Sunday, June 20, 2010


Thanks to Mitzi from Southern Style for presenting me with the following awards:

Now, it's my turn to pass on the awards! So, to the recipients whom I will name shortly, my instructions are pretty simple and straight forward:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share up to 10 things about yourself.  Short & sweet

3. Pass the award along to up to 10 bloggers who you have recently discovered and think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award. -- of course!!!

SO, I did remember my manners and thanked Mitzi, and now I'm going to try to think of 10 things about myself which if you read really fast may not bore you to death! :-)

1. I love living in Northwestern Wisconsin with my patient husband and youngest son.

2. I have a Heavenly Father who calls me His child, though I've done nothing to deserve it and can do nothing to pay Him back.

3. I love making soaps and gardening makes me happy except for the part about weeding.

4. I love dogs and cats and hope everyone adopts a shelter pet.

5. After many years of avoiding her, I finally learned to love Jane Austen.

6. My favorite DVD has to be a tie between Dorothy L. Sayers'  Have His Carcase and Inspector Morse in Masonic Mysteries.

7. Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate with Hazelnut is my favorite!!!

8. I do a little sewing, a little knitting, a little baking, and lots of cooking.

9. My favorite reading is theology, historical fiction and biography, and British murder mysteries!

10. I want to win a round trip ticket and a year's stay (all expenses paid) to  some British coastal village. Sigh.

And now....

I want to pass these awards on to the following great bloggers! I hope you will visit them:

Cuz really - isn't it fun to get an award?? Kinda like a gold star on your chart - for bloggers. :-)


  1. Thank you so much my friend, blessings to you.

  2. Congrats on the award! Oh and I am totally with you regarding Jane Austen... avoided it forever, but now Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time favorite stories :)

  3. Aww, thank you!!!!!! Such fun...esp to be named along with some of our other bloggy buddies! Ooh, I'm going to have to think about 10 things...and 10 other blogs...there are so many great ones out there! Thanks again, sweet friend, you've made my day :)

    Oh, and I love your list, we have a lot in common!

  4. Thank you so much! :D What a blessing you are! :D


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