Friday, January 19, 2018

Just to let you know, dear bloggers, Lucy gets to come home today. Thank you all for your prayers! And I can't believe I'm able to do this from my phone!!



  1. good job on the phone posting and so happy she is coming home. love the slippers

  2. That's wonderful news! I'm keeping her in my prayers. hugs

  3. God bless her sweet little heart. I am glad she is going to be able to come home. That is always a relief. Hugs and prayers- Diana

  4. That picture just breaks my heart but I am SO happy to read that she is headed home! Prayers will continue!

  5. Thank you for letting us know! That is the best news. Thanks be to God! xo ♥

  6. This is wonderful news, Judy. I know how thankful you all are! Take care.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  7. Praise the Lord. Yes, good job with the phone upload post! I don't know how to...LOL

  8. I'm so happy to see this update! I was praying for Lucy this morning. Two of my grandchildren - of the quadruplets - have the flu. It is scary when little ones get sick!
    Thank you for leeting us know about Lucy!

  9. Great news!!! I’m so glad she is going home. God is good!!!

  10. GOD IS SO GOOD! I AM THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Well that is excellent news. Have a lovely weekend.

  12. Hello, that is great news about Lucy! It is nice to post photos from your phone. Happy weekend to you all!

  13. So thankful! And glad you could share the news so quickly and easily!

  14. Wonderful Thanktful News . . .

  15. So glad she is OK..I guess I missed your post because I don't "Hodgepodge"...I hope she remains well...she's a cutie

  16. So glad to hear the good news. Hope her recovery is a quick one!

  17. Good news Judy, I am so happy for you all.

    Please be in prayer for our family. We are now sick. I had a 102 fever Friday. It finally broke yesterday afternoon. I was so wet, it seemed like I wet the bed. Atticus is also sick. Praying that Sam and Jeremy stay well.

    What a terrible winter for illness.

  18. So glad she is better and coming home.


  19. Glad to see this progress! What a scary situation you have all been through :(

  20. Hi, I'm Jettie, the one who Diana asked for prayer, when I was having my hip done again this week. It was done on Wednesday, and I came home last night. Doctor wants PT and I will go, but I am going to be mighty picky about what I do. I am 69 years, and have bad genetics, so that means things jump out at me, and mow me down. I am pretty sure my blog is open to email comments. And any information you can give me, I would appreciate, as I had never heard of this problem until 5 weeks ago, when I saw a back surgeon because everyone thought I had a pinched sciatic nerve. .

  21. 🙂Your Post are gorgeous and useful.Thanks for sharing your good experience with us.You is an amazing artist! 🙂🙂


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