Thursday, June 3, 2010

June Flowers

I decided to take a few photos of the flowers that are currently blooming in my garden. By planting a few annuals among the perennials, I'm trying to make sure there's something blooming most of the time we don't have freezing temperatures!

When I was a kid, my maternal grandmother's backyard was almost entirely devoted to various types of irises. It was beautiful. I have very few varieties, but they always make me think of my grandma.

I'm always pleased when these bluish-purple irises bloom at the same time as the poppies. I love those colors together!

Ruffled purple iris and purple salvia. One can never have too much purple in the garden!

This purple and white variety is one of my favorites, and was given to me by my mother several years ago. Mom got some iris tubers from my grandma's garden, so this is a direct descendant of my grandma's irises.

Just some impatiens I planted to have color all summer. The irises won't be around long.

This is the 'black iris.' It is really more of a deep blackish burgandy with a slightly ruffled edge. I love it. It took many years before the thing finally bloomed, but when it did, it was definitely worth the wait!

The delicate, crepe paper-looking poppy. I love these. Unlike my husband's grandpa who tried to mow these out of existence every summer, I cherish the few poppies I have that produce blossoms each year.

The brown-burgandy iris is one that I got from my sister. I planted them in a 'nursery' (not permanent location) bed and there are a zillion blossoms this spring! I really need to spread the joy around!

Last but not least, the lovely rose which grows in abundance and lives to try to choke out every other flower in the garden. It really is very pretty, but I need to find a way to contain it!

So that's what's blooming here on June 3 in NW Wisconsin, in my yard. What's blooming where you are?


  1. Oh, so beautiful! This post takes my breath away...I really do admire a good photographer with a green thumb, what a combination! I would love to share what I have blooming, but I'm afraid I've been dubbed the "black thumb" of the family! My sister can simply smile at her garden and the flowers seem to sing (same with my maternal grandmother!), on the other hand, can kill the hardiest of plants from a mile away (must've come from my paternal grandmother, lol)! Thanks for sharing such beauty!

  2. Gorgeous flowers. How can anyone not see God in creation? Only He could make a rose!

  3. Lovely flowers! Cute kids! And the mounds bars look delicious! You have a new follower:)

  4. Wow! Georgeous flowers! :D I love to take pictures of flowers. :D

  5. Your irises are exquisite. What a gardener you must be. Please stop by to check out our glass vessel sink giveaway if you have time. Jane F


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