Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Travel Diary of Samuel Peeps Day Six

I'm hearing that NW Wisconsin is getting sun and temps in the upper 60s. Hey, wait a minute! You are supposed to be getting the last of the snow shaken out of your system now, not after we return! Although a little cooler today, in fact cool enough that we decided not to go to the botanical gardens, we've had a pleasant day together. After a few minutes of P.G. Wodehouse while I waited for the others to get their showers, we had our breakfasts and headed out to the British Emporium.

I'm sure the British Emporium is the tourist destination of choice for all who come to Texas, right? I didn't seek it out, I'll have you know. It was suggested to me and I was merely agreeable. Anyway, while there, I found Irish tea, which Lolly says is far preferable to others, a Cadbury chocolate/whole nut bar, (the real British Cadbury, not the US version!) Turkish Delight (but, as I've found it before, it was coated with chocolate, rather than being covered in powdered sugar as was the stuff Edmund ate. Surely you know Edmund.)

There were lots of really cute tea pots, but it's not the tea pot I'm looking for; rather, the cute tea cozy to wrap around the tea pot I already have.
And we bought some Red Leicester cheese, as in 'Red Leicester, Yellow Leicester.' ;-)

Another lunch, this one at Boston Market. Aren't A&G cute!! :-)

Both Ang and I were a little weary of waiting for the camera to click.

Later, we perused a comic store with Gus and surprisingly found a used copy of
The Queen with Helen Mirren - cheap!

Angie's helping me with a few' html' problems I have on my two blogs, so I can get the 'Contact Me' buttons I made up and running.

Kevin and I walked to the corner store, where he bought tortilla chips and salsa. While there, I noticed the spice rack. Among other things, they sell star anise. It's a dried, woody plant. I've never seen it before, and wonder how it's used. Another Google query coming up.

Something I'm particularly interested in, and will look for at the antique mall in Denton, are war posters or postcards. When we were at the Churchill Cabinet War Rooms in London, they had several postcards that were replicas of WWII posters. I purchased a few 'home front' cards at that time, (my favorite) but haven't been able to locate them since, even at CCWR's online shop! After doing a Google search, I found this WWI poster online and thought you might like to see it.


  1. Well, Samuel can't be too violent this morning if Gus let him sit on his head. (maybe you just didn't let Gus see the YouTube video. :) When I seen the photo of the British Emporium in Texas, I said hey...wait a minute what is wrong with this picture. This is Texas not England. Where are the cowboy shops? Only you would be agreeable to go to England while visiting in Texas. :D

    I love the photo of you and Angie. It's beautiful. Also the one of Angie and Gus is very nice. So glad you are having fun. By the way this morning it was back to the deep freeze. (frost on the grass) It better stay spring is all I can say!!! Have a blessed day.
    P.S. Did you know if you click on Muker and then move your cursor all around the grass he follows you? (just a side note)

  2. Haven't seen any cowboys so far, but I know I can't avoid them forever. ;-)

    Muker has lots of attributes I wasn't aware of. Gus was fascinated by the little fellow, and found that if you click on the right side? it brings up a menu of things you can feed him! And when he eats, the food actually disappears. What a sheep!

    Make sure the frost is off the grass before we get home!


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