Friday, February 1, 2019

Around Oxford - Anglophile Friday

I mentioned on Wednesday's Medley post that I hoped to get an Anglophile Friday post up this week.  This is not by any means a travelogue, and we did not start in Oxford, but I thought I'd post these few photos of shots here and there around Oxford for today's post. Later I'll have photos of Christ Church Cathedral (of which you probably think you've already seen far too many, if there is such a thing).

Just a little aside, but I realized that it's February 1, which means our winter is about a third over. That is very good news! We're a little sick of the -30 F air temps.

Some woman whose photo ended up on my blog
I hope she doesn't mind.

 Tuppence a bag
Did you know that in 'Mary Poppins', the woman feeding the birds was named 'Tuppence Sabag'? (Our daughter had a friend who thought that. Isn't that cute!)

We walked instead, but I think the buses are so cute.

 Christ Church Cathedral. No surprise that there's a glorious cloud hovering above it. :-))

 I think this gnarled old vine is a bit prettier in the summertime. If you look closely, you'll see that I was trying to get a picture of that pigeon.

 These last shots are of the Great Hall at Christ Church College, Oxford University. Evidently this was a main filming location for the Harry Potter movies.

Unfortunately, dinner was not being served.

That's all for now, but we'll get back to Oxford eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Have a great weekend, everyone. Stay warm, all of you in the Upper Midwest!


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  1. Beautiful pictures, they make me want to visit! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Lovely photos. Don't know when we will be back there so nice to travel with you.

  3. Wonderful. You can't show me too many photos of Christ Church! Loved scrolling through these photos. I want to go back to Oxford and spend more then a day there.
    Stay cozy and warm!

  4. everything is so very different there than here. that church is amazing. love the big red bus and also the post box. what a trip you had

  5. Great pictures! I have never been so thanks for taking me along!! Those castle walls are glorious!

  6. Beautiful pictures!!! Love seeing all your pictures. Will you be going back this year? Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm.

  7. Hi Judy,
    I always enjoy your travel posts.

  8. My first thought was...that's a CHURCH? WOW! Beautiful photos! And I hope those temps have started to rise. (should I tell you that it was 73 when I hiked this that wouldn't be polite!lol) HUGS!!!

  9. It's always fun to see your London photos as they bring back lots of memories. Hope you are staying warm! Have a good weekend.

  10. Love all these photos, hope to get there one day as well. :-) Have a wonderful weekend!


  11. It's great that you have these wonderful photos to peruse while you endure those bone-numbing temperatures! Warm memories to inspire!

    'Tuppence Sabag' is perfect. :)

  12. Loved seeing the inside of Christ Church Hall. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Tuppence Sabag is very self-absorbed, isn’t she? (Singing so much about herself.) Yes, that is cute. As a child, I used to be so confused about names. Oh well, sometimes I am confused even now.

    Love that post box!

    I’d like to know what the lady is purchasing.

  14. Love them all! Thank you for sharing them with me.

  15. Judy, You have the best photos. I love the shop trimmed in blue on the door and window. That vine looks creepy without leaves. The things you have seen ….I love seeing them on your blog. Blessings, stay warm. xoxo, Susie

  16. It's cold here in the east as well. -30 Windchill's.. Not as much snow though. Thank heaven.. We will be up to 50 next week for a couple of days. This weather is crazy. I love sharing your travels.. especially the architecture.. Thanks for sharing. Cute post box. I hope you're having a good weekend.


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