Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy 93rd Birthday Lloyd

My dad celebrated his 93rd birthday on Saturday. The photo above shows my dad on the right, seated with his mom Lydia and his younger brother Donald and little sister Lois. The photo was probably taken about 1923.

This photo had to have been taken about 1925, my dad and his sister Ruth posing with their Christmas presents.

In the spring of 1935, Dad was graduated from Barron Senior High School. I had not seen this photograph until a few weeks ago.

Dad and his girlfriend Maxine, later to be my mom. I'm not certain that this was taken before they were married, but I suspect so. Isn't my dad CUTE!!!  And look at those pants my mom is wearing! And the hair! Why is it that men just have the same old hairstyles decade after decade and don't have to look back in horror at old photographs of themselves. But women's hair styles, that's another story!

My dad on the left, along with someone else who apparently was also part of the crew of men who built the Alaska Highway. This photo was taken in 1942.

Having watched the PBS documentary about the building of the Alaska Highway, I have a little more appreciation for what those men went through. This was no piece of cake. Plus, Dad had left his wife and little son back home. It must have been a good short-term job that he would leave them and go so far away. But, when time are tough, you do what you have to do. I can hear him saying that.

Update: Dad fell and fractured his hip in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday, but was able to be up in a chair and enjoying company, thanks to Vicadin, and celebrating his birthday on Sunday afternoon, at the nursing home.  Here he is helping light the candles on his birthday cake.

Dad checking out baby Glenn, the first time he's seen him. Four generations:
Lloyd, Judy, Kevin, and Glenn. Happy Birthday Grandpa Nelson.


  1. I love the high school graduation photo! It is so unmistakably him. :)

  2. I so LOVE this post. I love every post that has to do with your dad. He is so special and to think he is celebrating 93 years of life and a good one too. :D I was up to the nursing home last night with Carol and I seen your dad. I visited with him and he was so sweet. He said I should know you and I told him who I was, your friend and Mike's wife. He said he had thought of Mike often and was thinking about how good his life had turned out. He said, 'Mike is a very good guy, isn't he?' I said 'He certainly is Lloyd.' What I was thinking was 'Lloyd you are a good guy and you never change your sweet personality.'

  3. Great post!! Love the pictures...yes, your dad's very cute and yes, men have it made on the hairstyle side of life and omgoodness, your mom's pants are back in!!! What a forwardfashion woman she was to be wearing pants of that nature back then, love the hair, that's another story, why oh why do we submit our hair to such tragedy generation after generation (my kids laugh at my "unicorn" hair from the 80's when we wore out bangs way up in the air, lol!!!!). What a wonderful b-day your dad celebrated, I just love multi-generational pictures :)

  4. Yes, my dad is a sweet guy with always such a good attitude. I wonder if my attitude will be like that at 93. If you know me, please just keep your opinion to yourself. :-)

    I still struggle with the hair issue. I'm so tempted to cut it all at 1 inch and see what happens.

  5. A life well-lived! Amazing how fast it goes and how things change over the years.


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