Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Snips and Snails and Puppydog Tails

What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails and puppydog tails,
That's what little boys are made of.

So that's what little boys are made of, they say. What do little boys like?

...Grandpa's 'big blue truck,' always a great attraction!

...Grandpa's ugly old riding lawn mower piece of junk that doesn't work. The little boys were arguing over who got to sit on 'the cool lawn mower,' not to be confused with the nicer new one that actually can mow a lawn!

...water balloons


 I can't remember which of the granddaughters made him the foil hat. :-)

...old keys hung on their belt loop lights that can be folded and put in the pocket, and with just the right amount of imagination, can be used as so many different tools! It can even receive cellphone calls!



My daughter-in-law tells me there's an amazing amount of stuff she finds in their pants pockets at laundry time. :-)

And now there's another little boy ready to be trained by the bigger brothers. It's an endearing and kinda scary thought. ;-)

And don't forget the little boy cousin who's due to arrive the end of August. We're hoping they will be living close by. After all, someone's got to train him to have an eye for really good junk for his pockets!

P.S. It really isn't limited to boys, cuz I remember all the good stuff I dragged home when I was a kid.

Did you have a box or jeans pocket full of treasures when you were little?

This post is linked to Woo Hoo Wednesday
AND Just for the Joy of It  


  1. Beautiful photos. I love the one of grandpa. I swear it is only the grand-kids that can make the grandparents act like they are 5 again. (and it doesn't seem to matter if they are 55 or 85) :D

  2. Thank you so much for your comment on my post. I love your statement on your blog, your interests, your favorite books and movies. We are like-minded sisters, kindred spirits! We visited Wisconsin about 4 years ago; what a lovely state. In His joy, Gloria

  3. Adorable!! All that little boy energy :) Woo Hoo! Um, love your dad's hat.....and I love it that he's not too old to be silly. Thanks for linking to Woo Hoo! Wednesday and sharing your fun.

  4. Love this post! Now, that's what life is all, family, and fun!! Every little boy needs a picture of him and Grandpa in an ol' truck or a riding lawn mower or John Deere tractor!!

  5. I Made the hat..

    - Lydia

  6. I love grandpa's hat!!!

    I'm your newest follower from iFellowship.

    Blessings to you,

  7. I thought you'd made the hat, Lydia, but wasn't absolutely sure. Great look for Gpa, don't you think! :-)

  8. Beautiful photos and post! Having 2 boys myself I could really relate. :)

    It's nice to meet you through iFellowship! ♥ Michelle

  9. Love the pictures! I linked this blog entry up to my Facebook account to share. I especially love the picture of the boys and Kevin together in the truck...and of course Lydia's tin foil hat! Ha ha! Most of all, I just love having you two as my children's grandparents. :D


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