and wonderful scenery...definitely worth a road trip!

  24. A great read and wonderful photos you have shared.

  25. Such a great photo of your husband and grandson--more than a thousand words there! I'm glad you're still having some warmer weather there…makes summer linger a bit. Have a good weekend!


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