Monday, June 21, 2010

Faith of Our Fathers

Our firstborn son with his firstborn son.

We recently went to the cemetery to show the grandkids the stones of some of their ancestors. Isaac Timblin, our grandson's great great great great grandfather, whose headstone is pictured here, fought for the Union in America's Civil War. Apologies to my hero General Longstreet. Next to the headstone there is a United States flag along with a metal star and 'G.A.R.', standing for Grand Army of the Republic.

I think it's important for each generation to learn about those who've gone before - how they lived, the heritage of faith they passed on to us, how they worked and fought to make and keep us free.

I think it's interesting how even those who completely reject the very idea of God are surrounded by and daily take for granted the 'collateral benefit' from the blessing God has bestowed upon His people. No one can even imagine what it would be like for God to completely remove His hand from their lives. 

As Christ followers, we want to pass on a heritage of faith to our children. Not only do we love God, but we know that our only hope, plus the only hope for this country lies in repentance and obedience to God. 

II Chronicles 7:14: '...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.'

Repentance - the word little spoken in many of today's churches. 

I thank God for the heritage of faith in Jesus Christ that was passed down through the generations to me and my family. I am thankful for my own godly father and every father who teaches his children to love and trust Jesus.


  1. what a lovely post. i agree. one of the best gifts my husband has given his children is a love for the Lord, something neither of our fathers gave us.

  2. How amazing not only to know your heritage but have tangibles like that to show the next generations. That's it...I'm joining!!!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  3. Such a beautiful post my friend.

  4. That is a wonderful post. It is important to share our faith with our children and pass it through the generations!

  5. I've just come from visiting with my grandchildren, and we talked some about previous generations. This post made me think even more about the heritage and importance of faith through the generations. Thank you for sharing it.

  6. Enjoyed this post very much.
    Someone new for you to read about..Joshua Chamberlain..he fought for the North....lived in Maine and won the Cong. medal of Honor for his fighting in Gettysburg..was the 32nd governor of Maine...interesting character!

  7. I love this post! Your faith is very evident and that is refreshing! I totally agree that we should know of the people who came before us, after all I think there's a piece of them in us and the more we know about them, the more we can discover where we want to go!

  8. I is important for our kids to know about their family (past and present...they are always family)!! And faith is SO important!!


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